February 28,2020
Mortar and Pestle

I have already sold my large collection of mortars and pestles. This is the equipment used by the pharmacist (in England, chemist), in the drug store to triturate a prescription. One mortar and pestle from Afghanistan was a beautiful brass, one from Asia was a beautiful marble, others wonderful and collectible in their own special way. In the mortar, the pestle ground up the chemicals, a thorough mixing.
In this world of political correctness, separation has become enigmatic to the past. Since the Republicans are in charge in the new congress, the Democrats want everyone sitting together, perhaps holding hands, as they listen to the State of the Union message. Liberated women were not satisfied until our military units were thoroughly integrated, now they want women at the battlefront along with the gays, the cross-dressers, and anything else which can assure our defeat.
God started separating things at the very beginning of Creation, light from darkness. He has certainly seen the tares take over His church. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.(2 Corinthians 6:17) Today's church has lost its power because it has been taken over by the world. The conservative political party has lost its power because it has been taken over by the compromisers. When will we learn that cancer cells will destroy good tissue, that typhoid fever cannot coexist with health. The conservative learned long ago, that conservation is a mindset, you cannot be conservative in one thing, liberal in another.
I learned conservation, stinginess, frugality, early in life. I remember standing a room in which my grandmother's casket was located. 80 years later, it is still the most beautiful funeral I ever witnessed. My grandmother always wore a beautiful brooch, the brooch was always pinned on her dress, now it was pinned on her shroud. One of my great aunts put a corsage on my grandmother and told the funeral director in no uncertain terms, “make sure that brooch is removed when the casket is closed the last time.” My own mother wore that brooch, and then my sister, nor did we ever throw away food, clothing, scrap material from the making of clothing (scrap material was used in the making of bed quilts). We did not trot to the doctors office for any little thing. For leg cramps, we used magnesium, for burns we used yellow mustard, for stomach trouble, we used charcoal, remedies that are as good today as they were then.
In the new world order, global dynamo which is taking over the globe, Big Pharma, Big Farming, Big Industry, will do what abortion and eugenics have been unsuccessful in doing so far. With the greatest floods in history in Australia, Brazil, Israel (world's largest food producers), we can expect to see food shortages by April of this year. Remember, there is only enough food in the local grocery stores to last for three days, most food is hauled in by big trucks. As in the case of bio or nuclear disaster, there will be no trucks on the highways.
There was a movie in 1995 called Clueless, I am convinced that the world is clueless about today's problems...climate changes, almost weekly catastrophes, earthquakes, tornadoes, blizzards, hurricanes, etc. To the spoiled, indulged, lazy technology generation, things will never be the same again, as they were, even 20 years ago, one cannot live in a fairy tale except for so long, even the hibernating animal must awaken to reality.
The drug addict, the alcoholic is trying to escape. The alcoholic respects age, only when it comes out of a bottle (Ancient Age, Vat 69, 200 proof). Alcoholism as a disease, is given little significance, since we know it is a neurosis. When I was in Tunisia the first time, Yasser Arafat, was still in Tunis, the gay politician with his blonde German boys, a source of comment in diplomatic circles. Clueless, the Arabs on the west bank accepted he and his perversions without realizing what it was doing to them as a people. Today, that is all over, he is dead, and his “wife” and other assistants living in splendor in European hotels on the American tax dollar. Now as usual, another Tunisian official, as did Idi Amin, and other international tyrants, has fled to their haven, Saudi Arabia. So it is with international intrigue and mixups.
In Shakespeare's play Macbeth, witches danced around a cauldron pot, throwing in things which made the pottage in the pot more exciting. Has mankind reached the place that our only excitement comes from the passion of seeing the world as mixed up as it can possible get without destroying itself.
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