Wednesday, December 2, 2015



"My God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus!" Philippians 4:19

We have here the promise that every possible need will be provided for. The Lord of earth and Heaven has such boundless treasures at His command, that it is impossible that we can expect too much. Not all we wish, not all that we may think pleasant or desirable--but all that the only-wise God discerns to be truly needful and profitable for us--that will He give.

The supply assured to the believer, comprises that which is needful for all that concerns our present life--and all that is essential for the support and growth of spiritual life in the soul.

As to this present life, God supplies our needs. And yet by withholding much that is for our comfort, He humbles and proves His children. He often keeps them on very slender fare!

What then have the people of God a right to expect?

Sometimes He may bestow a rich abundance of temporal blessings. He did so in the case of Abraham, and Joseph, and Solomon, and many others.

Still more frequently He will give His children amply enough for their daily need. He blesses their basket and their store. He gives a sufficiency, so that they can live a quiet and peaceable life, in all godliness and honesty.

Yet sometimes it is otherwise. He is training His children, and He puts them in the school of affliction. He sends them thorns and briars, and sharp trials. And this often in the shape of need, or insufficient means for meeting the requirements of themselves or their families.

Ah, do not repine if this is so! There is a purpose beneath it. There is divine love, though there is the lack of food or money.

"Behind a frowning Providence
 He hides a smiling face!" 

This writer, Doctor, world traveler, totally blind veteran, in speaking with the unsaved about the condition of their soul, the most often answer...which I can well understand having seen the miseries of this world/experiencing the daily challenge of disability, "how could a God of love so inflict/abuse/impoverish so many people?"

This is the question of the ages. We must depend on the sovernity of God.  The older I get, 85, the more I understand that he is "Boss"...that he is in charge.

He loves you better than he loves the stars he threw into space, he loves you better than he loves the moon.  The moon was not created in his image, you were!  When you reach the age 50, you should realize that you are probably at your best.  The best you will ever look/ever feel/your at the top of your mental ability.  From there on, it is all down hill, and old age is not for sissies.  To whom does the unsaved go with their needs? 

Nowhere in God's word could I find that we are promised a "bed of roses"/ease while on this earth.  We are told that life would be hard, very few enjoy the life of the rich and famous. 

Remember, of the 3 million Jewish slaves who left Egypt, only 2 (Joshua & Caleb) reached the promised land.  The rest, died in the wilderness because of their unbelief.  There were places where Jesus could not do many miracles because of unbelief.  (Matthew 13:58)

The children of Israel had been delivered, saved from the Egyptians, had seen and heard God at Mt. Sinai, picked up manna from Heaven and, God seeking to umbel them as today's church members were only interested in just pretending and performing. 

It is not just the Atheist follower of a false religion, hypocrites, "ambushed" by the world, flesh, devil.  God sent his most precious possession, his only Son, to put on a tent of human flesh and dwell among us.  How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation (Hebrews 2:3).  The world, your associates, your family will conjure everything possible to defeat  you.  Don't get ambushed by the "cares of this world" and the deceitfulness of riches.  (Mark 4:19)  Those of us who have been chosen for life here on this earth who, in health or un health, wealth or poverty, have been given the gift of love for one another and then, at last, the never ending joy of Heaven.  

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