Spoiling the Soup

A new husband asked his bride, “when would you be able to make biscuits like my mother”? She replied, “when you are able to make dough like my father.” There is much art in the world, painting, Sculpture, music, but, no more appreciated than the art of cooking. Usually, not a group endeavor, the talent of one. (too many cooks spoil the soup) More now than ever before, too many lunatics have spoiled the world.
Since radio talk shows have gained there own niche in the world of entertainment, I have been a regular on many of these shows. My Christian faith is not kept secret, there or anywhere else. The non-religious, or atheist, in person, usually jumps me on that, more than anything else.
Once, at an automobile dealership, a large, tattooed, gruff mechanic, who could have squashed me like a bug, having heard me on the radio, questioned me about my faith. He said, “My parents took me to church as a child but I have found that church and church-goers are hypocrites. It is just a matter of money, church people wanting money, not living any better than anyone else, just pretending to be something which they are not.” He was surprised when I agreed with him, that much church activity is hypocrisy. I could have agreed with him about money, that there are those involved in God's work, tainted by money. The mechanic talked about Oral Roberts, Benny Hinn, televangelists, even local preachers and pastors who live the good life, golf courses, country clubs, expensive cars, restaurants, better houses than the rest of us. He had much to say about the wealth of the Catholic church, opulence of cathedrals, the cars in which the “vows of poverty”, priests and nuns ride. If he had seen the opulence of Vatican City, that I have seen, the priceless art, gold, silver, paintings but, like the Queen of England, who lives in a 675 room palace, 80 bathrooms for just she and her 89 year old husband. (Buckingham Palace is just one of her many palaces and extravagances) There are many things we do not understand but, one can understand this. God is still Boss, and, at the end of the Queen's life, the Pope's life or a homeless beggar's life, all the money in the world will not buy one more second, all will leave as we came, with empty hands. God's word speaks of the deceitfulness of riches. (Matthew 13:22)
The Catholic church has tried to keep it quiet, Pope John Paul I, who served as Pope for only 33 days. Several books have been written (In God's Name) about the belief that the Pope was murdered... involving intrigue concerning Catholic riches, those who were managing them and the Pope looking behind the curtain. This could very well be the reason that JFK and RFK were murdered, finding things behind a curtain. Many of us believe that the well worn path from a certain Wall Street bank (Goldman Sachs) always walked by treasury secretaries such as Paulson, Geithner, Rubin, etc. are the real evidence pertaining to federal money corruption. As that famous humanitarian-crook, Bernie Madoff has said, “the game is fixed”.
It will be necessary for God to expand the depths of hell to accommodate the many crooks and cooks who have spoiled the soup of this capitalistic, free enterprise, democratic, ONCE blessed republic and, for those elected to represent the common people in the “kitchen” of their country, the spooks-cooks-crooks who have messed up the soup will have their part in eternal damnation. Spilled blood of patriots, young men and women buried on foreign soil, hard working-God fearing-Tax paying parents who provided them, cry out for vengeance “vengeance is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord.” (Romans 12:19) The Christian must learn to live the life of the 12th chapter of Romans.
Whether the church, whether the government, whether the media, education, banking or any other system involving mankind we must believe that which we cannot change to One who can. When we have churches, we have what churches can do. When we have government, we have what government can do. When we have fellow human beings with warts, we have what they can do but, when people pray, seek God's help, then you have what God can do. The only way to change this spoiled soup, too many human cooks, is what God can do.
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