Tuesday, December 31, 2019

December 31, 2019 The last day of 2019

May God Bless You All

Friday, December 27, 2019

December 27, 2019

Spoiling the Soup

A new husband asked his bride, “when would you be able to make biscuits like my mother”? She replied, “when you are able to make dough like my father.” There is much art in the world, painting, Sculpture, music, but, no more appreciated than the art of cooking. Usually, not a group endeavor, the talent of one. (too many cooks spoil the soup) More now than ever before, too many lunatics have spoiled the world.

Since radio talk shows have gained there own niche in the world of entertainment, I have been a regular on many of these shows. My Christian faith is not kept secret, there or anywhere else. The non-religious, or atheist, in person, usually jumps me on that, more than anything else.

Once, at an automobile dealership, a large, tattooed, gruff mechanic, who could have squashed me like a bug, having heard me on the radio, questioned me about my faith. He said, “My parents took me to church as a child but I have found that church and church-goers are hypocrites. It is just a matter of money, church people wanting money, not living any better than anyone else, just pretending to be something which they are not.” He was surprised when I agreed with him, that much church activity is hypocrisy. I could have agreed with him about money, that there are those involved in God's work, tainted by money. The mechanic talked about Oral Roberts, Benny Hinn, televangelists, even local preachers and pastors who live the good life, golf courses, country clubs, expensive cars, restaurants, better houses than the rest of us. He had much to say about the wealth of the Catholic church, opulence of cathedrals, the cars in which the “vows of poverty”, priests and nuns ride. If he had seen the opulence of Vatican City, that I have seen, the priceless art, gold, silver, paintings but, like the Queen of England, who lives in a 675 room palace, 80 bathrooms for just she and her 89 year old husband. (Buckingham Palace is just one of her many palaces and extravagances) There are many things we do not understand but, one can understand this. God is still Boss, and, at the end of the Queen's life, the Pope's life or a homeless beggar's life, all the money in the world will not buy one more second, all will leave as we came, with empty hands. God's word speaks of the deceitfulness of riches. (Matthew 13:22)

The Catholic church has tried to keep it quiet, Pope John Paul I, who served as Pope for only 33 days. Several books have been written (In God's Name) about the belief that the Pope was murdered... involving intrigue concerning Catholic riches, those who were managing them and the Pope looking behind the curtain. This could very well be the reason that JFK and RFK were murdered, finding things behind a curtain. Many of us believe that the well worn path from a certain Wall Street bank (Goldman Sachs) always walked by treasury secretaries such as Paulson, Geithner, Rubin, etc. are the real evidence pertaining to federal money corruption. As that famous humanitarian-crook, Bernie Madoff has said, “the game is fixed”.

It will be necessary for God to expand the depths of hell to accommodate the many crooks and cooks who have spoiled the soup of this capitalistic, free enterprise, democratic, ONCE blessed republic and, for those elected to represent the common people in the “kitchen” of their country, the spooks-cooks-crooks who have messed up the soup will have their part in eternal damnation. Spilled blood of patriots, young men and women buried on foreign soil, hard working-God fearing-Tax paying parents who provided them, cry out for vengeance “vengeance is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord.” (Romans 12:19) The Christian must learn to live the life of the 12th chapter of Romans.

Whether the church, whether the government, whether the media, education, banking or any other system involving mankind we must believe that which we cannot change to One who can. When we have churches, we have what churches can do. When we have government, we have what government can do. When we have fellow human beings with warts, we have what they can do but, when people pray, seek God's help, then you have what God can do. The only way to change this spoiled soup, too many human cooks, is what God can do.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

December 24, 2019

Merry Christmas to all of you

Merry Christmas ecard, online card

Friday, December 20, 2019

December 20, 2019


Do you ever feel overwhelmed by everything going on in the world today? You should not – it has all been prophesied, both in Holy Scripture and even by George Orwell in his book 1984. Everything which God told us would happen in the last days of this world - “perilous times” (2 Timothy 3:1) and Orwell's book in which he describes everything that is happening today. The first sentence on the first page says, “It was a cold day in April and the clock was striking thirteen.”

Polycarp was a second century bishop of Smyrna. According to the Martyrdom of Polycarp, he died a martyr when he was stabbed after an attempt to burn him at the stake failed at age 86. Polycarp is regarded as a saint in the Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Anglican, and Lutheran churches. He is identified as a disciple of the apostles, or in particular of John the Beloved (youngest disciple, only to not die a martyr). John, brother of James, son of Zebedee, was the youngest of the apostles – he was only a teenager when Christ called him a disciple. He wrote the book of Revelation on the island of Patmos, just off the coast of Turkey. The island is three miles wide, six miles long, and today, has three hundred sixty-five churches.

Polycarp's place in Biblical history will go down as a friend and associate of the Beloved John who tutored him and others who walked with Jesus. It was said that Polycarp was overwhelmed by his devotion to our Savior, shown in his willingness, even at his advanced age, to go to the stake for Him. Like William Tyndale, who translated the Bible into English, and was burned at the stake in London in 1536, the torturers so angry with him for his devotion that had overwhelmed his physical being, we should take solace that his very ashes were thrown into the Thames and from the river and oceans of the world, the Word of God has gone to every hamlet on every continent. Such was the overwhelming love of Christ by martyrs such as Polycarp, Stephen (stoned to death as Saul, later apostle Paul, watched) and Tyndale. How can one dare call himself Christ-like, knowing the tortured history of the preservation of God's sacred Word, and let it lay around unused and unshared – the only hope of the world?

Americans are overwhelmed by fear. Fear kills the soul. Three hundred sixty-five times in God's Word we are told not to fear. Christ told us, “Fear not...I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33) God gave Moses the blessed assurance of “I AM”. Christ gave us the blessed assurance of “I AM.” Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.” (John 14:6)

54% of Americans are angry about present political conditions. Mr. Obama's mentor, Saul Alinsky, in his Rules for Radicals has used the organization of the Christian church to further the Obama agenda through ACORN. Alinsky was not religious but he had sense enough to go straight to the liberal pastors and churches in the black community, give the hundreds of tentacle groups religious names such as Joshua, Job, Esther, etc. and through the scam of religious organizations, even reaching to the Catholic, Episcopal, and even some black liberation churches are reaching for the political ideology - those who have a desire to participate in the fervor of religion. Using John Dewey's liberal, Columbia University, mantra “the end justifies the means” these hundreds of Acorn-sponsored political groups, gaining financial and definitive assistance of almost the missionary type are seeking to “change” the country with their idea of a living constitution. These church people want to do good, even in such a tainted sectarian way and what we are determines what we do.

Most of the people they solicit are busy. They want to do something for someone. Prayer, plus God's Word, plus time will keep anyone internally full. The thing I will never understand about the Obama and Acorn diabolical ideology is the culture of death. It is like getting on a plane, loaded with passengers and hearing the pilot come on the loud speaker, welcoming the travelers and then saying, “I believe in death. I love to crash.”

The longer I live, an observer of many religious activities, I become more and more convinced that the average church, particularly Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, Pentecostals, have become just worldly assemblies...more like civic clubs than a sacred alter of worship to God of the universe and his precious Son, Jesus Christ, who came to save us from ourselves.

I have been blind for a very long time, but I can hear and ask questions, I understand that in many Protestant, and particularly Baptist churches, there is not a cross on display, the most sacred emblem of the Christian church. Modern denominations have tried to make church going, worship services, even prayer meetings, into social activities...lunches, suppers.

In the larger congregations, there is a minister of music (often with a paid, trained-voice choir), minister to the youth, minister to the elderly. At the very time that children, young people, need the satisfaction and sanctification of being with older Christians, division seems to get the supplication of the leadership. Children and young people are overwhelmed enough by what the world offers, they need the stability of saints.

Faith is 90% courage, young people are taught to be indifferent about life's values at the schoolhouse. At the church house, there should be no compromise. Those saints, with gnarled, scarred hands from hard work, aching callouses on their feet, from walking miles to the church, knew why they were there. They needed the resources which only come from God's word, God's hymns, God's preacher, God's people. Satan has overwhelmed the world with his promise of success and happiness if you dance to the tune that pagan's play and perform. Drums and drama, bells and smells, would not replace the happiness of walking in the steps of Christ.

Movies about Harry Potter grossed millions at the box office. USA Today has calculate the present US national debt at $55 trillion. This added to state and other debts puts everyone of your children in debt $250,000. Most Americans are living hand to mouth, no assets. You cannot be overwhelmed if you have a firm foundation. Wilt thou not revive us again: that thy people may rejoice in thee? (Psalm 85:6)

Thursday, December 19, 2019

December 19, 2019

North Carolina Minute

In my many years I have come to a conclusion that one useless man is a shame, two is a law firm, and three or more is a congress.
John Adams

If you don't read the newspapers you are uninformed, if you do read the newspapers you are misinformed.
Mark Twain

I contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle.
Winston Churchill

Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But then I repeat myself.
Mark Twain

A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on Paul.
George Bernard Shaw

A liberal is someone who feels a great debt to his fellow man, which debt he proposes to pay off with your money.
G. Gordon Liddy

Democracy must be something more than two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for supper.
James Bovard

Merry Christmas

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Thursday, December 12, 2019

December 12 2019

Need For Good Answers


"From bondage to spiritual faith, from spiritual faith to great  courage, from courage to liberty, from liberty to abundance, from abundance  to selfishness, from selfishness to complacency from complacency to apathy,  from apathy to dependency, from dependency back to bondage." - Alexander Tyler

            Churches and governments have fallen into the anti-Christ trap. The horror pit into which the world has fallen, technocracy and the control which god has allowed Satan to hold on to worlds activities. When a telephone in your hand becomes a personality, when person hood of groups becomes supernatural reality (Alcoholics Anonymous, vegans , workmen-ship and security of robots.) The human genome must, if any intelligence left at all, fall upon the alter of humility and seek good answers on every direction of the sun dial. Obfuscation, a confused, bewildered, stupefied world population. Most just going through the motions of living. There is more to life than just surviving... eating, drinking, sleeping, exercising... the essentials to maintain homeostasis-physiology-cytology. Even the Christian, "joint heir" ("And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together" Romans 8:17,) with the creator of the universe have no idea of what it means to have the wealth-resources-comfort of a daily "breathing activity" with the one who threw the stars into space, measures the Himalayas with his fingers, so cares for us, that the very hairs on our head are numbered (Luke 12:7). What a constellation, such an answer for your depression, sleepless-ness, troubled mind.

            IF, as truly chosen, drawn of God, you would study the answer book. In Numbers 29, we find how the old testament, chosen of God, gave ceremonial sacrifices to God. We do not find that they questioned anything, why the unblemished animals of their flocks: why definite measures a flower: why definite goats or rams: why such waste such animals going up in smoke (a sweet savor to God) when probably in a wilderness of destitution, some human beings were hungry. In today's world, the new testament world, we would "compromise" that this sweet savor smoke gets into Gods eyes and he might miss a count. Surely, in today's world, the priest organizing the sacrifice, burnt offerings, might see a particularly tasty looking piece of liver. Would God really miss that?

            Thousands of years later, still, believing Jews, still celebrate "feasts of trumpets." Even in fancy, tall, New York buildings where orthodox Jews live... you still have limbs and tree branches built on to their decks where they sleep under the stars... remembering their ancient family who memorialized their redemption from slavery in Egypt and their humbling in the wilderness AND so many of you do not understand this writers despondency over new testament church members who do not have the time or salvation to observe our Lord's table. If your redemption-Christian experience is worth anything, it is worth everything and this is the most important question of your life. Old testament, believers, were serious about their ties and their offerings. God did not get "tips." God was not just a "bell hop." Prayer was not just a ritual.

            You do not get the answers to your problems or the worlds problems from talking boxes. Most people, with whom I come in contact, are materialistic in every way. Their world evolves money and what money can do. For those who are poor, usually their spending is more than their income... besieged on every hand, on every point on that sun dial, by the Madison avenue concept of keeping you dissatisfied with your world, your living conditions, your clothing, your transportation, your lifestyle. Movies, television, keep us all wanting lives of the "rich and famous." Hell will be filled with the rich and famous. This writer still remembers those saints of old, always in Gods house to worship (not to see and be seen.) Only one Sunday dress apparel-Sunday shoes. Most citizens of 80 years ago, when I was a child, never had but one Sunday outfit. Food was so scarce, exercise so essential, that you kept the same waistline your entire life. You kept your clothes nice and you were usually buried in them. Spring time, your winter clothing, like the bedding, went on the clothes line outside, so Gods good sunlight could detoxify rich resourcefulness of detoxification. Clothing lasted because, like
everything else in your life, you were taught to take care of things. We did not live in a Kleenex-disposable society. I still remember the day when my father and I were moving lumber and a big fat poisonous snake was curled up under a plank. My father killed the snake with a shovel, even though a rifle was close by. "We do not waste bullets." I remembered this many times when as a field grade army officer, I saw so much ammunition wasted, which your tax dollars had paid for. The time for role playing has ended. The time for assuming character on stage is over... church house, school house, court house, even your house. Destination is determined by character. True character, not just role playing on stage, is essential when looking for answers. The scientists looking into the microscope-telescope, forgets the letters after his name-his own ambitions. If a true scientist, he seeks answers.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

December 10, 2019

Who's Fooling Who?

(Edward Payson, 1783-1827)
"How is your Beloved better than others?" Song of Songs 5:9
Does not our Friend as far excel all other friends . . .
  as Heaven exceeds earth,
  as eternity exceeds time, 
  as the Creator surpasses His creatures?
See all the fullness of the Godhead--dwelling in One who is as meek and mild as a child. 
See His countenance beaming with ineffable glories--full of mingled majesty, condescension and love. 
Hear the soul-reviving invitations and gracious words which proceed from Hislips. 
See that hand in which dwells everlasting strength--swaying the scepter of universal empire over all creatures and all worlds.
See His arms expanded to receive and embrace returning sinners.
While His heart, a bottomless, shoreless ocean of benevolence--overflows with tenderness, compassion, and love.
Such, O sinner, is our Beloved--and such is our Friend.
Will you not then embrace Him as your Friend? If you can be persuaded to do this--you will find that half, nay, that the thousandth part has not been told to you!
All the excellency, glory and beauty which is found in men or angels, flows from Christ--as a drop of water from the ocean, or a ray of light from the sun.
If, then, you supremely love the creature--can you wonder that Christians should love the Creator! Can you wonder that those who behold the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ, should be sweetly drawn to Him by the cords of love, and lose their fondness for created glories? All that you love and admire and wish for in creatures, and indeed infinitely more--they find in Him!
Do you wish for a friend possessed of power to protect you? 
Our Friend possesses all power in Heaven and earth, and is able to save even to the uttermost!
Do you wish for a wise friend? 
In Christ are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.
Do you wish for a tender, compassionate friend? 
Christ is tenderness and compassion itself.
Do you wish for a faithful, unchangeable friend? 
With Christ there is no variableness nor shadow of turning. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
His unchangeable love will ever prompt Him to make His people happy!
His unerring wisdom will point out the best means to promote their happiness!
His infinite power will enable Him to employ those means.
In all these respects, our Beloved is more than any other beloved!

Addition, Dr. Morris:
To even compare today's church members, pew warmers with Saints of old is like comparing my mothers wood-cooked stove to a microwave.

One of my friends' described it this way my brother sings so loud during worship service "Oh, how I love Jesus" but then, on the way home, in traffic, he goes into pagan rage, calling other drivers such ugly names.

No soldier ever won a battle fighting from an air conditioned foxhole.  Do today's church goers, sitting in the comfort of an air conditioned building, powdered and perfumed, dressed in their very best, listening to trained choir voices,  professional musicians, a preacher softly "cooing to the crowd, SO AFRAID he might run someone off , AFRAID that he might limit the offering AND UNAFRAID that many of these people will go to hell.  Dr. R.G. Lee, longtime pastor, Bellevue Baptist, before he died, (a congregation of thousands) said he wished he knew that ten percent of his membership would meet him in heaven. 

The road to hell is paved with religion.  Salvation comes through an intimate-personal relationship with Christ.  Much of this relationship comes through suffering.  When this writer looked at his mother and grandmothers the last time, before they were returned to the Good Earth, I knew that they experienced suffering.  Christianity is not complicated, very tough.  Ninety percent of all Christianity is just raw courage.  Do today's church members have the courage to suffer for Christ sake?

Monday, December 9, 2019

December 9, 2019

1902 Dark Side of Democracy


Dark Side of Democracy

"Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others."  - Winston Churchill

The reason politicians, local, state, federal walk around as if they are wearing stiletto shoes, carefully, grimacing is because they are so afraid they will step on a grave because only they know where all the bodies are buried.  And, another reason they walk around so gingerly, there are many poisonous snakes right ready to strike at them.  Politicians and the bureaucrats which they appoint believe it was a stroke of genius that laws were enacted protecting them from the "tribulations" that voters-citizens must endure.  Legislators-congress people have special license tags on their vehicles so the highway patrol will not bother them.  One thing I noticed in international travel, (on one of my round the world trips, I had 48 flights) there was always a diplomatic exit for governmental big shots; their luggage did not undergo the "plunder" of the average traveler.  Why are some citizens considered so special?  Today's university students are told that they should protest any law-election to which they do not agree.  This ridiculousness has even leached down into the high schools...public school students in the streets protesting the election of Donald Trump.  And, more insane than their protesting, they get paid for it.  The thousands of warriors who gave their lives for the freedoms enjoyed in this nation, could never have been convinced that some students would harass-intimidate fellow students just because they have different opinions about something. 

Professors-school teachers-government workers, wrapped in an armor of rights should not forget that this is the age of the smart phone with its ability to capture voice and photo of spastic actions...public school teachers cursing, jestating about an election to which they did not agree.  We have imagination enough to fill in the blanks, schools that have replaced education with indoctrination.

In 1963, an innocuous twenty-three word prayer removed prayer from the schools.  Until then, even in the public school to say nothing of the provoquial schools, in this nation founded on Christian principles, daily Bible reading and prayer was experienced by all students, whether they wanted it or not.  Even in the small country schools of our nation, the portrait of George Washington hung in every classroom, students knew that he was the "father of our country".  In Catholic schools, the crucifix was prominent in every classroom but, because of the glass bowl of political correctness, because a few communist-liberal sympathizers think that a few Muslim or other minority students might be offended, both Jesus and George have been banished from the classroom. 

In my lifetime, 86 years, I have seen every facet of American life change...mostly for the bad.  There was always, probably, corruption in government.  Most city and county governments have always kept two sets of books.  Forget that men and women ran for public office in order to serve their fellowman, I have never known a politician who did not run for office except to serve himself.  I have not known one politician who did not leave public office much wealthier than when he went in.  Again, forget that bureaucrats are public servants...they think they are public masters.  It does not take many weeks, not even a course in indoctrination for them to attain that "big I, little you" eye sight-grimace.

Do you notice that these people who are so anxious to serve their fellowman-their country, always expect the taxpayer to pay for everything they do in public service?  If they attend a public supper of any type, they expect someone else to pay for their food...whether at the schoolhouse, courthouse, or church house.  They are reimbursed mileage for everything, a per diem for toilet paper. 

The average politician may start out on the city or county level but they know they are much too good for such lowly public service; they have their eyes set on the state legislature.  But state public office is not even good enough, like the children on Christmas dreaming of sugarplums in their heads; they have dreams of fiat currency dancing in their heads.  The more you get towards the top in politics, the bigger the money pot and the less likely to get caught with your hand in the pot. 

Do you notice that politicians always want choice seats at any function...public recognition?  And, high office enough, even if losing an election you have attained the name recognition and notoriety to be placed on some board of trustees, where you can again ride the galloping horse of do-gooder trust leading to big entitlements.  Most ex-governors are paid more money by boards of trustees, corporate-college than they were ever paid in salary.  Please, don't let them fool you about this famous phrase, "rubber chicken".  Like most people on welfare, they love free meals-good deals.  Every politician, every bureaucrat, like the pastor, like the parent, expects a reduced price on everything simply because of who he is and what he can do or has done for you. 

Much of the indecency of public service would still be in the of the unknown if it were not for the computer hacking astuteness of a military enlisted man named Bradley Manning, who, when he was not dreaming of becoming Chelsea Manning, was reaping information from many sources and feeding it into the quicksand of public notoriety.  And, in Moscow, another American, Mr. Ed Snowden, was hacking away at another tree of knowledge, evil, not much good, relating to the demented actions of USA political types.  And, in London, protected by the moat of the Ecuadorian castle, Mr. Julian Assange, pouring out "explosive" Wikileaks...another hacker, exposing to the world the intimate indecencies of the USA government officials.

The great writer C.S. Lewis said, "Christians never say goodbye" because Christians will be with one another forever.  This old, blind writer does not know much about the soul "welfare" of many politicians and I would not dare judge.  But, it is my opinion that many books will be written, many lawyers will be tattered by what quick minds and nimble fingers have produced.  All and all, we are seeing the dark side of our democracy.  

Friday, December 6, 2019

December 6, 2019

Need for Shepherding

"Savior, like a shepherd lead us, 
much we need thy tender care; 
in thy pleasant pastures feed us, 
for our use thy folds prepare. 
Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus! 
Thou hast bought us, thine we are."

He will carry the lambs in His arms!

(Arthur Pink)

"He will feed His flock like a shepherd. 
He will carry the lambs in His arms, holding them close to His heart. He will gently lead the mother sheep with their young." Isaiah 40:11 

Our Lord has . . .
  many weak children in His family,
  many dull pupils in His school,
  many fearful soldiers in His army,
  many lame sheep in His flock. 
Yet He bears with them all, and casts none away.

By Christ's gracious aid, the believer is preserved from being totally submerged by his doubts and fears. 

By His renewing operations, the spark of faith is maintained, despite all the fierce winds of Satan which assail. 

By His mighty enabling, the sorely harassed and groaning Christian is kept from sinking in abject despair. 

By His quickening power, hope is still kept alive, and the voice of prayer is still faintly heard.

There is no danger of the individual saint being overlooked amidst the multitude of supplicants who daily and hourly present their various petitions--for an infinite Mind is as capable of paying the same attention to millions, as if only one individual were seeking its attention!

"For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are . . . Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need." Hebrews 4:15-16

 Dr. Morris, world traveler, has seen shepherds in the 20th century. Both in Africa, and the Scandinavian countries. I remember talking with a Shepherd near Bergen Norway. He talked about how dumb sheep really are, "That he must keep his eyes on them all the time." Of course, Christianity was a foreign language to him, but I said, "We are all so much like dumb sheep, so easy to stray, we so need direction."

In my personal life, I so need direction, so wish I had a shepherd tell me what to do with most decisions I have to make.

I was talking with two officials from a local University just yesterday. I said, " I get so tired of these paid advertisements about how people should respect veterans, do you know the VA pays the NFL and other sports programs to tell the public how they should respect veterans? The VA does not respect veterans at all, they talk about the disgrace of so many veterans committing suicide (3 each day). The VA would like it if all veterans committed suicide, it would be so much cheaper for the country to buy a cheap 'tin' casket and a flag, and burry every veteran. Instead of the continued expense of sick care, such as it is, at a veterans hospital." I have written about this before, and will not go into it again. The insult to the veteran, and the embarrassment to the nation, is the VA "sick care." Each time a VA doctor asks me, a totally blind- 100% disabled- Medical officer veteran, if I have any thoughts of suicide, my reply always, "everyday." But that gives me the opportunity such as the opportunity I get in every area of life, to present my Christian testimony. Because, without flinching, "my faith keeps me going." I did not wear the uniform, to get free healthcare. In fact, I keep paying for my healthcare. Not that I have not paid for VA care, but my civilian doctors want me to keep coming to them.

In the poverty ridden home were I grew up, and the images just as vivid now in my blinded eyes, as it was as a child when I could see, there was a picture which my parents had acquired early in their marriage, of Jesus carrying a small lamb next to his heart. I used the scripture above, I would always say in prayer at any church or institution were I was asked to pray, that we can "find grace to help in time of need." Our faith is all based on grace and I so need that grace to walk blinded in faith. "For we walk by faith not by sight" (Corinthians 5:7)

Thursday, December 5, 2019

December 2019

An American Comedy

He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision. Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure. 
Psalms 2:4-5 

One of the longest running Broadway plays set during the roaring twenties was the play, "Chicago". It was often called an American comedy because it depicted in vivid detail the spiritual, intellectual, political satire of the administration of criminal justice, the flotsam (shipwreck) of Americana. The wreckage of our american experience though many have a tendency to laugh about any and everything, is more a tragedy than a comedy. Herein, these words, like music, a message inside my head that no one else could possibly hear.

There is nothing as bleak, lifeless, as a desert. I went into the Sahara Desert from Algeria, Egypt and Mali... vast oceans of just sand. I crossed the Gobi Desert by train, vast oceans of sand with just a single railroad track. There are actually people who live in these lifeless places. My driver, taking me out into the Sahara in a Jeep, stopped in order for me to take photographs of nothingness. He spotted a spot on the horizon, could not tell at first what it was. A native Arab kept walking towards us... a long walk in the blazing heat, covered head to toe. After a long time, he walked up to us, came over to me and just looked me over. I always have gifts for natives, I gave him a pen-tablet, a cigarette lighter and chewing gum. He just nodded and walked away. Later, nearer to civilization, I came across native boys who had dug down deep in the desert and brought forth petrified plants (the petrified bush in the above photograph, I brought back from the Sahara). I believe I paid the boys $2 for this bush which grew thousands of years ago in the desert. You see, in epochs past-history of this planet, vegetation grew in the Sahara. Over a long period of time, the vegetation was covered by sand... the plants petrified. We know at one time, even the Antarctic was not covered with ice. Such has been the change in the crust of this Earth.

It is time to consider what has happened above sea level to genus Homo, considered intelligent. Are our morals, values, intellectual accomplishments being inundated by the sand-dirt, regression which some call progress.

Our ancestors, both the religious and non religious, when they stopped crying would laugh at the foolishness of mankind today, having come so far to lose it all so quickly. Many, having jumped off the empire state building, just before the big splash on the pavement, in their stupidity, would say, "So far, so good." 

When this writer's ancestors landed on the shores of New Jersey, from the Good Ship Kent, in 1677, that horrendous voyage across a dangerous ocean, it was just a matter of survival. They had left the "wisdom" of Europe but sought something that "wisdom" could not supply, freedom. I have here in this room, their cast iron fireplace cooking pot. There were no work animals, supplies of any type, only that which their own hands provided. To eat, so they could work, they first built a chimney in which they could hang this iron cooking pot. They probably had one bucket, a few spoons, perhaps a shovel, ax, hammer etc. They next built a shelter around the chimney so they would have living space on land. From this type of survival, circumstances to which we would not commit animals, they advanced-conquered-built what became the most advanced nation in the world.

This writer is probably one of the last men allowed into the Great Pyramid at Cairo in Egypt. Since that time, the public has not been allowed into the pyramid. The inner chamber, large enough to place both St. Paul's and Notre Dame's cathedrals, built of thousands of blocks of stone each weighing 40-60 tons, blocks joined together so accurately that even a human hair cannot go in between, before the time of geometry, astrology and other advanced sciences, built at the very epicenter of earth's landmass, the interior has the constant temperature of 68 degrees fahrenheit, the best temperature for mans survival. Many books have been written about this great structure, the only structure other than the great wall of china which can be seen from space. It was there when Jesus was carried into Egypt by his parents, it was there during the great flood of Noah, and to this day with all the "smarts" of mankind, no one can determine how it was built. So remarkable its construction, that the most expensive building ever built on earth, Solomon's Temple (estimated value even then: $14 Billion), has the same footprint... 13 acres. Man had much knowledge before the founding of America, but America has developed and manufactured almost every modern technological advance... the world's super military power. America sent out 90% of all Christian missionaries, yet today, only 20% of Americans attend worship services of any type. America even designed and built the vehicles and engines, planes and ships which traverse the world. Yet even the cities-plants where these miracles of transportation and aviation were built are now mostly closed. The fiber, chemicals, academia developed in America has left its shores. Its people squalling for jobs, lost opportunities.
A nation which cultivated every type of education opportunity, libraries, foundations, now supports such a degenerate public education system that many parents choose to homeschool just as my ancestors did, landing and founding Morristown, NJ., and after building homes, schools, stores, set up systems for a civilized culture. With all of our opportunities, more of our fellow citizens imprisoned than any other country (25% of the WORLD's criminals are housed in American prisons).

For those idiots who laugh at everything remotely funny, radio, television, even the church house, the song is dead, "Nothing is coming up roses..." we are on a downward slide, heading for covering by the desert sands of history. This writer, born in poverty on a dirt road, no power or phone lines, worked his way through education opportunities. This young boy, standing with a metal case filled with bible samples probably saw then, 70 years ago, the best years of his life. He knew that he was standing on the shoulders of his fore bearers and all he had was opportunity, if willing to pay the price. Do you have in the White House, State House, Court House, Church House or even YOUR house, those who are still willing to pay the same price?

Monday, December 2, 2019

We Walk By Faith, Not By Sight

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

A Thanksgiving Blessing For You

A Thanksgiving Blessing for You   November 2019

My Dear Friends

It's Such a Blessing to have another Thanksgiving day approaching when we can again give Thanksgiving to our Blessed Lord for life and every challenge that we face. 
When you get my age, my condition you become more and more aware of what life is all about with its blessings. I can remember in our home, we had a beautiful dining room, where my mother entertained, the Pastor and the church family was always there. I still remember how my beloved father would pray when giving thanks, " Except our thanks dear Lord for this food and for the hands who prepared it". I would be willing to bet that all those long gone pastors to remember his word, his blessing that God wanted me to remember.
 Knowing my friends, I know that all of you are giving thanks at this season, we don't have to have a day because we give thanks everyday.
This morning, I am up-dressed-had breakfast and ready for another day of life. When I go, I want all of you to remember that God was good to me, more blessings than anyone man could expect. If only I would have known for ninety years what has been proven to me over the years. God has always been on the job.

Tom Morris

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Winning God's Lottery

"God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him. How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers? What was holiest and mightiest of all that the world has yet owned has bled to death under our knives: who will wipe this blood off us? What water is there for us to clean ourselves? What festivals of atonement, what sacred games shall we have to invent? Is not the greatness of this deed too great for us? Must we ourselves not become gods simply to appear worthy of it?"
— Nietzsche, The Gay Science, Section 125

            If this writer could look into a mirror, after a life of blindness, I wonder if I could recognize myself. During this lifetime of sightlessness, a world of hearing and smelling...just guessing how things appear to the "normal." I think I realized the difference in what God see's and know's, compared to the knowledge of mere mortals.

"But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance."  2 Peter 3:8–9

God does not own a wrist watch...does not own a calendar. He understands our lives better than we do, and it is all in his hands...his business. Our length of time on this Earth is up to him, none of our business. HE is in charge.

            The first time I was in BombayIndia, the death wagons still patrolled the streets. In that huge/poverty-ridden nation, a city of 18 million people; people are born on the streets, never leave the streets, and finally die on the streets. A death wagon goes around every morning, throwing the dead onto the wagon to be hauled off for cremation. Is it much different from the many in more fortunate countries, who never realize the importance/gift of life? Far too many, I have known, take the wrong trail after it has already been paved, just playing games with God...and games of pretending/pretention with one another. Many may never know the joy of redemption...chosen by God for eternal life. When/If we consider that ONE day with God is as 1,000 years, we'd have a better understanding of eternity, and a better understanding of why things are as they are...the inequalities of human existence here on this Earth. In God's timetable, the middle ages were only yesterday.

            I was in the Serengeti, at a game reserve in Africa, watching a huge heard of wildebeest (thousands) when I noticed over in my periphery (I had some vision at that time), several large lions hidden in the bush. Of course, as soon as one of the wildebeest detected the lions, there was a tremendous stampede. They left the old/disabled/newly born behind. So, of course, these were the first upon which the lions feasted. So it is with life, and we consider such to be unfair.

            My world has been the radio, listening to great voices. One, Mother Angelica, the catholic Nun who founded the Catholic television network, said "God allows the ridiculous so that he can deal with the miraculous." The world scoffs at God, but has no other place to look for guidance in this world. In America, as in so many places/nations, Christianity is rapidly being reduced to (becoming) "superstition."

            My son, a seminary PhD professor, has just returned from Japan where he takes seminary students each year, speaking at Japanese Universities; just as he does in other parts of Asia and Europe. Even historical Shinto's, once the greatest religion of Japan, is now just referred to by their own people as a cult or superstition. One of the times I was there, there was a Shinto shrine, I still have the photograph somewhere which states in English "stay off, some consider this sacred." The road to hell is paved with religion. I saw so much religion in India, the most religious country in the world. I will never forget the monasteries/monks in the Himalayan countries...old men, and even young boys, dressed in their robes, shaved heads; they were far different from the Muslims in the predominately Muslim nations, where there was so much hatred in the eyes of everyone. 
            My first trip to Afghanistan, the Khyber pass, a camel train coming through much as it did 2,000 years ago. I was in that "no mans land" where the famous Khyber rifles were produced. It is from these areas that the terrorists select seduced dope addicts to put on explosives and blow up people. All these people only have one life to live, also. Our lives on this Earth are not just a "dress rehearsal." It takes much trust to realize that the work of God is none of our business. It takes such trust to understand why 283 million human beings were killed in a Tsunami. He is in charge. It takes this type of trust for us to understand why the most innocent of life are aborted...why some of the greatest minds never get an opportunity for education, why some live lives stuck in a wheelchair (only those in wheelchairs can understand the real horror of public restrooms, having to use the restroom alone at night). I have had some ignorant and innocent people remind me of what blindness is like...they have no idea. Only one who has suffered the pain of cancer, may understand it; but, let us never forget that only those who have known the horrors of sin, may appreciate salvation. I don't want anyone talking to me about sin, who has never known sin...repentance, who has never repented...salvation, who has never been saved. I don't want anyone talking to me about poverty, who has never been poor...who has never endured the indignity of using an outhouse.

            Many of us did not win life's lottery, but God's greatest gift, greater than any lottery amount, his gift of love and salvation was given unconditionally. 

Monday, November 18, 2019

Esprit de corps and Camaraderie 

    "The common spirit existing in the members of a group and inspiring enthusiasm, devotion, and strong regard for the honor of the group"

Most of us talk too much, and listen too little. Animals are social creatures, even those animals without backbones...have a tendency to "clump" together (even simple life that can only be seen via magnifying glass or microscope). It is rare to find an isolated/hermit insect...one all alone. Where you find one fly, you'll usually find several. The best definition I have ever heard to define marriage, usually involving only two individuals, and at one time they were strictly of opposite sex (now anything goes, and most young people are transsexual and will try anything). Flies on a screen door...those inside wanting to get out, those outside wanting to get in; so accounts for a 50% divorce rate, even among "so-called" Christians.

My ancestors did not have "carbon-dating", they did not "hook-up" online, or even have arranged marriages. In the days of my grandparents, before the invention of motor vehicles (cars), a young man might actually visit a young woman by horseback or bicycle. His only contact with members of the opposite sex was through the school house or Church House. IF a young man saw a girl to whom he was not related, and to whom he was visually attracted, he would probably have made some sort of contact with her...simply to see if she were also attracted to him.

Families from many miles apart, usually knew each other. They knew which families were respectable. My grandfathers said they went to the fathers' of my grandmothers and asked for them. My father went to my mother's father, and asked for her. Thus a camaraderie resulted between the two, resulting in camaraderie between the families...so our civilized cultures and societies grew. There were no movie magazines, and very few books or magazines of any type that would cause anyone to become dissatisfied with the decision they had made. In my lifetime, divorce was very infrequent. My mother, her mother, etc. had no place to go if things did not work out in their marriage. There was a large family at home, and parents were happy to see their sons and daughters start homes of their own, families of their own.

Male or female, good times or bad times...from families, communities, churches...they all learned to survive...psychologically, socially, and physically. It meant something when they were told that they were forever sealed in matrimony, for better or for worse. Most always it got worse, not better; but the love of one's children had a way of smoothing everything out. Very often, if a young mother died, her husband would marry one of her sisters. This happened many times in my own family.

Perhaps the greatest, real, non-counterfeit, actions of human beings...their need for one another...to associate/defend/support. I believe the need for camaraderie , outside family, started with sports teams. The greatest force in the defense of our country is the "Esprit de corps" between members of a fighting unit. This old soldier found that men really and truly have a love and responsibility for one another on the battle field. In my early years, as a medical field-grade officer, I was a member of the staff of the Army hospital where the WAC center was located (Wilmington's Army Corp). It probably seems impossible in today's "don't ask, don't tell" society. But military men and women were segregated. It is impossible for me to believe that men and women can live together, much less fight together; but that is what political correctness has done for our nation, and that is why our nation will never again win a war. Other nations have tried it...IsraelChinaRussia...it does not make sense. We have a military now that has forgotten camaraderie, esprit de corps, and common sense. We have stupid élites/socialists/military who believe they are able to pass out sandwiches with one hand and shoot at people with the other.

I get so tired of repeating what I have said; yet, I know that I speak clearly. I find this true with employees, with associates, even with friends. Most people hear just what they want to hear...just remembering a word here and there. Can you even imagine how tired parents/physicians/pastors, even our blessed Lord, get when speaking to those who will not listen. Our minds are so flooded/bombarded with material coming from every direction. I think of how exasperated my father must have become when repeating things to me, but my father had the good sense to know that I had an active mind, and was thinking all the time, reading everything...why should I have been concerned with one of his hogs, or his plows! We never reach an age where God is not aware of our every thought....so no use in thinking we can hide something from him.

It is only in the grip of God's omnipotent hands, with any method he may choose to use, that he will straighten us out. Many have asked me a declarative/simple definition of a Christian. Try this: a Christian is a believer in the power/grace/mercy/love of Jesus Christ, and commits to Christian actions in a large city at midnight, where no one knows him as they do in his hometown, the same as he may at midday, where he is known by all. True camaraderie, in the family, at the activities of the church, school, is so obvious/evident when we have the respect for one another to know that "in spite of ourselves, God still love's us."