Thursday, October 30, 2014

Santa Has Come To Town

Forwarded from a friend...


Did you receive your Medicare Handbook for 2015 yesterday? If you have already received yours in the mail please turn to page 12 and go down to the bottom of the page and read Find out what you pay for Medicare (Part A and Part B) . It states that the premium and deductible amounts were not available at the time of printing. It further states you may call 1-800-633-4227 to get the most up-to-date info.

I did just that and talked with a Medicare representative. She told me that they probably would not have those figures in until the end of the first week or possibly the second week of November.

Now, let that sink in!

As soon as she stated that to me I replied , "My, isn't that convenient for the Obama Administration to actually hold off on those figures until after the 2014 election results."

There was dead silence on the other end of the line. I told her thank you and that I would call back.

You see on our Social Security increase for next year we are only receiving an increase of around 1%. Even the military are getting just over 1%. You can bet after the November 4th election the increases for Medicare A & B will be greater than any 1%. That is why they are delaying what the increases will be. Because if they had put it in that handbook, any elderly would be voting against the Democrats.

So anyone voting for the Democrats in the forthcoming elections deserves to get the increases that are coming after November 4th.

Addition Dr. Morris: 

This totally blind, 100% disabled service connected, medical officer veteran of the Korean War era, could become very discouraged and depressed.

I never thought Obama would be elected president the first time, and certainly did not think he would be elected the second time. It seems that with the country in the condition that it is in, there would be no political competition at all in this election. Yet, we are told that $4 Billion has been spent on the midterm elections, November 4, 2014. In North Carolina, we are told that $100 Million has been spent on just the senatorial race. This is almost inconceivable. I voted yesterday. Arrangements have been made for early voting and the disabled can just drive up and a voting official comes out to handle the paperwork and ballots. It took almost one hour, the voting official was so inept when handling the votes cast by me and my driver, a state of complete confusion with the official. I just hope that my ballot gets counted. 

In my lifetime, there has been a total metamorphosis, the change in my country has been almost incomprehensible. It was just a few years ago that we were completely unfamiliar with the term "trillion". Now, my country is in debt over $17 Trillion AND when all future obligations and entitlements are considered the figure is nearly $70 Trillion... a debt that can never be repaid.

The word sacrifice is a very unpopular word. You never hear it anymore, not from pastors OR politicians. When I think of the sacrifices that have been made for my country, my own ancestors, one of North Carolina's first families to settle, what they sacrificed to build the homes, schools, churches. 

Those of us who have known those who have worn the uniforms realize men and women much better than us (over 165,000 buried on foreign soil), died thinking they were dying for the greatest experience in government and liberty the world has ever known. They would not recognize what has happened. My parents, grandparents, great grandparents (and I was fortunate enough to know mine, most children born in America today have no knowledge of their family), knew nothing but hard work and hard times... and they were land owners. I still think of the sharecroppers-tenant farmers-millworkers (particularly the black people who were subjected to every form of bigotry), the trials and tribulations they endured. Have our educators (particularly universities), have our pastors, have our politicians (elected and appointed) become so desensitized, so unconcerned in their thinking, so inconsiderate of history, that they are just willing to stand by and see a great nation just fail and fall, as did the Roman, Greek, and other civilizations?

For the Christian, even in America today, we take humble umbrage in the fact that greatness lies ahead for us, what could be better than heaven? For the unsaved, nothing is going to get any better in America or anywhere else.

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