We should be thrilled to know there is a God much greater than the one we believe in. The true Easter message, we can bury our own mythological ideas about God. His Holiness/greatness are far beyond our understanding. But, who could worship a God that we can understand? Because He was willing to put on a tent of human flesh, dwell among us, die for us, allow us to join Him in His resurrection from the dead we might even conceive of Satan standing by the "Broad way" saying, "those are mine" and Jesus standing by the narrow way, stating with great delight, "these few saints on the narrow way are mine". (KJV Matthew 7:13-14).
The thrill of Easter "again, like Christmas, defaced by commercialism with rabbits laying eggs/and now like small children now, adults having egg hunts". The consolation of leaving a saved loved one in the graveyard BECAUSE, like every other promise of God those who have believed in the saving grace and sacrifice, and resurrection of His son will also resurrect. And, the soul which instantly goes to Heaven or Hell at death will be reunited with the body whether the body was buried in dirt, in the ocean, or cremated. We must learn to believe in a God of grace and glory that is beyond anything that we can comprehend; not a generalized God who walks around as a police man but a God of power, grace, and mercy who has the very hairs of our head numbered; by whose stripes we are healed from any disease (KJV Isaiah 53:5) and life's greatest consolation for the believer, His promise "I will never leave thee nor forsake thee" (KJV Hebrews 13:5); a God whose tender embrace knows every one's name. Just think, we mere weaklings, human beings entrapped/tethered to our own "smartness" think that our wisdom is greater than that of God. We want God in our image, not ours in His. We like chocolate rabbits laying colored eggs. We like a "bell-hop" God, one we can call on, only in time of need. We want a God who is happy if we show up to worship Him one hour to the week, often dragging in late, even giving him a few tips when the offertory plate is passed, having the audacity to sing with real believers "my Jesus I love thee, I know thou art mine". We do not want to be different in language/dress/activities. We think God was joking when He said "Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God" (1 Corinthians 10:31 King James Version (KJV).
Personally, I resent the "unsaved world" taking over our Christian Holy days making them secular holidays. I had a member of the millennial generation doing some typing for me; I asked the question, "why are young people so unconcerned about life and living?" She said, "We are just indifferent to it all". I asked a black woman who works for me, "what is taught and preached in the black churches? Don't they realize their numbers in prison, etc.", she said, "they simply don't care"...such a price Jesus paid "for it all".
Satan has already driven the Christian message inside places of worship and very little worship goes on in the church house. Our churches are more like civic clubs. Look around your church and see how many crosses are on the walls. Even the Catholics have begun to remove crucifixes from their walls.
We must get real in our belief system, in this day of casual death "abortions/euthanasia", Christianity must become real, the miles Mary walked from Nazareth to her cousin Elizabeth's house, I judge 750 miles, the millions of Jews walked along with Egyptians to take Jacob home for burial, The miles Thomas walked in crossing the Himalayas to India; there to die at Madras from a Brahma sword, Dr. Luke hanged from an olive tree in Greece, Bartholomew, skinned alive, Mark, dragged through the streets of Alexandria, Egypt, Paul beheaded, Peter crucified, the youngest disciple who joined Jesus at age 17, boiled in oil then exiled to Pat mos and there have been many others, then until now on this side of the cross, "(Of whom the world was not worthy:) they wandered in deserts, and in mountains, and in dens and caves of the earth". (Hebrews 11:38 King James Version (KJV).
Our ancestors had little light at night, but read the Bible, the answer book. The Jews had no light, little methods of writing or reading, could not understand that Jesus would rise on the third day. If they had understood, they would have been at the grave yard, waiting. So, nothing surprises God, 2000 years ago or now. Nothing surprised Him on the other side of the cross, the beguiled children of Israel or the 7 nations they had to conquer. Nothing surprised Him before the flood of Noah, when everyone was doing what they wanted to do but, when the rains came and the water reached their nostrils, covered the highest mountain tops, and those who were saved along with the animals He chose to save, floated away, they had reason to believe. Our time will come.