Friday, April 17, 2020

March 31, 2020

"We know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28 

To know that nothing hurts the godly, is a matter of comfort. But to be assured . . .
  that all things which happen shall cooperate for their good, 
  that their crosses shall be turned into blessings,
  that showers of affliction water the withering root of their grace and make it flourish more
--this may fill their hearts with joy until they run over! 

"As the wicked are hurt by the best things--so the godly are bettered by the worst things!"William Jenkyn

"Poverty and affliction take away the fuel that feeds pride." Richard Sibbes

"God's wounds cure--sin's kisses kill." William Gurnall

"I am . . . 
  mended by my sickness,
  enriched by my poverty, and
  strengthened by my weakness. 
Thus was it with King Manasseh when he was in affliction, "He sought the Lord his God." 
His iron shackles were more precious to him than his gold,
his jail was a more happy lodging than his palace,
Babylon was a better school than Jerusalem. 

What fools are we, then, to frown upon our afflictions! 
These, however difficult, are our best friends! 
They are not intended for our pleasure, but for our profit!" Abraham Wright

This 85 year old veteran, American citizen, committed/concerned/convinced Christian would never have believed, as a child, that he would spend most of his life a cocoon of blackness only by faith, not sight, do many of us walk.  (2 Corinthians 5:7)

God forgive me for having so little patience with those around me, family/neighbors/associates who have so much and appreciate it so little.

I was in the depths of Africa, I believe around Goma in the Congo.  I came upon a village where the Christians there were attempting to put a new roof on their church.  The young preacher said, it is a Methodist church.  At one place in Africa, I came across a large "brush arbor" which was a Baptist church.  You know what I was thinking, these destitute Africans doing the best they can with the little they have while I have surrounded my life with people who thought they were doing their best, for our blessed Lord by going to church for 1 hour on a Sunday morning... when they felt like it, living like the unbelieving world the rest of the time. 

I do not sit in judgment of anyone, everyday of my life I pray that God would forgive me for my rotten sins.  The times I have embarrassed him even though I was the bearer of his name even though I proclaimed his grace. 

One day we will understand.  I still remember the day before my own mother died...her body devoured by cancer, in my years as a Army medical officer, doctor,  many hospitals, I still believe the worse part of sickness is the bedpan.  The last thing I ever did for this remarkable woman, my mother,  was when she asked me to put her on the commode... nothing but skin and bones, she must have weighed about 50 pounds, she died the next day, and as far as I know, this Christian woman like her Christian mother before her never did anything but good for her family and everyone else with whom she came in contact. 

The most difficult question you will ever be asked is why God allows good people to suffer.  That is his business... just as he allowed his own precious son to suffer on a cruel cross.

In my long life of world travel meeting and greeting people of every type in almost every type situation, most never "EXPECT" the "UNEXPECTED"... they never think anything bad will happen to them even though 50% of the population have cancer, weather they know it or not, 10% of all deaths are from medical mistakes and 1/4 of all sac atrophic drugs are given to children.  We wonder why so many young people are addicted to drugs, so many commit suicide, so many are not fit morally, spiritually, physically to live around the normal population.  If nothing bad has happened to you, no sickness, no infirmity, no depression, no despair, no disappointment don't get too self satisfied, your day of exposure to the realities of life is on the way.  

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