Friday, August 25, 2017

Moody Contribution to the World

              D L Moody could never have realized his reach toward the world, not just the great Moody Church in Chicago, the Bible Institute. Radio programs, the great Moody press. The world will little remember what one man has done, but God knows what this one man did in his life. Satan is on the move, he wants to take every child to Hell with him. When will parents realize that their greatest ambition in raising a child, from this short time on Earth, who spend eternity with that child in Heaven. Do most "pue warmers" actually think of eternity? If one bird picked up one grain of sand and walked 2,000 miles around the Earth to deposit that grain on another shore, one bird- every shore- every field- every ocean bottom, eternity has just begun.

Fait Acconpli

           Children who believe in God, those chosen to serve him know without the shadow of doubt, that the world is on the brink of destruction: same sex marriages, unisex bathrooms, 72 percent of all black children aborted, a military made up of queers and lesbians, does anyone with an IQ above room temperature think we can survive? Preachers are afraid to mention hell from the pulpit, teachers are only concerned with teaching sex, parents are on the fast track to hell, not caring if they ever see their children again after death. The college and university professors are promoting the idea that eternal life is just a fable, that God's plan for salvation is just a fairy tail. I challenge anyone to question anything that this old-blind-dying man has said.

Veterans Administration

                   The most inept agency of federal government, and second largest employer in the nation, Veterans Administration. The 116,000 vets buried on foreign soil, the thousands brought home in recent wars to be buried at their family graveyard ALL thought they were giving all they had to give for a nation that would appreciate their sacrifice. This totally blind 100 percent disabled medical officer vet: serving in army hospitals, observing VA hospitals, has yet to ever hear one vet express appreciation for their spastic- inadequate care. Employees of VA, like all government employees are interested in only 2 things, their paycheck now and their retirement. As one general officer said to me as I lay in a veterans bed, after a VA nurse had spat on me, "Colonel, just keep breathing and you will be able to draw a nice check." (Please President Trump, the average citizens of this nation expect you to drain that swamp-clean out that hog pen.)

                   The fake media most never served do not care for veterans anymore than they care for you. Their main interest is to destroy this nation and I pray that God will lead a few that draw that mantra to the attention of others.

Health of Dr. Morris

          Dr. T R Morris, retired US army Lt. Col., world traveler (passport stamped in 157 countries) a totally blind, 100 percent disabled, retired US army medical officer has been in a battle with cancer for 15 years, recently the cancer has spread over his entire body and he is being treated at Zimmer Cancer Clinic. To this minute, he is still involved in his many business and other activities, but spends much time in bed.
            Oncologist (cancer specialist) are using experimental chemotherapy drugs: very expensive coming from a special laboratory. It will be days or weeks if we find they are effective. Otherwise, his favorite verse of scripture, Romans, 8:28, and he is convinced that all things are working out for his good because he loves god. Pray that god will have his way with his life or his death.

Kate Smith, God Bless America

Tuesday, August 1, 2017


Smile on the Face of a Snake

“She remembered the story from her childhood, about Adam and Eve in the garden, and the talking snake. Even as a little girl she had said - to the consternation of her family - What kind of idiot was Eve, to believe a snake? But now she understood, for she had heard the voice of the snake and had watched as a wise and powerful man had fallen under its spell.
Eat the fruit and you can have the desires of your heart. It's not evil, it's noble and good. You'll be praised for it.

And it's delicious.” 

The most complex creation that our creator God created was the mind of a human being.

            Before the Earth was formed, in the council chambers of eternity, God chose us for life. It is beyond my comprehension that anyone can destroy a human life...a human mind. I truly believe that in the future, abortion will be declared as insane as was slavery. The human mind is the only of animals that knows it's going to die. Other animal species, from those without backbones, to those who have superior mentality and a comprehension of life. This writer has been blessed to see animal life all over the world...herds of Elephants in Africa, Wildebeests, Buffalo. I saw animals, so perfect in their outerwear, that they blended totally with the bushes. I saw thousands of Hippos in rivers...lined up so that they looked like a cobblestone street. With all the grandeur of so many animals, WHY did God feel it necessary to create insects? Like Mosquitoes, house-flies, or other pests like termites? Or, why was it necessary for God to create a snake; especially a talking one?

            And so it was that henpecked Adam stood right there and saw his wife Eve submit to the temptation of a talking snake. Think about this job, in Africa, as well as in Florida, I saw snake farms where snakes were produced for their venom, to fight snake-bites (cure).  On one of the worst days of my life, a photography safari in Africa, the weather so hot I could hardly breathe...for some strange reason, the very same day, I was charged by a rouge Elephant, and almost bitten by the most poisonous of all snakes. But there, as here, as in every day of my life, Grace was there for me to live through it all. The greater question, why do human beings have such a fascination with snakes? I live in the tourist section of a large City...right on the riverbank. Within throwing distance of my home is a herpetarium, where a crazy couple charges people to see their snakes. They had a large collection, and I always felt that if a hurricane came through and headed straight for those buildings, tearing them all down that those snakes would head right for my house. Maybe all that worry is over. In the past year, the woman killed her husband in the living quarters above their "snake-show."

            My own father almost died from snake venom, bitten one night when he walked barefoot to the tobacco-curing barns. Back then, early 20th century, few automobiles, his brother had to hitch up a buggy and go to town to get the doctor. The first cars were owned by Doctors, and one Doctor came out to our farm and saved his life. But, we always had such a hatred for snakes...their slimy, putrid, useless lives. I cannot believe that snakes have ever done any good, except for the world to know that sin entered the world because people could not follow instructions, "Don't touch that tree." And, God sent his only son to crush the head of the serpent, and deliver those who would grasp his righteousness; a true sacrifice for all sin.

            The snake must surely smile when he sees human-beings submitting to temptation...we never learned anything; addictions, adultery, abominations of every sort, all because the human-being is conquered instead of being the conqueror.  You do not teach a child to sin. It is in us from birth. If only we could teach, preach, portend that man's only redemption/salvation is in the precious blood of Jesus; shed for our sins, the perfect sacrifice to redeem us forever from the snare/smile of a snake. 
Peepholes Into Hell

The Tyger

Tyger Tyger, burning bright,
In the forests of the night;
What immortal hand or eye,
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?

In what distant deeps or skies.
Burnt the fire of thine eyes?
On what wings dare he aspire?
What the hand, dare seize the fire?

And what shoulder, & what art,
Could twist the sinews of thy heart?
And when thy heart began to beat,
What dread hand? & what dread feet?

What the hammer? what the chain,
In what furnace was thy brain?
What the anvil? what dread grasp,
Dare its deadly terrors clasp!

When the stars threw down their spears
And water'd heaven with their tears:
Did he smile his work to see?
Did he who made the Lamb make thee?

Tyger Tyger burning bright,
In the forests of the night:
What immortal hand or eye,
Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?

    Shakespeare rightly said, "All the world is a stage." C.S. Lewis said, rightly so, "You are a soul with a body."

    It's far, far better to lose friends, family, popularity; everything the world has to offer, etc.. and it's so enticing...than to lose Jesus. Your life-story is not your own; rather, it is "punctuated" by so many people you have known.

    In the "Hall's of Justice," the only justice is in the hall's. In the Naves of Cathedrals, the only salvation is in the nails that hold the walls together. No matter how fine the parents, Sunday schools, most people are attracted to degenerates; although the gift of salvation has been afforded at so great a sacrifice and cost. Even Jesus told us that most people, even our friends/families, would find the broad road to Hell.

    Have you ever considered taking a "peep" into hell? It is real. Every human being is one day closer to either Heaven, or Hell. Scripture teaches more about Hell than Heaven. Multiplied billions of pew-warmers can read God's word about Hell, without it changing them one iota. These readers are just better-educated pagans. The difference between a true Christian and a non-Christian is that direct communication that the believer in God has with him through prayer. Just think, the one who made the world and everything in it, and you have a direct communication with him through prayer...most of all, a free GIFT!

Looking into the peephole, why should not anyone want to escape it? This writer has been blind most of his life. I'm so tired of running into things, having someone lead me around...just imagining everything in my world. So many young people told me that they would not mind going to Hell, simply because all their friends would be there. Little do they realize, they will see NOTHING in Hell...although, they may hear the screams of their friends/family. But, Hell it is a low-some blackness, as well as the flames which never go out. We are taught that it is like falling into a just fall forever, trying to catch onto something, the sides of something, useless (attempts at) salvation.

You so enjoyed profanity, and pornography while on Earth. You did not want to be around "clean-minded" people. You chose the low road instead of the high road in life. You chose ugliness instead of beauty. You chose evil instead of good. You chose popularity instead of decency. You chose low-minded friends instead of Christian friends...populations of the weak, instead of populations seeking strength. You made your choice, and now you have to live with that choice; not just for a few days, weeks, or years, but for forever. It is too late to change your mind. People who could not stand Christians/decency/cleanliness while alive, will now spend eternity in the "second-death;" a death of torment.

You thought you were so smart...that believing in God, the sacrifice of his precious son, Jesus, was just a fairy-tale; even though every historical/scientific/physical fact of life has told you otherwise. You preferred death to life, and now you have eternal death.

The last word's of Shakespeare's Macbeth, spoken by the doctor, "God help us all!"