#1816 Tones and Drones
For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
-Romans 1:20-

the entrance to Harvard
University where the word 'VERITAS' meaning truth is on
display. There was a time when universities, scientific groups, foundations,
even religions were interested in truth. We knew that the truth would set us free. Liberty of body, soul and mind comes from
truth. Jesus, himself said, "I am truth". John 14:6. In my lifetime,"
political correctness, compromise, just going through the motions"...And government,
science, even religion, " the end justifies the means". AND, everyone
follows the money trail.
Truth is
truth whether anyone believes it or not. In an age of compromise, when most
people would prefer believe a lie rather than the truth, when success with
individuals and nations is measured by the best liar, we find that truth is in
short supply.'Truthers' must be willing to be ridiculed. Those who speak truth
recognize hopelessness...Whether in lifestyle or national diplomacy.
scientists, even the family doctor, knows that aspartame is a poison, and yet
we see 'diet' drinks all around us. Diet is really a four letter bad word. We
know that sugar is the most addictive substance know to man. There is a
teaspoon of sugar in almost everything we eat...even the lowly hotdog. We know
that vaccines are poisonous...causing autism. We know that radiation causes
cancer and yet we think we can use radiation to cure cancer. At the church
house, schoolhouse, court house, Whitehouse, (perhaps even in your house),
Whether we follow Gods word (the Bible) or not, we have that innate conscience
gift to know right from wrong...An absolute that no scientist or psychologist
has ever been able to deny.
Man is the
only animal who knows he is going to die. At my age, 85, I know the sunset is
not far away. Why should anyone, knowing the uncertainty of life, not prepare
for death.
This writer
has known several funeral directors- morticians. I asked one of my friends, a
well know funeral director, do you have any fright in handling the bodies of
dead people? Does it bother you to know that you are trusted with the final
care of a families loved one? I realize
that the funeral industry has become a very large and profitable business; In
the 1920's , many lost confidence in the funeral home and those who profit from
death. Have you noticed that there are so many cremations-so few large
funerals? So many families that just want to "get it over with".
My friend, (the
mortician), said to me, "When I was
in embalming school, we were to taught to be aloof with a dead body by using a
very dead lifeless piece of timber. We used a six foot long, 2"x 12 "
rafter, such as you use in the construction of a building. This piece of wood
had no soul, had no personality-looks. All dead people look the same, ugly. We
would place the piece of wood in a casket, would even go the graveyard and
exhume a casket with a piece of wood.... It all became very impersonal...just a
job. Of course, with the corpse or a piece of wood, we observed privacy,
honored the deceased by covering with a sheet". He further told me over
the years, "I have seen families become indifferent to death. Most family
members never even look at their deceased love one. They will pick out a casket
by phone, send clothes down for burial or cremation. Simplicity seems to rule,
they just want to get it over with". This writer has seen the impersonal
attitude towards death all over the world...The funeral pyres along the holy
Ganges in India, rituals of Buddhists in the Himalayas, the total lack of anything
pretty (flowers or a casket) in the barrel process of Muslims: just digging a
hole and putting the body in it, usually wrapped in a sheet. The tones of death
are always with us. I so remember as a child the family graveyard, where a
grave had "caved in". This showed that the coffin had rotted. There
was always dirt piled at the edge of the graveyard with which to fill in the
Americans, like so much of the world have become immune to sorrows involving
the death of loved ones. Soldiers were buried wrapped only their flag. Sailors
were launched, in a flag, into the ocean
depths. Americans no longer respond to 3000 innocent babies aborted each and every
day, flushed into the sewer system.
The heart
of this old-blind-veteran is wrenched with the knowledge that 24 veterans
commit suicide each day. Suicide is such a waste. More young people die of
suicide than die in car crashes. Veterans know that their government knows
" it is cheaper to bury a vet than to care for one".
Every life,
rich, poor, smart, dumb, beautiful or ugly (and I have traveled the world,
passport stamped in over 150 countries have an avalanche of problems. Small and
big things, like the snow flakes, can become an avalanche. This writer has
known poverty now as in the past has had his share of problems. I have seen poverty
all over the world- have talked with people with problem. Yet, I have yet to
meet one living human being (genus homo) who wished that he had not been born, had not been given the gift of
life. Life is a hectic interlude in an otherwise peaceful non existence. There
are a few people, we often call fortunate that do not have the problems of the
rest of us... Poverty- disability-slow learners-disease- But, if you have no
problems, be patient, they are on the way. Pain and sorrow, disease and despair,
is no respecter of persons. Living the Christian life is 90 percent raw
courage. Living life, here on the uncertainties of this earth is almost 100
percent courage.
As difficult
as life is at its best, while we as individuals and as nation make it so
difficult for others. Warfare until WW2 was very up close and personal. Using
rocks- sword- bayonets is up close and personal. Dropping explosives on women
and children from drones is not personal until you learn the results of what you
have done. Most Human beings have seen the results of sin whether disease or destruction
they simply do not want to recognize such.
we as individuals or as a nation think we will escape...out own
concern-difference to what we have done to others? One of my best friends was
the assistant to a congress person. He said, " The tone of our entire day
is scheduled by the buffets-cocktail parties to which we are treated by lobbyists".
Those politicians- bureaucrats who spend time- treasure- (it cost 13 million
dollars to buy a center seat, 1 billion to buy the oval office) talent to gain
the excesses of Washington DC would be careful. Don't they have sense
to know that they are in the target of the bitter- vindictive minds of the
world. Years ago, after fighting with government agencies, over many things, recognizing
the shame of their unconcern, in a dream, I saw Washington leveled... just a marble column
standing here and there.
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