Pilot Light

The pilot light is largely
unknown by today's tech-savvy young people...the passion and purpose of a small
flame becoming a very large fire. We force children to attend school. And yet,
obviously, they learn nothing. The advertisement is right, "a mind is a
terrible thing to waste." American children spend an average of eleven
hours a day in front of a screen (computer/phone/TV). Anyone who can read has
the ability to study his own health problems. You know more about your body
than anyone else. Most diagnostic doctors spend a total of seven minutes with a
patient. You are fortunate indeed if your doctor even touches you. The only
thing he touches, the keyboard of a computer, attempting to determine your
condition via certain tests. There are two things that determine all diseases,
nutrition going in, and toxicity coming out. When nutrition goes down, toxicity
goes up.
At the UNC-CH medical
school, I so remember in the pathology dept, a room filled with caged
rats...used in research and experimentation. If the researcher wants to
establish cancer in the rat, the rat ingests plastics; Alzheimer's, drugs that
control cholesterol (statins), Diabetes (corn-syrup). Most of these killers are
approved by the FDA. Before you experiment with humans, you experiment with
rats...the genomes are very close. The difference between life and death is the
electricity flowing through the body.
When will Americans get
tired and sick enough of the politics involving health care. One would think
that only politicians know enough, or care enough for your health. It has
become a political bouncing ball...the greatest expense and the greatest worry
of most human beings.
When will hardworking,
God-fearing, tax paying citizens get enough of the hoax of the big money
involved in big Pharma and big medicine. It is all a matter of money. Can you
even imagine the economic depression which would develop if a cure were found
for cancer...so many people getting rich from cancer treatment? The politics of
medicine no longer has a cure for anything, just treatment. When did your
doctor last ask you about what you eat? Oh, the deceit and politics of health.
Don't believe any of the advertisements you see, one after the other, involving
drugs. Have you ever read all the papers attached to any prescription you get,
warnings about side effects. Your doctor as not read them. You put these
expensive poisons in your body at your own risk...slow suicide; the money
involved in health care, you paying for your own death, and sometimes it takes
a long time...drugs and devices, all very expensive.
Decide to live, read and
study available material concerning your illness, concerning holistic methods,
concerning supplements. Your health, your life, is your responsibility. It is
not up to the politicians in Washington .
If you made their money, if you had their lifestyle, if you could go to
specialized treatment centers as do they, you would understand the difference
in treatment for cancer and the treatment for renal or cardiac troubles; one
has a better chance of surviving cancer than surviving heart attacks.
Every parent, every health
care professional, is a pilot light. We all have the ability to start a big
fire by disclosing the truth involving treatment. The drug industry wants every
breathing human being to take several pills; and they use every means possible,
every sales technique, to make sure that doctors are "peddling" their
pills. Why do we refer to the section of town where doctors and such live as
"pill hill?" Doctors must keep their reception areas crammed with
patients in order to "cram" bank accounts with the money necessary to
put Mercedes in the driveway, children in very expensive schools (every type of
lesson; writing, fencing, music, etc.) Someone said "God loves poor people
because there are so many of us." There are many poor people because the
poor cannot afford to exterminate themselves with the high cost of health.
Your writer is a world
traveler. In the poorest areas of India/China/Africa, the poor people were
thin. You never saw a fat person in these parts of these countries. They ate
the basics...just enough food to stay alive. I went to physician/dentist and
other offices in these countries. All the dentist could do was pull a tooth. He
knew nothing about so called "modern dentistry." I saw children who
had never seen a piece of candy. We need educators with passion for a purpose.
We need physicians, pastors, and parents who instill in young people a passion
for life, that life is a challenge, that keeping fit and healthy is essential.
I believe there is no such
thing as a maverick molecule. The all seeing eye of God is still in charge of
"I am
the God that
Healeth thee
I am the Lord
Your healer
I sent My word
And I healed your disease
I am the Lord
Your healer?"
-Don Moen
It is still beyond my
comprehension; as a commited, convinced, concerned Christian, that many who
believe in our blessed lord do not take him at his word, but at his table we
take the bread for healing, a taste
of wine in celebration of his forgiving.
Dr. T.R. Morris
Lt. Col USA Retired
Visit my blog at http://carolinahedgehog.blogspot.com/
Lt. Col USA Retired
Visit my blog at http://carolinahedgehog.blogspot.com/
Facebook: http://www.DrThomasMorris.com
* For release to Disability and religious publications*
(Dr. Morris is a totally blind 100% disabled service connected veteran, 8 around the world trips, passport stamped in 157 countries)
*If you would like to be removed from this mailing list, please reply to this email with the subject line "REMOVE" and the email address that you were sent this email at*
* For release to Disability and religious publications*
(Dr. Morris is a totally blind 100% disabled service connected veteran, 8 around the world trips, passport stamped in 157 countries)
*If you would like to be removed from this mailing list, please reply to this email with the subject line "REMOVE" and the email address that you were sent this email at*
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