The one thing which the unbelieving Atheist can never, and will never, understand, the sovereignty of God. Just as the deceived – disenfranchised, self-appointed – anointed, one speck of humanity on the globe, thinks he comprehends it all, you always have the exception. The Agnostic, thinking on human terms of fairness – cookie-cutter typology thinks that by some miracle of accidental evolution which man has the ability to understand simply because man can never understand the magnificence of creation even to the every day processes of photosynthesis, clotting of blood – extremes of amino acids, even the trajectory compounding of nuclear reactions we can forget the particular - chosen blessings of the Creator of the universe.
God chose some to bless in unusual ways. Probably Amram & Jochebed (if they could have looked ahead instead of backward) had no idea what they had produced in Moses...Jesse in David, even David thinking of Solomon. Just think of what Abraham Lincoln's parents would have thought if they could have seen his future.
Thank God, we are not stuck where we start. God has unusual sightedness for some of us. I remember my parents telling me that my fourth grade teacher, Ms. Champion, told them that I was a Mensa student. They did not know what Mensa meant. Now we know...one who has a photographic memory.
Even now, I can describe every room in every building I have ever entered...when I had eyesight.
I remember my mother, her many sisters, one after college graduation, WWII, working at the Pentagon in Washington. I was always all ears as well as all seeing. I remember her describing that huge building. Little did she realize that I would be an Army field grade officer, walking through that tremendous military installation. The Pentagon itself, covers 29 acres on a plot of 300 acres about half the land size of nearby Arlington National Cemetery which covers 600 acres. The Pentagon, like so many truly American super structures (World Trade Center, Sears Tower, Empire State Building) a glorified American landmark.
Whatever happened to the World Trade Center buildings, much dispute, they surely were not knocked down by airplanes anymore than the Empire State Building was knocked down by the plane that hit it in 1945 or the Building 7 (47 story building which was probably imploded from the inside). Our enemies know our affections for certain landmarks, probably the plane which crashed in Pennsylvania was heading for the Capital building BUT WHATEVER HAPPENED nothing is as embarrassing to those of us who have worn the uniform of this nation, pledged allegiance to its flag, than the celebrating of Gay Pride Month at the Pentagon...the epitome of this nation's super power status in the world.
Are political – military officials in Washington too drunken from Happy Hour (I understand Happy Hour extends 24 hours in many areas of our nation's capital) to comprehend WHY we have not won a war since WWII? Korea was a stand off, Vietnam – Iraq – Afghanistan, etc, all defeats. The one inestimable factor in all military operations “esprit de corps” the affection and loyalty of military for one another. The inserting of females into the ranks has done nothing but lowered military moral and effectiveness. Just as lesbian preachers, sissy pastors, have about destroyed the warfare capability of the church (the Christian religion has always involved warfare with the devil – power – prince of the air. Ephesians 6). Most Christians have never understood that we are at war against evil, necessary to put on the whole armor of God (Ephesians 6). Our only chance of victory “greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world” (1 John 4:4). The military might of America has been compromised not by our enemies but by ourselves and the political leadership more interested in “political correctness”, the voting power of minorities, than winning in military conflict. We know that drones are above us. That present day administrations are empowering security against those who do not go along with their defeatist attitude (we believe that $1 trillion has been allotted to Homeland Security – intelligence operations, to keep Americans under control who question anything about administration policies). Our country, our military now considered a patient, is on life support. Most news broadcasts are just propaganda. Anytime you hear recovery, you are being lied to. There is no recovery economically, militarily, politically or spiritually. In every area of American life we now undergo conditioning for future events such as the deactivation of the banking systems. There will be false flags, perhaps an attempted act of assassination, but just as with the gay agenda taking over even the military, the national agenda is to keep everything under subjection. There is only one dimension of understanding on this earth, it started with God's rights to one tree. He will have the last word about it all.
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