Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Shooting Spitballs at a Battleship

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, so help me God.”

Presidential Oath, U.S.A.

This writer knows about traveling distances-- 8 round-the-world trips, passports stamped in 157 countries-- just one trip containing 48 flights.

Yet, the greatest distance know to man is the 14 inches between a man's brain and his heart. God made the heart. For centuries of belief, no one questioned the sovereignty of God. Saints, of whom the earth was not worthy (Heb 11:38), suffered and died for the cause of Christ. God will showcase, for all eternity, those who trusted him--- who knew his son worthy of fellowship. Fuzzy thinking has caused academia, the scientific world, and certainly the world of "political correctness," shown forth in a elitist-atheist media, to bring on greater Christian suffering than ever before. It is not the atheist of the world--such as a Dawkins or Hitchens-- which concerns this blind writer, but rather the spectators and pretenders who fill church pews.

In my lifetime, 83 years, the fantasy world of Roger Baldwin (founder of the ACLU) has come to pass.
“I am for socialism, disarmament, and ultimately, for abolishing the state itself as an instrument of violence and compulsion. I seek social ownership of property, the abolition of the properties class, and sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal. It all sums up into one single purpose — the abolition of dog-eat-dog under which we live. I don’t regret being part of the communist tactic. I knew what I was doing. I was not an innocent liberal. I wanted what the communists wanted and I traveled the United Front road to get it.”
–ACLU Founder, Robert Baldwin

Even on the day he was married, he said there should be no limitations to the sexual activities of he or his wife. Margret Sanger, founder of planned parenthood, called blacks and other "less desirable" humans, "weeds." We truly wrestle against the powers of darkness (Eph 6), much like the "post-birth abortion" activities going on in the Texas legislature at present (children killed after birth) or America exerting its eugenics influence around the world (trip by John D. Rockefeller and John Foster Dulles) after WWII-- seeking to limit populations below the 30th parallel, where most of the worlds poverty is found. An innocuous 13-word prayer removed the bible and prayer from public schools in 1963. Prayer was replaced by police patrolling the halls. A fraud lawsuit, (Roe v. Wade, 1973,) brought on the abortion of 53 million innocent babies-- babies which had done no harm to anyone, only wanting a chance to live, pay taxes, and work for this nation. Now, the zenith of paganism-aspiration of the gay-agenda supreme court legitimizing same sex marriage (2013) -- positively bringing Satan's ambitions and destroying our national motto (found on every fiat currency, whether a 1 or a $100 note,) "In God We Trust."

All god wants from those who love him is TRUST. He sent his son to redeem a fallen world. Jesus "paid it all" on a cruel cross, but even that would not be enough without his resurrection. Even 2000 years ago, some questioned his resurrection-- the Jews stole the body, his disciples moved the body, the women in the graveyard were confused, or, the silliest of all-- as if one could overcome the brutal piercings of a roman crucifixion-- he was resuscitated in the grave, or worst of all, everyone was hallucinating.

He rose from the dead, ensuring our resurrection from the dead. Like shooting spitballs at a great battleship, the world has tried to conquer the Christian faith. The hope of the world-- the only hope-- is the Christian message.

There are five gospels in God's book: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John AND, the most important gospel of all, the gospel of you. Most people never read the other four gospels, but they do know the gospel of you. From 1799 until 1892, the supreme court-- which has now destroyed the home-- declared America a Christian nation. My ancestors landed from the good ship Kent on the shores of New Jersey in 1677 and founded the city of Morristown. Moving south, dirt farmers knew, not only the love of god, but also the love of country. Since the founding of this nation, they celebrated Independence Day and the opportunities given by this nation. 

The one thing my parents/ grandparents talked about until their deaths, was the yearly 4th of July picnic on the grounds of the local two-room school house. All of the families in the countryside would come for ball games and a huge picnic. This was before the time of power lines, phone lines, water lines, even vehicles. My old uncle would take a wagon with a team of horses to a nearby town and buy a block of ice. One day of the year, there was ice tea, milkshakes, and homemade ice cream. There might be a local politician making a speech, but parents took pride in the programs of their children-- the land owners, tenant farmers, black-white, Baptist, Quakers, Methodists-- they knew the love of God and country and they all came together to celebrate.

The year in which 2 of my great-grandfathers were born (1848) Alexis de Tocqueville came from France to write about America. He said, "When America ceases to be good, America will cease to be great."

Just below my house on the cape fear river is permanently berthed the U.S.S. North Carolina. It would take more than the spitballs of democrat-liberal-ACLU members to sink such a battleship.

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