Friday, September 30, 2016

#1879 Ritrovare (Discover)

Ritrovare (Discover)

Mohandas Gandhi said there are seven sins they are:

Wealth without work.
Pleasure without conscience.
Knowledge without character.
Commerce without morality.
Science without humanity.
Worship without sacrifice.
Politics without principle.

"I like your Christ.  I do not like your Christians.  Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."  - Mohandas Gandhi

Mark Twain said, "India is the ultimate tribal destination."  This writer, world traveler, has visited the home of Mohandas Gandhi twice; near the home on the Ganges is the place where his body was cremated.  You never recover from a visit to India.  So many of us think we came from poverty.  (Dr. Morris was raised on a tobacco farm in Eastern NC:  dirt road, no phone, power, or water lines.)  You have never seen poverty until you visit India; it is the most religious country in the world...still a constant battle between Hindus and Muslims.  The British, who ruled India for many years, attempted to solve the problem by separating this huge hunk of real estate into two nations, India and Pakistan...Pakistan, Muslim.  Still the battle goes on because of Kashmir; a slice of territory between Pakistan and India.  I visited Kashmir, stayed on a river boat, such beauty and such destitution.

I have wracked my brain trying to figure out why there are so many problems among these people...beautiful people.  If religion would solve the problem, if keeping certain laws would solve the problem: they do not drink alcohol, there are temples everywhere-you have never seen so many monks.  Yet, the same law for hitting a sacred cow as hitting a human-being and some places attempting to satisfy a false god...they throw babies off the roofs of temples. 

At Madres, on the banks of the Holy Ganges, where I witnessed people doing their religious rituals in the water, I saw the place where the Disciple Thomas was killed by a Brahma Sword.  After being on a boat in the Ganges, this blind man was trying to get on shore...something pulling at my legs; it was gangs of legless children, begging.  Can one even imagine in a country so filled with religion that parents would take their own babies to a butcher and have their legs chopped off to make them more pitiful beggars?

Outside Gandhi's house, pictured here, there were these begging children, the two times I was there.  They would take whatever visitors gave them to an adult standing behind some bushes.  My guide said, "Don't ever give these children anything because whatever you give them is more than their parents make working."

At Jayne Temple, workers wore veils over their faces, so afraid were they that a gnat or other insect might get into their mouth or face and get killed.  They did not believe in killing any type life.  The dead were taken into a large valley, put on pilings for the birds to destroy.  There are 14 huge Hindu temples depicting sex acts on the exterior of the temples.  A country of absolute contrast, one of the most beautiful buildings in the world the Taj Mahal at Agra, palaces of maharajas...where I actually saw walls covered in precious and semi-precious stones.

I traveled once through India by train, I could not help but think of the work of the animals involved building up those huge mounds for railroad tracks...same thoughts I have of horses pulling war equipment through snow during Hitler's attempt to invade Russia.  It has been said that Russia had much larger horses and they were much crueler to them.

There had been a flood but the train up on the railroad mounds was above the water.  I will never forget the desperation of people lined up with any type container to get water from the train every time the train stopped.  Everywhere, there were the rotting bodies of water buffalo.

Western civilization is attempting to fall into the same gorge of fake religion, as has happened to so many other areas of the world.  Beginning around 200 years ago, the sanctity of life-marriage-home began to dissolve.  Early prostitutes, early biblical history, use sponges and vinegar for birth control.  Sex has always been a real problem with God, the actress Betty Davis said, "Sex is the biggest joke God has played on man."  Jacob's sons, patriarchs of the Bible, were all involved in sex escapades but then came birth control-abortion.  There were probably always homosexuals but even when I was a young person it was kept in the closet.  You didn't hear much about it except arrests for "unnatural acts" now; the gay lifestyle has become very popular.  The gay agenda with same sex marriage, ask don't tell.  Young people using the same showers-bathrooms are promoted by the leftist-perverts as "fairness".  I said to some officials of a Christian college, which I financially support, some time ago, "You can well expect if you continue to get government funds for your college that you will have to break down the barriers of separate bathroom facilities and separate residence halls."  Believers, like unbelievers, have already decided that the word of God is no longer important in their lives.  When the Godless communist officials regained South Vietnam, their first words, "Get rid of this Western decadence."  They were talking about the Western military accomplices (around any military involvement-installations Satan always has facilities to tempt-control young warriors) such as, bars-strip clubs-porno shops.  When will America discover that a nation built on the sovereignty of God cannot dance the Tango with Satan?  

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