January 29, 2020
Pulling Back the Curtain

God does not waste words in His book. His book is silent on many things, but everything we need to know is there. His word can be summed up in two words, integrity and sacrifice. We, who bear the name of Christ, must be a living sacrifice in a profane society, world, flesh, devil, our lives of integrity. IF, eighty years ago, when I was a child, the curtain could have been pulled back, showing what life would be like now, no one, absolutely no one would believe such. We just refuse to believe that God knew what He was talking about (2 Timothy 3) at the end of the world. He is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. He has already seen the parade, knew how broad the “road” to destruction. (Matthew 7:13)
We could not have believed such because everything in His book, everything in every biology, sociology, legal, book, sees marriage between a man and a woman. Not in the imagination of the heathen could one believe their would actually be same-sex marriage. Only in the imagination of the heathen could a nation believe that military forces could have bi-sexuals, men, women, attempting to win a war when, the most powerful force in combat is “espirit de corps”.
Only the heathen would have believed that one-fourth of the female population would have tattoos, that news broadcasts would be filled with attempts to force taxpayers to pay for “contraceptives”. God knows more about the heathen than do we, but the anguish of forcing the Catholic denomination (colleges, hospitals) to throw out their historical doctrines proclaiming their pro-life status. God obviously knows more about the heathen than do we. WHY the unborn should be killed, promoted by those who are paid to teach children, promoted by old people who want young people to work and pay taxes for their entitlements.
When the masculine cell fertilizes the first female cell, a new person, an individual fingerprint has been created. The population, development of the earth, depends entirely on procreation. Selfish, hedonistic disciples of Satan, like the eugenicists, Margaret Sanger, Bill Gates, Adolph Hitler, Mao Tse Tung, want to limit the world's population. The population of the earth, 7 billion at present, could live in the state of Texas, no more thickly “squeezed” than the citizens of Washington, DC. We have a citizenry, so stupid, that poisons (fluoride, chloride, used by Nazi Germany to control captives) are placed in water systems while at the same time forbidding the smoking of cigarettes on a beach, where wind is too “torrential” to fly a kite. We have a citizenry now, eighty-two years from my birth, in which 50% of producers are expected to support the other 50% of moochers, a citizenry, in which 52% of all black babies are killed before birth, 70% are in a one parent home. A citizenry in which, in addition to illegal addictions, Big Pharma wants every man, woman, and child taking two legal prescriptions each day. With “seedless” marriages, seedless plant life-vegetables-fruits, genetically-controlled everything.
Our ancestors would never believe that parents would so “hate” their children that they would force them into a pagan schoolhouse, a pagan church house, (lesbian preacher in the pulpit) a pagan courthouse-state house where justice is no longer blind or blind-folded, but justice has large pockets for large bills.
God will allow us to go as crazy as we want to go, go as far astray as we want to go, will beat us to death with war. Ronnie Milsap sang the song, Any Day Now. Before the end of 2012, Middle East war, American ships, Indian Ocean, planes and drones over the Middle East, 18 million killed in Syria, the population of Cairo, 18 million, probably 18 million killed in Iran... hundreds of thousands in Israel. Can we even imagine the horror story in this country before the curtain falls?, end of the performance.
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