Friday, November 15, 2019

Gymnasium of the Mind- #1974

           Did you ever have a song in your mind that you could not get rid of? Memory can be an enemy. We have a tendency to resent those who were brought up like us, more-so than the elites whom we cannot begin to understand. Exercises of my mind, wired so differently from anyone else; has been both my strength, and weakness. I will not except ambiguity, mediocrity, and stupidity. The advertisement is right "A mind is a terrible thing to waste." I so pity the person, who refuses to enhance and improve his mind, whose mind becomes a "garbage dumpster;" who does not realize that his mind is in direct connection with the creator of the Universe.
            Can you even fathom the knowledge that you have within your mind? The transformation/righteousness possessed by Jesus. IF you have commited your mind to the creator of the Universe, and the sacrifice of his only precious son, for your redemption...your salvation, your personal relationship with him; just think, little you with your little problems, little aches and pains in direct communication with the omnipotent who spoke and the world was formed, who threw the stars into space, who will provide for you, eternal bliss beyond the imagination of your mind.
            I have never understood hypocrisy. Every Christmas, there is some announcement about some building or house in town being beautifully illuminated by so many Christmas lights. I remember, even as a child, my father riding us down the streets of the richest in the city...there homes illuminated with thousands of bulbs (Christmas lights). Yet, I know now, just as I knew then, that most of these people were "unbelievers," didn't even believe in Christmas, or the CHIRST of Christmas; just like the many who spend so much on lights and decor....most don't believe, most don't go to church. Most of these "shows" of extravagance, money spent for self aggrandizement...from people who never give a dime to the church or towards the work of the church. "It is all in the mind."
            One of my friends was a student at one of our States greatest Universities, a University with a great basketball team. Before this friends conversion, as he says, "year B.C., before Christ, rotten language did not bother me, I would go over to the arena and watch the basketball (team) practice. The great coach, who everyone knows, had the worst mouth I have ever heard. I could not believe the language he used towards his basketball players, yet no one knows about this, because of his celebrity (status)." And so it is with most of us, our sinful thoughts: greed, anger, lust, fornication, and adultery. Jesus tell us that if it is in the mind, it might as well be outward so everyone can see it. Please God, don't let my family and friends know about some of my thoughts in the past; when I lusted, had resentment that approached hatred...for my fellow man, the skin magazines which I perused.
            To this day, and to my last day, I will continue to pay the price of sinful acts. When God forgives, God forgets. But, as God has reminded me, I will not let you forget; because if you forget your sinful acts, you will also forget the brilliant formulas, and other mind-enriching curriculum, which you spent so many years in study, enriching yourself. I don't want to forget the good times, the good things. I would just like to forget the bad. I was not as good to my first wife as I should have been. With all her weaknesses (and we all have them), she was a brilliant pianist. I have never put this in print before, nor said it openly, but God has a way of reminding us of our WashingtonDC
now pertains to the "unmasking" of certain people (politicians who have attempted to hide certain activities). One of my own precious mothers' expressions about some sinners in our community, "Of course they are members of the church, they want to hide their meanness in the church-house."We read, and your writer has experimented with mind-control (MK Ultra). It is at the Lord's Table that we come face to face with real Christianity. The Christian is not a Christian just to himself, but every facet of the Christian mind must be intent on his relationship to others. I can still hear the old hymn in the country church-house, "Others Lord, yes others, let this my motto be. Help me to live for others, that I might be like thee."

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