Saturday, April 16, 2016

MFS ( More Free Stuff)

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April 16, 2016

#1815 Sink or Swim

2 Thessalonians 3:10 For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.

The man with words, Mr. Webster, shows us in many dictionaries that words mean something. In my lifetime, 85 years, I have seen the honor of work replaced by the desire for indolence... Generations of people growing up in homes depending on welfare checks... willing to live off the hard working people who pay taxes. Shame is a lost word in most vocabularies. It is no longer a shame not to work. To honor illegitimacy, whether a baby born to UN-witted biological parents, cheating-deceiving at the tax office, with a plastic card or anywhere else that the law does not extend. 

We would never have believed, as Americans, that a socialist-communist such as a Senator Sanders would ever have been elected to the U.S. Senate, let alone, become a "rock star" among young college students as he seeks the Presidency. I come from a generation where it was an honor to have a job, to provide for your own future and that of your family. My parents, ancestors never thought about retirement, vacations, or even entitlements. Our social security came from hard work and faith in an omnipatent God. Adam and Eve, wearing leaves, were imposed with clothes by God and were told to spend their lives working. Everywhere on this earth that communism has been tried, it has failed. Basic as breathing, basic as a conscious, the fulfillment-enjoyment of work.

Mr. Sanders and other liberal socialist, mostly of the Democrat party, want free college, free public housing, free food. This writer knew the fulfillment-joy of hard-work ( Going to school during the day and working at night) to get through 8 years of University education, I received no "free stuff" from any direction.) In my mind, as I worked to get my education, was the hardworking parents at home, not ashamed of their sweat as they had labored to get me through my early years of schooling.  The thought was always there "They had done the best they could".  My meager preparation, small country school, thirteen in my high school graduating class. Hardly prepared me for the University, but " there was no free stuff", it was a matter of swim or sink.

The best education in the world, the best preparation in the world for dealing with people, selling bibles, door to door, in the hot summer months. My ability to deal with patients, my ability to "hold on" to a dollar, to empathize with common people, came from these years of struggle. God help anyone who has not been through the struggle. "Free stuff", regardless of things or idols do not contribute to a productive future. The LARGER your egotism-your desire for entitlements- the more your dependence on government, the SMALLER your God.

It took me a long time to unpack the excessive baggage I was carrying around... the poverty I had experienced and seen,  the injustice all around us, such as, "Why good people suffer" and the rich and famous seem to escape all responsible behavior.  I could not understand the abuse of children, abuse of the disabled, abuse of the elderly, and the abuse of innocent animals. Abuse of any type is so ugly.  Our world is chewed up with ugliness and God does not like ugly. "How could God allow such injustice?" and then came the military... my experience with warfare. How could God allow the destruction of innocent children... homes for which poor people had worked and, as I traveled the world, how could I understand the inequities in many cultures-nations. God let me know that he did not prevent the sadistic treatment of his own son... Gods own son, perfection personified. Jesus, went to a cruel cross, the most sadistic method of death.

On a remote island in the South Pacific a University professor from a great center of Education, asked me if I would still believe in God IF he could prove to me that God does not exist. I told him, "Your efforts would be futile. You see, the holy spirit of God lives in my soul. God is as real to me as the very air I breathe."

There is a difference in the words free and gift. Mankind is besieged by the four letter words sale or free. God gave man the world and everything in it. He gave us his only son as a gift and belief in his son gives us life eternal.  This is true liberty, true freedom.

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