Saturday, August 29, 2015

Hollywood Can Wait


Now am I one day nearer Heaven than I ever was!

(Richard Steele, "A Discourse Concerning Old-age, Tending to the Instruction, Caution and Comfort of Aged People" 1688)

Though it is possible for the young to die soon--yet it is impossible for the aged to live long. Their manifest decays are a certain forecast of their approaching dissolution. No medicine has yet been found to cure old-age. The graves are ready for them, and the worms wait for their meal upon them! The moth of mortality, which is bred in our nature, will still be fretting the garment of our bodies, until they are consumed. Death is already got into the aged person'seye and ear--and in a short time will bring him unto the dust. 

Now though death is an unwelcome messenger to those who live for this poor world--yet to a holy old man and woman, it is a blessed privilege. For as looking backward they see a tempting troublesome world--so looking forward they see a state of perfect holiness and happiness prepared for them. The end of their fight--is the beginning of their victory. As they part from their earthly labors--they take possession of their heavenly honors.

The aged Christian sees a woeful wilderness behind him--and the blessed land of promisebefore him. It is therefore no wonder that, with Moses, he longs to be in it! For where should the spouse desire to be, but with her husband? And upon this account, that holy Lady Falkland would usually say when she was going to bed, "Now am I one day nearer Heaven than I ever was!"

"I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far!" Philippians 1:23 

There are many movies that Hollywood does not wish to make. I will never forget the "testimony" of an associate after I had asked him about the welfare of his soul. He said, "I cannot fathom the concept of God. It maybe so but I just cannot believe it. In order for me to believe in God I must give up all my pleasures, my lifestyle, the sinful things I enjoy doing. My unbelieving friends are much more fun than you Christian people. They know how to enjoy life. But, in order for me to keep the business of church people, and because in the future I want run for public office, I want to represent this area in the Legislature, I will keep "pretending" willing give one hour of the week to church on Sunday. After-all, I am not such a bad person. My lifestyle/actions are as good as most church members I know. I don't think I am hurting anybody with my social drinking ("I never get drunk") my flirtations with other women, even my walking the middle of the road in business. After-all, every businessman is in business to make money...that means sometimes cutting corners.  During the week, it is hard for me to get on the golf course because so many preachers are playing golf. At my country club your church members are drinking alcohol as much as me. When the christian, catholic gives as much commitment/concern/convincing to your religion as the Muslin does his, I may change."  This is where todays evangeical church finds itself. there are far more on church pews that have this attitude of my friend than those that have redemtption through the shed blood of Jesus creation in him. Most church members I know, including members fof my own family have no fear of death. As one said to me recently, "Death is just a part of living."

In the sunset years of my life, I look forward to the purity of Death when these sightless eyes will regain their sight. When I can know that parents, grandparents, those who went on before me, who kept the faith, knew the eternal joy of salvation. C.S. Lewis said, "joy is a serious business." only those soaked in the blessedness of God's forgiving love can know real joy.

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