Wednesday, June 26, 2013


In these "Rock n' roll" days of high living-- cell phones, fast foods, and hooking up--  most young people think you are crazy when you speak about the great depression-- which was a reality to old folks of my generation... it was just 80 years ago.

I still remember my father re-soling our shoes-- cutting the soles from a sheet of leather, using a powerful/ sticky substance. At least we could buy the materials. Black children and their parents wore shoes inserted with cardboard/ old tire rubber.

Until their deaths, many of my old uncles-- and other old men in the community-- wore shoes (brogans) which had been sliced, to make them wearable with their bunions. Men and women of that generation, wearing their often-too-small shoes, were afflicted with foot problems from which they could never recover.

I still remember one of my patients, a hard-working black woman, Ms. Daisy Thompson, talking with me on the condition of her parents' feet. She said, " Doctor, my 'feets' have got to take me a long way. I do without other things to have good shoes."

This writer still remembers one African (gorilla )safari where I was in the bush in Zaire photographing gorillas protected by African Pygmys. These men had never worn shoes. Their feet looked more like animal hooves than human feet. In New Guinea, this traveler saw men walk across hot coals with bare feet. I saw people walking bare footed on ice slopes in Bhutan. And, as I have described in other articles, I will never forget the young bare-foot children on the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan-- their fathers and mothers carrying all their worldly possession in bags over their shoulders.

In a world of the "haves" and the "have-nots," where poor people experience pain just as much as the elitist, I have never been able to understand those who bring pain on themselves through bad habits, addictions, etc.

In other articles I have described the many years at my "pied d' terre" in Manhattan-- where I lived some weeks each year. Back then (40 years ago) the drug culture was just getting started. One heroine addict, attempting to break himself from buying on the street, chained an arm to a radiator in his apartment. However, when the overwhelming, craving appetite came over him, his other hand disconnected the radiator, and here he was on the street buying, attached to a radiator. This is a supreme callus on the brain. Much more horrendous than one on the foot or cancer on any other part of the body.

So it is with addictions to cigarettes, sexual activity, and the greatest addictive agent of all, the liquor bottle. The worst experiences of my life were seeing alcoholics totally enslaved by "demon rum." Every slave of alcohol started with the first drink. Every slave of tobacco, the first cigarette. We live in a country where 50% of the people are diabetics, every cancer feeding on sugar.
Ancient pagans threw Christians to the lions. Now, a world of worldly religionists-- church members more interested in the world flesh devil... very interested in the activities of their unsaved friends-- more interested in the cause and effect of politics and their own economics than the cause of Christ. Real Christians, and the church, thrown to the socialized preachers and their unsaved poachers. The tares have taken over the pews and the pulpit does not wish to offend them-- particularly, if they are community socialites, able to make large contributions (of course as a tax write off.) One thing we should all learn from that great California preacher, Dr. Gene Scott and his great University Cathedral is as he said, "If you give in order to get a tax write off, you have already gotten your reward." God loves a cheerful giver. (2 Corinthians 9:7)  He also said, "Don't ask this church to give you any type of documentation for you to give to the government about what you 'supposedly' gave to God." Another thing we might learn from Dr. Scott in this day of children misbehaving in the sanctuary, children in the university cathedral sat with their parents until they were married. He did not allow any misbehavior of any type. He would stop in the middle of a sermon and ask an usher to escort the offender to the door. If people started leaving while the invitation was given at the end of the service, the great preacher, Dr. R.G. Lee of Bellevue Baptist-- a church with thousands of members, where this writer was active for many years-- would say, "Stare them down! We work the entire week for this time of the week, and they are in a hurry to get to a cafeteria." Lives are effected by calluses at the church house, school house, most certainly at the courthouse, and even at your house.

Just as a child's vision pattern is determined by age five, so a child's future character is established by age six. Children need a father and mother, boys need a father to teach them how a man should act, treat a woman. Boys need the tenderness of a mother, what to look for in a wife and girls should certainly know how a man is supposed to treat a woman. Hollywood and the internet have brought calluses onto the minds of young people. They willingly accept the gay agenda promotions of same-sex marriage, the euthanasia of the unborn, and old people who are no longer attractive and take up so much of the country's resources. The fastest growing segment, those 85 and above, use more healthcare resources than all others combined. Remember, the "old folks" planted the flowers which you are picking; they bare and wear the calluses of leaving to you advantages which you enjoy.

Calluses show hard work. This writer always enjoyed shaking the callused hands of a working person. I had the undertaker place my hand on my parents' hands in their casket. Neither ever had a manicure, only knew the value of hard work, leadership, and caring for others.

What a Mess!

You will have to search far and wide for a bigger mess than this. Read and Weap

-Dr. Thomas R. Morris 

Booz Allen Hamilton: What You Don't Know About Snowden's Former Employer

Let's take another trip down the rabbit hole, shall we?
Lost in the Edward Snowden debate is a critical look at his former employer, the company doing the spying on Americans in the first place: Booz Allen Hamilton.
Booz Allen Hamilton is a government contractor, with 99% of its revenue coming from the US government. Not only does it receive money from the NSA, but also the US Army, US Navy, US Air Force, US Marine Corps, Department of Defense, Department of Homeland Security, the FBI and ... the IRS. In addition, Booz Allen is heavily connected to the CIA.
Among the individuals involved in running the company, we have:
James Clapper - current Director of National Intelligence (DNI), head of NSA, the man who lied to Congress about the fact that NSA is actively spying on Americans, is a former executive
Mike McConnell - a current executive of the company, had Clapper's job (DNI) during George W. Bush's administration (keep it in the family, eh?) -- he worked for Booz Allen before Bush, then worked for Bush, then back to Booz Allen after Bush
James Woolsey - former CIA Director, current executive (see Jan Helfeld's interview of Mr. Woolsey where it becomes clear that Woolsey has no interest in discussing principles, only war)
Melissa Hathaway - former executive, also worked for McConnell during the Bush administration
Ian Brzezinski - former executive, son of Zbigniew Brzezinski, co-founder of the Trilateral Commission with David Rockefeller, central figure in the NWO crowd, and mastermind of Operation Cyclone
Dov Zakheim - this character is ... unbelievable:
1993 - His company, System Planning Corporation, had a subsidiary called Tridata Corporation, which was the company that "oversaw" the investigation of the 1993 WTC bombing
2000 - Part of the neocon Project for a New American Century, he is co-author of "Rebuilding America's Defenses," in which he is credited with the infamous line, "... some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor."
2001 - He is appointed Comptroller of the Pentagon, in which $2.3 trillion promptly goes "missing"
2001 - Attack on 9/11 occurs; some people are suspicious of his connections, since his company, SPC, in involved in flight systems capable of remote controlling aircraft, and because he was the guy who leased 32 Boeing 767 aircraft to McDill Air Force Base (2 of the 9/11 aircraft were 767's), and McDill is close to Elgin AFB, which was the location that was to be used if Operation Northwoods had gone live
2004 - Goes to work for Booz Allen Hamilton.
2012 - Advisor on Middle East policy for Mitt Romney campaign (gee ... ya think Romney would have gone to war in the Middle East???)
Booz Allen Hamilton is owned by the Carlyle Group.
One of the big investors in the Carlyle Group was the Bin Laden family in Saudi Arabia. Yeah ... THAT Bin Laden family. And instrumental in being the "go between" for Carlyle/Bin Laden was a guy by the name of George H. W. Bush. Maybe you've heard of him?
The CEO of the Carlyle Group (remember, they OWN Booz Allen Hamilton) is Frank Carlucci. Mr. Carlucci has quite a resume:
Nixon Administration - Director of the Office for Economic Opportunity (the "War on Poverty" -- and a great place to decide who gets government contracts)
Carter Administration - Deputy Director of the CIA
Reagan Administration - National Security Advisor and Secretary of Defense (Donald Rumsfeld is Carlucci's protoge)
He is or has been with the Project for a New American Century and a member of the Board of Trustees for the RAND Corporation, a CIA front that develops policies that the Military Industrial Complex then carries out.
You want a NWO guy? Carlucci is your man. And CEO of Carlyle Group, owner of Booz Allen Hamilton, spying on YOU.
At RAND, his specialty was Middle East policy. What do you know? That was also the specialty of Graham Fuller, CIA guy who was the father-in-law of Ruslan Tsarni, uncle of Tamarlan Tsarnev, suspected Boston bomber.
Speaking of the Boston bombing and Tamarlan Tsarnev, he had a couple of trips to Russia that made the news. But what did not make the news (in America, but it did in Russia) is that he went there for "training" that was funded by the Jamestown Foundation. And what do you know? The Jamestown Foundation (CIA front) has among its past board members none other than Dick Cheney and Marcia Carlucci, wife of Frank Carlucci.
See my post here about the CIA connections to the Boston bombing:
Given all their connections and government contracts, here's an interesting question: Booz Allen Hamilton has not only been involved in spying via the NSA, but they have also received no-bid contracts from the IRS. What do they know about the American people via the IRS?
Now, one of the things you will start to see if you look around at some of the big corporations these days is that many of them are involved in what they call "corporate citizenship" or something similar. What this means at the surface level is they are being "good citizens" by donating to charity. But when you go beyond the surface, you will see something else going on.
Booz Allen Hamilton donates money to the Clinton Global Initiative. The CGI is a part of the Clinton Foundation (yeah, THAT Clinton).
The Clinton Foundation has been implicated in bribery on an international level. Clinton gave himself a special little privilege while president wherein he exempted the William Jefferson Clinton Foundation from the normal rules of disclosure regarding publicly listing who its contributors were. It's a secret foundation. And it has over $200 million in assets now. And is alleged to be used as a way to funnel black money from corrupt governments around the world for behind-the-scenes deals like special oil contracts, arms dealing, US government foreign aid deals, whatever.
So folks, what you are not being told in the media about Edward Snowden's former company is that it is not only spying on you, but it is probably checking out your tax returns, too, and also receiving some of your tax money in government contracts, which it then funnels to CIA-connected/Military Industrial Complex-connected/NWO-connected individuals and organizations.
Something like this: Your tax money (taken from you by force) -> IRS -> Booz Allen Hamilton -> Clinton Foundation -> foreign bribes -> more contracts for the Military Industrial Complex -> more spending by foreign governments -> more foreign aid from the US government -> more US government spending -> more taxes needed -> more taxes from YOU.
Oh ... and they are spying on you, too.
But Edward Snowden ... yeah HE is the bad guy here. Uh huh ... move along ... nothing to see here.
- - - - -

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Picking Cotton

June 19, 2013

Picking Cotton

            "But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him." (1 Corinthians 2:9).
            It is inconceivable that a human being would go through the rigorous, risk repercussions of this life, having been offered the free gift of salvation AND eternal life after death, to reject it all (the grace salvation of God) and then to die and be buried like a dog. Of course, those who reject redemption honestly do not believe they will face a God of justice after death. But, anyone who has spent even a few hours studying God's serbon word will have cause to think again.
            The mortality rate in this world is still 100%. Have you ever thought, what would a David Rockefeller, Bill gates, Sir Jakob Rothschild, Opera Winfrey, Hillary Clinton, Madonna, or any of the other worlds "rich and famous" think at the last second of their life as they felt the coldness of death engulfing them... Knowing that they face the certain justice of God if they have been wrong in their life of sin and rejection.                                          It is truly unfortunate that children are not reared on a family farm, as was the case in this nation and many other nations before "progress" took over. Simple observations on the farm, plants and animals. You learn early the magnificent creation of God. As a young boy picking cotton, the white fluffy balls of cotton, the mystery of a seed planted in the good earth, growing a plant and then from the plant a fiber. A fiber which can be woven into cloth. One kernel of corn, one of 800 on the 16 rows on an ear, covered with a very though protective shuck -husk which protects the grain until harvest. The agronomist -agriculturists amazed at the complexity of every grain type (beans, wheat, etc.). The farm boy learns early how weeds (tares) have much more entangled roots which can choke the life of a good plant. He studies berries -fruits knowing that God placed the greatest nutrition in foods with the best -brightest -darkest color.
            Farm children learn about animals, this was before the time of the warehousing of all animals.  Just watching the young chick, hatch from an egg under a mother hen, the baby chick instill by God with the magnificent instinct -hearing of a mothers certain sound at a time of danger (the mother hen will make a certain plucking sound when a hock is around, or a stormy sky). The chick knows immediately to get under the mother hens wings. It is not difficult for farm people to learn the definition of "faith". Faith is a verb, they become faith-ers. Scripture tells us that faith is the security you find under a mother birds wings, or cleft of a rock. (Exodus 33:22). Life, the world, everything in it, designed by God plus the gift of salvation, chosen by him, before the foundation of the world believers chosen to live with Him forever. He will SHOW OFF forever, eternally, those who trusted in Him.
            This writer believes that this, more than anything else, disappointed our blessed lord before he was dragged before Pilate at a sham trial. (Mark 15:1). Jesus was not surprised or disappointed at the Romans (at the time of Christ, the Romans had six to seven million human beings as slaves). Jesus was not disappointed with the beatings, cursing, BUT, he was disappointed with Peter, cursing -swearing, denying his Lord. Jesus had walked and talked with Peter, Peter was always there, and you must remember, when Jesus was resurrected he told the women to tell his disciples and specified Peter. Does it bother anyone, anymore, that those who have the integrity of truth, many of whom actually have walked into the waters of baptism, hold on to the world instead of giving themselves totally to the cause of Christ, enjoying the company of those who curse, swear and deny Christ.
            Forgiveness and new beginnings, God choose Peter to preach at Pentecost, on the day the church was born, 3,000 saved. Forgiveness, new beginnings, even in a world where people so love the holly wood types, even to see seeping of pornography into the church members home via internet, those "wrestling" with the darkness of this world (Ephesians 6). Evil which is around us ALL, can be forgiven. In a world of beauty -kindness (only God could design the appearance -color -smell of flowers) why would anyone choose the ugly, and yet they do so, everyday. People know the difference, they know the evils of the world. 77% of Americans do not trust politicians... Do not believe what they say. YET, Catholics and Baptists, our countries two largest denominations AND who could elect the President and the congress, will go right to the polls and vote for evil. My entire life, I have seen people and nations thinking they can win a race, thinking they can cross the finish line much like ones who try to attempt to race a three legged horse in the Kentucky Derby. You do not need such a handicap, run life's race as a chosen -elected winner. Forget political correctness, forget retirement, entitlements, we live in a world where everyone wants just enough to sustain them. God chose us to have life (and to have it more abundantly). The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. (John 10:10).
Dr. T.R. Morris
Lt. Col USA Retired
Visit my blog at
* For release to Disability and religious publications*

(Dr. Morris is a totally blind 100% disabled service connected veteran, 8 around the world trips, passport stamped in 157 countries)

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Tuesday, June 18, 2013


June 17, 2013


"Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer." (Psalm 19:14)

            Millions of Americans have been jolted recently, learning that the IRS and other government agencies are checking everything about them. They thought they were living in a land of freedom (this writer has experienced police state brutality in such places as the Seychelle islands, Mauritius, China, where and when you were talking to someone they were constantly glancing around to see who was listening or watching). If citizens knew the peril they face in revealing their lives on Face book the government already know more about you, your bank account, your sins and silliness, than you do. Young people do not realize they are in a steady march to a Gulag. Even those who already live in government subsidized housing, even those totally dependant on welfare.
            Like the so called meteorologist on television, the news commentator, just READERS who have no comprehension of their subject matter just parroting something that a government worker has dictated. Much like Mr. Obama, clueless unless reading from a teleprompter.
            Americans have become Alta tones, just falling in line believing anything. They actually believe that chemotherapy and radiology will cure cancer, the very things that cause cancer, strange chemicals and radiation, both of which accumulate in the body. Cancer will not be cured because cancer is worth 1.2million dollars for every person with cancer. Many Americans actually believe that their children are being educated in a public school, when we rank 37th in the world in our knowledge of math and science. This is why home schooling grows seven times faster than public schooling. Parents want to get their loved children away from the decadence of public schooling... Some refuse to fall in line.
            This writer dropped his membership in AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science), several years ago, because I found that today's scientist are much more interested in government and foundation grants than in research to improve the life of their fellow man. Like many pastors, much more interested in their pastoral packet (vacation, retirement, car allowance, etc) than the souls of people who just might come to hear them and the fact that UNSAVED people, still go to hell.
            A verse of scripture that changed my life many years ago,  Blessed is the man whose strength is in thee (Psalm 84:5). The knowledge that my strength comes from God, has enabled me to live life as a 100% disabled veteran.
            In my lifetime, 82 years, the world has changed AND, it is truly remarkable how people and businesses become just automatons.
            How well I remember when any store, you receive personal service... A clerk taking care of you. How well I remember the first self service store I ever encountered... Pushing a shopping cart around, picking up things, checking out with a cashier. I thought, "anyone with baggy clothes can steal anything, and so it is". It really makes no difference anymore, because government welfare agencies are much more concerned about the shoppers than the seller... Furnishing a plastic card so the poorest do not have to worry about stealing AND, the twist beyond comprehension, sex and tabloid papers and magazines totally hiding the cash register so you cannot see what you are being charged. Business, from the banking house, to the court house, to the road house, has become a matter of greed. The hardworking, God fearing, tax paying citizen, attempting to live according to God's book, caught in the middle. The temptation of the automaton even as a child, "Everyone is doing it".
            In my youth, church house, and school house, we were taught not to gossip. As one man said to me long ago, "If you cannot prove what your saying to me about someone else, don't tell me". Starting with gossip "screenland" magazines, then moving to the radio with engaging personalities such as Hedda Hopper, late night TV talk shows, led by Johnny Carson, all media fell in line with gossip talk shows.
            The public, even responsible homes like automatons have fallen right in line with any sin or shameful activity coming around. Parents of young children even some who warm church house pews think it is fair to recognize same sex marriage, even the spending of $50 for the morning after pill by any young girl on a abortion activity... A pill to prevent inception -gestation. When will bible believing, real Christians, say enough is enough and throw the TV and other cesspools of satanic activity out of their house. It is not that we do not know better but Satan has his hold on us.
            Doctors -nursing -public health officials know better, yet they will walk on carpet in the corridors of hospitals. They know full well that every germ known to man is hiding in these carpets. Parents and grandparents, who love their children and grandchildren, will sit right there in a house wall to wall carpet , a precious child crawling around on that carpet, souls of shoes, bottoms of animals have brought every germ possible to that house now hiding in the carpet. Intelligent people will go to a doctors office, wanting to get well. Further exposing themselves to every germ known to man by licking their fingers, turning pages of old germ infested magazines, sitting on chairs where the skin of sick people have instilled germs. Most doctors, their staffs, are all too busy making money to clean their offices -hospitals, - clinics. The automaton theory of life, knowledge means little whether biological, political, or spiritual, just get in line and do what everyone else is doing.
Dr. T.R. Morris
Lt. Col USA Retired
Visit my blog at
* For release to Disability and religious publications*

(Dr. Morris is a totally blind 100% disabled service connected veteran, 8 around the world trips, passport stamped in 157 countries)

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Monday, June 17, 2013

Out of Focus

June 17, 2013

"Out of Focus"

"Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face,
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
  In the light of His glory and grace."

            The people I have known all my life, family, my parents friends (and they knew everyone), never called me Doctor, always by my first name, the greatest compliment to me. Early one morning, Mrs. Blanche Davis, (a fellow student of my father in high school) called me at home (Thomas, I must see you in your office as soon as possible, I don't know what's wrong with me, but I'm in bad shape. My blood pressure is very high). When she arrived at the office, she said, "everything is so blurred, nothing in focus." This was at a time when styles of eye glasses had changed. The gold -rimless types have been replaced by a combination of gold and plastic, difficult to distinguish between men's and women's styles. It turns out, that she has put on her husbands glasses (Mr. Clee Davis) and evidently he was wearing hers. A simple problem for one truly remarkable wonderful couple. The problem, in my life time, the world and everything in it has gotten out of focus.
            In thinking of focus, most people think of a camera attempting to get a good photograph. I'm from the time of light meters, Traveling the world, (eight-round world trips, passport stamped in 157 countries) this mostly blind man carried five cameras, one with a internal light meter. Traveling associates would often make sure my camera was focused; and I have remarkable photographs.
            Doctors, lawyers, architects, even denominations, are organized within certain bounds of focus. It is beyond comprehension that professional groups, uncompromised church leaders, even concerned parents, would let the world -flesh -devil so drastically change their focus.
            Of course, we live in a world of change. In our all inclusive government, a government which has changed totally in my lifetime, Power which was limited to Newtons laws -power brokers, -economic and political power, changed our way of thinking in 1945 with the introduction to atomic power. Now, everyday of our life, we must consider the power of terrorism.
            Most fat -sassy people, overfed, (50% of the American population diabetic) forget that one of every six children in the world goes to bed hungry. We loose focus that a family of four tends to throw away $2,275 of food annually. There is nothing as barbaric as a buffet, fat people gorging themselves on food, plate after plate. There are people on my street, who actually order pizza delivered to them. This writer has never ordered food delivered to him in his life, not in a five star hotel. The world has made a big deal of the new pope, Father Cardinal, preparing his own food. Many of us, even those of us who are blind, has always prepared our own food (someone asked President Abraham Lincoln WHY he was polishing his own shoes, the down to earth focused President said, "I am the one wearing them".)
            Parents have lost focus with children. Can one even imagine a "bender day" in elementary school, boys coming to school dressed as girls, and girls dressed as boys. The gay agenda, homosexual parasites of this world (Obama and his ilk) must be happy in the knowledge that children and parents eyes are so easily dimmed and dumbed. And we are conflicted about physiologically troubled youth, the physiologist now the pastor.
            On every doctors desk (Doctors cannot remember everything), a P.D.R. (Physicians Desk Reference) some hypochondriacs have such. In the small print these books that get thicker every year, we find everything except the admonition (the body has a remarkable ability to heal itself). Stay focused on God's healing ability.
            When anyone says to you, I do not believe in God, bring the matter of rain to their ears. Gods magnificent plan for the universe, 3/4 of the Earth's surface covered in sea water, this water evaporates from the sea, condensates in the air, through magnetism, salt removed rain droplets, one billion 600 million gallons to cover an area of inch of rainfall,  dropped so lightly that the most tender plant is not bothered. Rain, plotting of blood, man cannot duplicate God's powerful focus.
            Recently, long -dry summer, rain finally came to the country side where I was reared. How well I remember the rejoicing of the farmers when rain finally came -crops growing inches over night. BUT that country church where I was reared, the pastor from his air conditioned fox hole, not when I was a child but now paved roads, "the ditches are full of water we will cancel prayer meeting".
            The greatest focus supernatural, beyond the comprehension of the unbeliever, a sinner, saved by grace born again, when the righteousness of Christ invades your very body and you no longer see trough your own eyes, but the righteous eyes of the holy spirit of Christ. Your entire focus is Christ, not the old you, because you are a new creation. "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." 2 Corinthians 5:17.  Most loose focus of the rare jewel of salvation, even the spectators -pretenders who inhabit church houses.
            Surely Americans knew their government, their political system, was totally out of focus when they saw Monica Lewinsky testifying in the well of the U.S senate. Since the impeachment of that president, things have worsened.
            Surely, those who study their bible remember that God led three million slaves out of Egypt simply because he wanted to save them. But, in the wilderness, because of their unbelief they all died, except for a few, who like in the flood of Noah's day were saved (Noah, his wife, three sons and their wives saved in the great Deluge of 5000 B.C.) God's book has all the answers, believers need to stay focused.

Dr. T.R. Morris
Lt. Col USA Retired
Visit my blog at
* For release to Disability and religious publications*

(Dr. Morris is a totally blind 100% disabled service connected veteran, 8 around the world trips, passport stamped in 157 countries)

*If you would like to be removed from this mailing list, please reply to this email with the subject line "REMOVE" and the email address that you were sent this email at*

Friday, June 14, 2013


June 14, 2013


"Calvary covers it all,
My past with its sin and stain;
My guilt and despair
Jesus took on Him there,
And Calvary covers it all."
-Hymn Calvary Covers It All

            Many have asked this writer, a born again Christian, my favorite hymn. There are so many favorites, I'm so glad I heard them sung in that country church as a child, because the words come back to me over and over in the very times I need them. Perhaps the one it means most, because it involves the cover up of my sins, even the sins of others; even the sins of our nation. "Calvary covers it all."
            I have become so distressed with knowledge that has become secreted from the world. Satan is most proficient in that, does not want you to know he truth, because the truth will set you free (John 8:32). Satan "basks" in fooling those who think they have been set free, the "hangers on" to their life of sin and rejection. Nothing scares Satan more than redeemed people. Nothing makes Satan happier than Pastors and congregations who do not want to be set free, who know nothing of forgiveness, nothing of real discipleship. AND, those who are already his (world, flesh, devil) those who are the spectators looking not only at the spiritual world but the political world the "foolery" promoted by academia and most of all, the media.
            We are amazed as day follows night, how things can get much worse with the cover ups of our nation. It is not just the IRS which we have known for many years to be the "shackles" of citizens (at least the 50% of Americans who pay taxes) but the questions of cover up pertaining to 9/11. (Particularly the building #7 which fell five hours after the twin towers and no plane has hit it, within a second the entire building began to drop as a whole, falling into its footprint in a precisely vertical fashion). The Waco Debacle when 85 women and children were burned alive, the Oklahoma city (Murrah building) disaster when 168 Americans were killed (nothing about this incidence makes any sense), and then McVay, the accused, put to death so quickly. OR, the obvious murder of General George Patton, the many questions about Pearl Harbor, the non-bombing of the rail road tracks that led to the Nazi death camps. Investigations, books have been written about these national mysteries, none so much as the murder of John F. Kennedy, yet, the cover ups continue.
            On each cancer patient in America, 1.2 million dollars is spent. The world of pseudoscience, pseudo medical care, fraud of big Pharma, all getting rich from cancer and "supposed cancer research". You talk about a depression, CURING CANCER WOULD REALLY CAUSE A DEPRESSION. Of course, western medical care has never cured anything, just treats symptoms at great profit.
            Recently, a women cleaning my kitchen and hid my jar of Turmeric. Health scientist, big Pharma, the media has taken great care to hide the great anti-cancer treatment with turmeric.
            Curcumin has increasingly come under the scientific spotlight in recent years, with studies investigating its potential health benefits. It has even been found to outperform pharmaceuticals in preventing disease. Curcumin is a compound found in the spice turmeric which gives it a natural pigment. It has been linked to a range of health benefits, including potential protection against prostate cancer, Alzheimer's, protection against heart failure, diabetes, and arthritis. Two studies add to that mix with benefits for arterial aging and cognition.
"The first of the news studies, published in Experimental Gerontology and performed by scientists from the University of Colorado, found that curcumin was associated with improved vascular health in aging lab mice.
Curcumin is a diferuloylmethane derived from turmeric (popularly called "curry powder").
            On this writers many trips through India, spending much time in Asia I became increasingly amazed at the lack of cancer, in spite of every poverty obstacle, to the health of Asian people. It is unbelievable that substances  given us by God, or not used simply because big Pharma -big medicine cannot make big bucks off them. A substance which I have pushed for many years, charcoal, its healing qualities is not promoted because big dollars cannot be made from it.
            It makes no difference on how much money you have if you are dead, AND, the "sick care" world does not make money from dead people. Keep people alive, whether in nursing homes, prisons, wherever, just keep them addicted to the exotic chemicals of big Pharma.
            If dead, money means less, and less to you. Of course your relatives and others are busy scrounging for it. I am just as convinced as I am alive, that an employee tried to kill this writer recently. Simply because, he has found something in my house, in my large collection of antiquarian books, -comics -magazines -photographs that he could sell at a great price. The only thing, the problem, with any publicity about the "find" I would know about it. No one gets as sick as I got so quickly, pain beyond compare -blacking out without a toxic cause. Of course, the hospital did a toxicology study, the report is not final. Think of it, a man with no "concerned" family or friends, everyone just waiting to get their cut of the pie, who would question anything.
            America should be concerned about its financial health. You hear little about it from the financial prognosticators. The nation of China, ready to pass America as a super military -financial power, hoarding the worlds gold reserves. Our weak fiat dollar is based on oil prices... the world trading oil for dollars. China is preparing to back its paper money with a gold standard (it's money backed by gold). So it was in America until FDR killed the gold standard, killed capitalism, killed the incentive for work. The dollar -oil deal, was concocted by USA and Saudi Arabia. Now, China buys more oil from Saudi Arabia than does America. China owns the American debt and the debt of most nations of the world. Can you imagine the depression when the world chooses the Chinese money backed gold, instead of Americas worthless paper dollars. All this information is covered up by a crooked regime, a mid recession, a regime -president about to spend one hundred million dollars on a vacation in Africa.
            The greatest cover up known to man, the cover up for which every Christian rejoices, Jesus, on Calvary, covered all our sins. Not just this writers rotten sins, but on Calvary, he paid the price of the sins and sicknesses of the world (Isaiah 53). Son of god, sacrificial lamb without fault of blemish, "Jesus paid it all", all to him I owe.
Dr. T.R. Morris
Lt. Col USA Retired
Visit my blog at
* For release to Disability and religious publications*

(Dr. Morris is a totally blind 100% disabled service connected veteran, 8 around the world trips, passport stamped in 157 countries)

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Thursday, June 13, 2013

Steeples Point Upward

June 13, 2013
Steeples point upward

            "And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also" John 14:3. The most radical atheist I have ever known, even when I have been surrounded by the spectators and pretenders filling most church houses, even when reading comments by liberal preachers, none of these would never CHANGE the power of the cross... The word of God even if it made their lives more acceptable. The unsaved tares -religionist, those who go along to get along, those who have a secret envy for the actions -dress, language of their unsaved friends, those who doubt and question everything in your belief, even trying to shame you in your commitment would never change anything about God's plan of salvation because every "Christian watcher", even children, recognize hypocrisy.
            From our knees and then to our feet the Christian runs with patients and fortitude the race that God has chosen for him... in spite of everything.
            Dr. Archibald Alexander taught bible at Princeton University for forty years. He said that one is "dragged" down in life by problems of sickness, disability, finances, even family. It takes a strong Christian to turn problems over to God.
            If there is any one incident that this world traveler has described, which caused many comments from readers,  in written articles it was my one experience on the kalahari planes of Botswana, Africa.
            Of course this was back when I had a small amount of vision in one eye, left eye. Early morning, standing watching a large herd of wildebeests, there must of been thousands. Near by, hidden by the African bush two large lions just waiting for a meal. Of course, animals on the "outskirts" of the heard detected the lions which caused a stampede, leaving behind the disabled and the newborn. Of course the lions feasted on those who could not keep up, if only the herd of wildebeests had the good sense to protect their own, using their piercing hoofs and horns, they could have made manse meat of the lions, but the wilder beasts, like most human beings, just became "rubberneckers", watching the tragedy thinking, I'm glad its not me... I don't want to get involved, that's their problem.
            Germany, after World War I, was a very prosperous nation. Teaming with scientist educators, they decided to "mind their own business" as Mr. Hitler (his brown shirts, SS troops, all of them homosexual) decided, in their own interest, and the interest in their fellow travelers, begets. To cleanse the country side first, hundreds of thousands of the disabled were hauled off to the death chambers, then millions of Jews. They simply refused to stand up for one another and for the absolute liberty -truth -supposedly found in the human spirit. They knew that Joseph Stalling has killed more than fifty million of his country men, we know that Mao Zedong killed over one hundred million of his country men. And so it has always been, and still is, today, ten thousand Syrians are killed each week, six thousand of them children. Catholics and Baptists have enough voting power to elect the president, housing of congress in America. Inside the churches -cathedrals we sing and talk about loving the children of the world YET, we pay taxes to build drones that drop bombs on children, pay taxes to support planned parenthood and the abortion of three thousand babies each day, 1,400 of them black. What has happened to black churches who say nothing when 52% of their babies are aborted. What has happened to white as well as all churches, when so many babies of every race are aborted, the abomination of same-sex marriage, the stupidity of polluting our military services of mixed gender -even on the front lines. Thank God the southern Baptists have made their feelings known about the corrupting of Boy Scouts, a God and country organization which has made many young boys men. The Christian lives for the cause of Christ; not anything else in this world. Facing life's uncertainties -traumatic events, we first call upon the omnipotence, omniscience, omnipresent God. We look at the architectural marvels of buildings, the Madison avenue techniques of church services, so proud of what man can accomplish. Hell will be full of people shamed forever... There with the unsaved, many will remember that they did not major on important things, the souls of their fellow man. Many will wish they had given time to the disenfranchised, disabled, poor and distressed. Many have wished they had trusted more, prayed more.
            Scriptures invited us to go to Potters house, the potter working with clay, designing a vessel as he chooses. The potter is in charge, (God is boss), the potter never takes his eyes of the wheel.
            The church house pews are warmed by those who sing "O how I love Jesus". They do not love Jesus enough to study God's word, live the word. The US tax code has nine times more words than the Holy Bible. Most business men are more familiar with taxes than God's word. We are not concerned that a Christian Chaplin can be prosecuted (kicked out of the service) if he does not perform a marriage ceremony of two military service members of the same sex.
            In rules for radicals, dedicated to Lucifer,  Saul Alinsky states that Communism must gain a foot hole one step at a time. Roger Baldwin said almost the same thing in his preamble to the constitution of the ACLU (the objectiveness Communism). Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton, best students of Alinsky, believe that they should make Communism the rule of this nation. Christians know that we are just passing through, that our citizenship is in heaven. For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ:" Philippians 3:20. While we are here, just as while Jesus was here, the son of God, ours is to live a life of discipleship, grace by faith, "living epistles read and seen of men." "Ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men:" 2 Corinthians 3:2. "For we are his workmanship." Ephesians 2:10. Life is a journey not a destination, whatever happens along the way, everything points upward. Thank God, Steeples point upward.

Dr. T.R. Morris
Lt. Col USA Retired
Visit my blog at
* For release to Disability and religious publications*

(Dr. Morris is a totally blind 100% disabled service connected veteran, 8 around the world trips, passport stamped in 157 countries)

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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Unmasking Fathers

June 12, 2013
Unmasking Fathers

GOD, give us men!
A time like this demands
Strong minds, great hearts, true faith and ready hands;
Men whom the lust of office does not kill;
Men whom the spoils of office can not buy;
Men who possess opinions and a will;
Men who have honor; men who will not lie;
Men who can stand before a demagogue
And damn his treacherous flatteries without winking!

            Hindsight is the only perfect, physical, law of nature. In a world of materialism, where there is no language of morality, this writer thanks God everyday that he has known real men... not just in times of war but men who raise families.
            I met a couple in Greece, both lawyers, who invited me to visit them in their home in Saint Louis. They wanted me to meet one of their friends, a esteemed -famous jurist. This old man told me about his ancestors, crossing the plains. I was well familiar with the horror stories of the Louis and Clarke expedition, crossing the plains. he told me that his great grandfather, driving the covered wagon pulled by oxen, was sitting next to his beloved wife when she fell over dead. He had already dug the grave and buried a daughter on that trip across the plains. Now, it was up to him to dig the grave and bury his wife wrapped only in her clothing, as his two grown sons stood near by. Now, this takes a real man... Not the feminine types we see on television, the movie screen, not the purveyors of greed and power that we read about in our nations capitol, and much to my sorrow, many in the pool pits of America.
            I have written before in other articles about owning a co-op apartment on Manhattan fashionable east side, across from the east river. A young man worked for me in the house. he came from Spanish Harlem, he told me that his mother has been pregnant twenty five times. At the time of him working for me, there were 12 children in the home... two of the daughters had already been impregnated by his father. He said, "many times we only had a dozen eggs and a loaf of bread for a meal. Each person, a egg sandwich. Often, his mother would cook one large piece of meat which his father would eat, the others eating gravy. This, too, was a father.
            There are so many things I love about the catholic church... There pro-life stance, pro-family stance, there having tradition and solitude in their services. One thing I cannot stand, men wearing roman collars, called "father", who have never known what it is to be a real father. It takes a real father, biological or not, to raise children, to support a family, to go through the daily drama of keeping a family secure, physically, physiologically, spiritually. There is a world of difference involving the security of a "confessional booth" and the security of providing for a real family.
            I was amazed on how smart my own father became when I went to college... the fact he could do almost anything. From the time his ancestors landed in 1677 on the shores of New jersey embarking from the good ship Cant, a baron unforgiving land of opportunity, they had to provide housing, provide food, and provide security for their family. These real men knew how to plant seeds for crops, prepare wild animals for food, later, knew how to butcher hogs and cows. With their own minds and hands, they constructed the buildings in which they lived, worshiped, and went to school. They taught there sons how to work, live an example of how to treat wives -mothers. My own father was a workingness man I've ever known. He worked the fields while daylight, lead his church, chairman of the school board when night came. There was always money because there was always produce, raised by he and my mother, to sell, plus he was able to work in a barber shop, cutting hair on weekends. One of the many preachers at his funeral said, "could anyone image how many heads of hair he cut during the great depression at ten cents a head?"
            Today's young men, and even their sisters, have few examples to follow of real men. I have never heard a gay man speak of his father, men in today's world, soap opera types, of whom grown women "slobber" know nothing of real manhood. Obese, lazy, with beer and chips in hand, think it is male to cheer as trim millionaire ball players run up and down a ball field.
            The Anglican Church, England, ten thousand pastors, lost one thousand pastors to Catholicism over same sex marriage. So, the Anglicans are ordaining one thousand women pastors. The same has happened to the "lost" Episcopalians in America while many of their bishops are lesbians. It is no secret that the Lutherans, Presbyterians, Methodists, etc are ordaining "flaming" homosexuals as preachers.
I well remember when real men, the real fathers of their church, led their congregations in prayer. You could even hear the voices of real men singing in the church. Recently, a local pastor drove my car in order for me to attend the funeral of the first pastor I can remember "James A. Evans". Evans was a real man, preached a real gospel. One of the speakers noted that I was in the audience, he said, "Dr. Morris has said he has seen this real preacher in his home when he was a child", as so I did. He received very little money, mostly food from the farmers in the church. Of course, there was a large group of preachers there. My pastor friend said, in the congregational singing I expected to hear many male voices. You see, male preachers have lost their maleness from the gospel and that is why churches are yielding to the female.
            In God's grand design for everything, even the church, the male is in charge just as the male is in charge of the home. "For Adam was first formed, then Eve." 1 Timothy 2:13. Today, we have a population, who like Gloria Steinem, "A women needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle." And so, without a whimper from Catholics, Baptists, and other Evan genitals, even the sociologist that know better the gay agenda has taken over... same sex marriage, fifty six million babies killed since 1973, "sacrificing" the greatest military might -superpower in the world to the female agenda (women on the battle front, submarines, ships.
            From the beginning, male ancestry dominates God's word. When anyone doubts God's book, wants proof of God's word, just use the three letter word "Jew". The bible revolves around the Jew. From Romans to Philemon, we have the church. Mostly because of a brilliant Jew named Paul. We know nothing of Paul's family, what a father he must of had, this little Jew beaten, stoned, shipwrecked, spending most of his time in prison. This tough -feisty real man before Felix inherits young daughter Drucilla (they invelvet he in his homemade tunic must have been a sight for eyes). But Paul, like real Christian men "spoke up" for his savior. Felix, like today's males, wanted convenience. "And after certain days, when Felix came with his wife Drusilla, which was a Jewess, he sent for Paul, and heard him concerning the faith in Christ.".
"And as he reasoned of righteousness, temperance, and judgment to come, Felix trembled, and answered, Go thy way for this time; when I have a convenient season, I will call for thee."—Acts 24:24-25.

Dr. T.R. Morris
Lt. Col USA Retired
Visit my blog at
* For release to Disability and religious publications*

(Dr. Morris is a totally blind 100% disabled service connected veteran, 8 around the world trips, passport stamped in 157 countries)

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