Friday, January 3, 2014


One Misty Moisty Morning

Steeleye Span

One misty moisty morning when cloudy was the weather
I met with an old man a-clothed all in leather
He was clothed all in leather with a cap beneath his chin
Singing how do you do and how do you do and how do you do again
This rustic was a thresher as on his way he hied
And with a leather bottle fast buckled by his side
He wore no shirt upon his back but wool unto his skin
Singing how do you do and how do you do and how do you do again

Many have asked this writer, world-traveler (8 round-the-world trips, passport stamped in 157 countries, every continent), "What is the most exciting place you have ever visited?" I would have to say, considering the beauty and differences in all parts of the world, that nothing compares to Antarctica, and particularly the penguins. There are 17 species of penguins; Emperor, tall; Macaronis, small, so friendly. I felt I was in a Kool cigarette commercial the entire time I was there. The Adelie penguin is the most common penguin in Antarctica! After a long winter in the Southern Hemisphere, the Adelie penguins make their way to their mating grounds throughout coastal Antarctica. The male and female penguins strut and bray, hoping to attract the attention of another Adelie penguin. When a special penguin catches their eye, the Adelie penguin presents the penguin of their affection with a stone. If the penguin accepts the stone, they start a bond for life. Each new spring, the couples find each other again; and again, a new stone is presented as a token of affection.

These days, unlike any other days in history, and for many of us the final days of world history (New World Order, globalism, gay agenda) news items, conversations, and new regulations, from the white house to the courthouse, to your house, all involve sex. The actress Bette Davis said, "The act of sex, gratifying as it may be, is God's joke on humanity." It must be a real embarrassment to most parents of young children that they are constantly bombarded by the media, the government, everywhere you turn, with emphasis on sex-- particularly the abomination of same-sex marriage and the destruction of a super-power military by gays on the front line. Surveys have shown that the gay population is about 3% of the national population. We know that the black population is about 13%, and think what their emphasis on civil rights has done. Nothing compares to the chaos caused by the gay agenda-- if it is that small-- LGBT rights, even to the extent that if a boy feels like a girl one day, can go into the girls bathroom/ locker-room and prance around with the girls. The question is, "How did we get here?"
It started in the Garden of Eden with God's creation of man and woman, with the need for animals to multiply-- and multiply they did.

And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth
Genesis 1:11

Everything, flora and fauna, fertilizing-reproducing, male and female, opposites attracting "after its kind."

The entire world is electricity. The elementary school student is capable of studying the atom, with its positive and negative forces. Every chemical equation is balanced by positive and negative values. Every law of physics, even gravitational forces, operating systems on our planet, and others, are all because of positive and negative attraction. Even some languages, such as French, are comprised of words with feminine and masculine gender.

I was at the university in 1953 when Crick and Watson published Molecular Structure of Nucleic Acids: A Structure for Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid. I thought that this would surely eternally clarify the makeup of the human being. I still believe that one day a gene, or other indicator, in the individual cell, will show which person is chosen of God, and which are not. Everything about you, the many pages of your ancestry, are in each of the billion cells in your body. I can say, without fear of contradiction, that to date, there is nothing in your DNA which indicates you are bi-sexual, homosexual, or any of these other things, even try-sexual (people who will try anything). From years of observation and study, talking with confused, deviant, perverted people, I am convinced that, just as you have male or female plumbing at birth (with the exception of hermaphrodites), the child trained masculine-feminine, will never go through the horror of sexual identification. Fathers should train their boys to be men. Mothers should train their daughters to be women. There is no pseudo-science as wrecking as psychology. Most sexual problems lay at their doorstep. One psychologist believed that if you gave a girl trucks, she would become boyish. When her father came into her room, she said, "The trucks, my babies, are covered and asleep. Please be quiet." My cousin was brought up by a father who wanted a boy. He always had her doing "male" things with him-- working on the car, repairing plumbing, etc. An only child, with her mother's heart broken, she died a lesbian. I never knew a gay male who ever referred to his father. There is purity in parenting. In the Civil War, before anesthesia, it was perfectly permissible to get a patient drunk on alcohol before surgery, but not so today. We know what causes most psychological sexual disorders (homosexuality was considered a disorder until recently), now everyone, particularly Hollywood and the news media, wants all sexual activity glorified.

The first words thrown at me: You are judging someone. I stood on the mount of beatitudes in Galilee, where Jesus spoke about judging. He was talking about judging the heart of another person. We do not know what is in another person's heart, only God knows that. Clinics and hospitals are full of people so confused by sex. The genius of creation, the magnificence of God, is variety. The first family on earth had two very different brothers. Cain killed Able. The first Jew, Abraham had twin grandsons-- the difference between Jacob and Esau, Jacob a "mama's boy." Jacob produced the 12 tribes of Israel. Esau became a great man in his own right, and so it has been ever since. At least until the 21st century, confused, or whatever, staying in the closet. Parents were not offended, children not confused, by those who kept their secretive sexual activity behind closed doors.

I hear, particularly on radio talk shows, well-intended believers in God, speaking about God's book, and what it has to say about homosexuality, such as in the first chapter of Romans. Of course, the homosexual community plays games with God TOO. Those who believe in same-sex marriage, open homosexual activity, bi-sexual accommodations (bath and locker rooms, etc.) do not believe in God's word, do not want to hear God's word. To satisfy their lust, they are willing to take a chance with God, jobs, public acceptance, or anything else.

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