Friday, August 30, 2013

Bottom Line

Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.

Psalm 19:14


The Red Button Problem

By Catherine Austin Fitts
In the summer of 2000, I asked a group of 100 people at a conference of spiritually committed people who would push a red button if it would immediately stop all narcotics trafficking in their neighborhood, city, state and country. Out of 100 people, 99 said they would not push such red button. When surveyed, they said they did not want their mutual funds to go down if the U.S. financial system suddenly stopped attracting an estimated $500 billion-$1 trillion a year in global money laundering. They did not want their government checks jeopardized or their taxes raised because of resulting problems financing the federal government deficit.
Our financial profiteering and complicity is not limited to aristocrats and the elites who do their bidding. Our financial dependency on unsustainable economics is broad, ingrained and deep.

In my youth I would travel long distances to hear the great preacher, Vance Havner, wherever he was preaching. He once said, "I have always learned something from every sermon I have heard, but there have been some close calls." I have always attempted to learn something from every sermon, every communication. When I was younger-- with my own professional medical practice-- whenever I was in another person's office, I either saw something I wanted to use on my own, or saw something which I had better never see in my own. It is the same with every conversation and activity witnessed. We always learn.

Recently, while sitting on the front porch of my beach house-- and you know that I am sightless-- with the house next to me rented for the week, I heard a mother and her son returning from the beach just a short distance away. I judged the child to be a toddler (2-3 years old). She was encouraging the child at the bottom of the steps to go upstairs with her for lunch. He would not traverse the steps and was throwing a total fit. She started up the steps herself and he threw more of a fit. She retreated, apologizing and begging him to come up stairs. I thought to myself-- and this world traveler has seen such all over the world--, "This is what is basically wrong today, children manipulating their parents." In a world of lies and deceit, everything, political, sociological-- even spiritual-- is the manipulation by Satan. Satan must be very happy that he is in control.

Over the planet, the cheapest way to prosperity is slavery. The problem is that most human beings do not realize when they have been enslaved. Traveling through remote areas of the world (African bush countries, Asian desolation-- such as in Afghanistan, Pakistan, India and China), natives have never known anything but slavery.... survival. The western world knows better. Yet we vote for slavery. The 1% of the population who are rich (military industrial complexes / banks / Big Pharma / Big Medicine) are profiteering from the work of the common man-- in America this is 95% of the population. This is why the politicians, bankers and industrialists keep wars going. I have never know a politician-- federal, state or local-- who did not leave office much richer than when he entered. The quickest way to get rich in America is elected office. Their salaries are not that great, whether president, congressman, state legislator or county commissioner, but they all live "high on the hog" while in office, and leave very wealthy. I defy you to find one exception. President Lyndon Johnson went to Washington as a very poor man and left with $53 Million-- which in today's money would make him nearly a billionaire. The same goes for Clinton, Carter, and the Bushes (both 41 and 43)-- although the Bushes, because of Grandfather Prescott wheeling and dealing with the Nazis in WWII, were already rich. Poor Martha Stewart went to jail for insider trading, but the halls of Congress are full of stockbrokers doing insider trading with members of congress.

Unbelievers-- even children-- recognize hypocrisy. Catholics and Baptists, the nation's two largest denominations, with their emphasis on living for Christ, family life and pro life, could elect all elected officials. But, Catholics and Baptists are just playing games with God, professing what they do not possess. It all involves the bottom line; they love prosperity, living comfortably in big homes, comfortable vehicles, and the comfort of country clubs and expensive restaurants. The 21st century church and the 21st century pastor want to fight God's battle from air conditioned fox holes. The time is approaching when government will tell the Christian church, as well as all religiosity, that we can only practice and observe our faith inside our worship building. The secular world, which took over long ago, will not permit religious faith on the street, at the schoolhouse, or the courthouse, and in many cases, particularly with foster children, even in your house.

Monster politicians, such as Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, Pol Pot, and Adolph Hitler have caused the deaths of millions. Stalin said, "One death is considered a tragedy, 1,000 a statistic." He was responsible for close to 100 million deaths of his fellow Russians. Bashar al-Assad, upon the death of his father in Syria, was a doctor in London. Now, as president of Syria, 1.5 million of his fellow citizens have fled their country-- women and children. At a time when America has spent $1.7 trillion on the past 10 years of warfare, across the world, 25,000 people starve each day (World Food Programme). As one reared in a type of poverty, I know you never get over it. This world traveler-- later so blessed by God-- saw refugees at the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan. It is against international law to take pictures at a border crossing, but I broke the law with a very small camera. Refugees, their possessions in bags carried on their backs, their small children in rags, stood barefoot on the icy ground. How long will God withhold his judgment?

He who testifies to these things says, "Yes, I am coming quickly." Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.

Revelation 22:21 (Last word in God's word)

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