Amidst all the chaos that has engulfed our world over the past few weeks, yesterday (March 18), a 5.7 magnitude earthquake shook Salt Lake City, UT. While officials are still assessing the damage from the quake, one of the casualties was the statue of the angel Moroni perched atop the Salt Lake Mormon temple. As a result of the earthquake, Moroni's trumpet broke off. Ironically, the temple has been closed for the past several months as part of a renovation that is intended to make the temple more earthquake-proof. But that's not where the irony stops.
Almost every Mormon temple around the world has a statue of Moroni at its peak, which symbolizes
"the spreading of the gospel and the Second Coming of the Savior." A few weeks ago, Christy and I returned from a mission trip to Utah where we were reminded that while the LDS church claims to proclaim a "restored gospel," it's really a different gospel and thus no gospel at all. (Gal 1:6-8) But we left Utah encouraged that God is doing a mighty and growing work among the LDS people through churches and ministries that are preaching the true gospel of Jesus Christ and showing Mormons the deception within their own religion. In other words, God is in the process of breaking off Moroni's trumpet.

Our trip was incredibly fruitful and impactful as we met Ratio leaders and students from all over the country to pray for and evangelize Mormons. We spent most of our time sharing the gospel on 3 different college campuses, door-to-door in Provo (home of BYU), and in Temple Square. Throughout the trip, our team got to hear from experts in LDS ministry and then put the training into practice. When the week was done, there was not one team member that didn't come away with an incredible love for and burden to carry the gospel to the LDS people. Once the travel restrictions are lifted, we are looking to make these mission trips regular occurrences, not just for Ratio students but for anyone with a heart to carry the gospel to the Mormon people. If you're interested in being a part of a future trip, just let me know.
From broken trumpets to broken semesters, most of you know by now that COVID-19 has caused the adjustment/cancellation of many things, including UNCW/CFCCs' spring semester. Our Ratio staff is heartbroken for our students, especially for the ones who also had to deal with a shortened school year in 2018-19 due to Hurricane Florence. As of now, all classes have been moved from on-campus to online classes, spring sports were canceled, study abroad students were forced to return home, and it looks like graduation won't be happening. Currently, our Ratio staff is seeing what we can salvage of the semester as far as possible online weekly meetings, but our primary concern is simply for the physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being of our students. Please pray for them, and really for our entire world, as we try to adjust to a whole different way of living. Additionally, our 3rd annual apologetics conference, which was supposed to happen this Saturday, was also canceled. Our current plan is to have Dr. Brown and all of the breakout speakers we had lined up come back next year. (March 20, 2021 - mark your calendars!)
These are historic times in which we are living, times which our students will be able to one day share with their children how the world was rocked by a microscopic virus. But I'm thankful that
"The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof, the world and those that dwell therein." (Ps 24:1) For everyone, Christian and non-Christian, there is much uncertainty about what will happen tomorrow, next week, next month, etc. regarding this pandemic. But that's why we need faith - trusting God in the unknown based upon what we do know about Him. I think this is a great opportunity for believers to use these events as a springboard to share the gospel, and to be able to share hope with people who seem to be losing hope daily. Crises like COVID-19 cause many to think about ultimate things - why we're here and where we will go after this life. Let us take this opportunity to point people to the One who is Ultimate!
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