Thursday, December 15, 2016

#1917 Unfiltered View of the World


Unfiltered View of the World

"The people recognize themselves in their commodities; they find their soul in their automobile, hi-fi set, split-level home, kitchen equipment."  - Herbert Marcuse

"This is the record of the ancestry of Jesus Christ who was the descendant of both David and Abraham: Abraham was the father of Isaac, who was the father of Jacob, who was the father of Judah and his brothers, who was the father of Perez and Zerah (whose mother was Tamar).  Perez was the father of Hezron, who was the father of Ram..."  (Matthew 1:1-3) and this begins the Book of Matthew, first book of the New Testament...God's message to the world, after 700 years of silence, the time between the last verse of the book of Malachi of the Old Testament and now Matthew.  To every unbeliever, and unbelief is your only condemnation before God, the Creator of the Universe, the world and everything in it, actually wrote a book, 2000 years on this side of the cross, on which his son died, the Bible is still the world's best seller. 

Now, twenty-first century, life pursuits of escapism, whether the pill bottle or soap operas from a talking box, the hearts and minds of most real human beings with which I come in contact is a need for truth.  Our prayer at this Christmas, as well as everyday of the year, in this time of just going through the motions, we plead, we beg for politicians-pastors-physicians-and even parents, those who are responsible for truth, we just want truth. 

We know this present world is not a utopia, communism promises utopia and we see what has happened to communism everywhere it has been tried...Russia, Cuba, Yugoslavia, Burma.  Manmade solutions always fail.  Satan always pays off with counterfeit. 

With the idols of technology, God's air filled with messages (texting, world web) have we forgotten that God already knows everything?  Should hacking be such a mystery: one billion bits of information stolen here, another million stolen there, thousands such as with Mrs. Clinton, somehow lost?  An unfiltered view of the disasters brought upon ourselves, just USA, $200 trillion debt in entitlements and other obligations.  A debt that can never be repaid, every child born in America, is born into slavery, while financial junkies take satisfaction in a nineteen thousand Dow average. 

Have we reached the place of no return, a return to sanity?  Are our lives totally out of control OR, totally in control of others?  Where is the freedom that our ancestors crossed violent oceans, fought violent wars, worked-studied-prayed for the liberty of personal responsibility? 

I was just a child when socialism reared its ugly head in America, it started with the controls of FDR and his communist vice president, Henry Wallace.  I still remember my mother and grandmother standing in the front yard crying, as government officials, after their measuring tapes, cut down wonderful growing crops-killed pigs to respond to a certain number-killed chickens to respond to a certain number on each farm.  On our farm, they cut down the crops at the end of each row because corn-cotton-beans-tobacco would often get damaged at the end of row crops.  But, that hardworking black farmer who owned a small farm near us, they controlled his farm operation (agricultural stabilization control) by cutting down his crops midfield...his best tobacco-corn-etc.  And so the controls of our lives began.  And now it worsens everyday...a permit-license-payoff for everything you do.  AND, the majority around us who vote, think we are a land of freedom and liberty.

We think we vote for representative government, that someone at the courthouse, statehouse, and White House loves us.  We are loved like birds love road kill, you are lucky to even get a written response from your local government representative anymore.  The main concern of every elected official is just one simple thing, reelection. 

One of my best friends, Robert Futrell, NC3, assistant to the congressman, Robert was killed in a plane crash, he was raised in a village called Grantham...just as Margaret Thatcher was raised in a village called Grantham, in an apartment above her father's butcher shop.  Robert, an attorney, told me that the congressman's entire day and that of his large staff was punctuated by free buffets and cocktail parties furnished by lobbyists.  He told me that the only letter his congressional staff ever got really excited about was one that a black farmer had written them on a brown paper bag...probably his only stationary. 

This writer is often invited to speak before conferences or meetings of pastors, years ago, just the beginnings of the computer craze, one pastor waxed eloquently about megabytes.  Later, I told these pastors that this blind, once sighted, world traveler had been to both the North and South Poles, I told about the millions of square miles of just glaciers at the top and bottom of the world.  I said, all these millions of square miles of ice encapsulation were formed by individual snowflakes.  Do you know that there have never been two snowflakes found that our Creator, God designed exactly the same?  I said, I have crossed Siberia on the great Russian Trans-Siberian Railroad, everything covered with snow."  I saw Lake Baikal the world's largest lake, totally frozen.  This puts the manmade computer in its place.  I said, even the hairs on every head are numbered (Luke 12:7) not just yours, but every human being ever chosen for life. 

Forget the tinsel and mistletoe, forget the decorations on the tree...the spending a spreeing of a holy day that has become a commercial holiday.  Is it not enough just to think of the gift that God gave to the world?  And this baby, putting on a tent of human flesh, dwelled among us AND, in every one of his 35 miracles, God was revealed through him, to us.  

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