"Dipping from the Cistern"

Choice gems from William Gurnall
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The gospel is God's heart in print!
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That book must be worth reading--that has God for the author!
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Do not say that you love Christ, so long as you can lay those sins in your bosom--which plucked His heart out of His bosom! It were strange if a child should keep, and delight to use, no other knife but that with which his mother was stabbed to death!
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The pleasures of sin must needs be short, because life cannot be long--and they both end together.
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Cease to pray--and you will begin to sin.
Prayer is not only a means to prevail for mercy--but also to prevent sin.
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To forsake sin, is to leave it without any thought reserved of returning to it again.
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The sheep may fall into a ditch--but it is the swine that wallows in it!
Take heed of deliberate sins!
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"He who is his own teacher, is sure to have a fool for a master!"
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Of all men out of Hell, none more to be pitied than he who hangs over the mouth of it, and yet is fearless of his danger.
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A Christian should deny himself of the world's carnal joys and delights, lest the ungodly say, "These Christians draw their joy out of our cistern!"
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He who has God's heart--cannot lack His arm!
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It is impossible for an evil heart, to think well of an afflicting God.
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"Faithful are the wounds of a friend--but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful." Proverbs 27:6 God's wounds cure--sin's kisses kill.
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Living among those who call themselves Christians for so many years, I am convinced that most have no foundation at all in Christianity. I asked one deacon in a Baptist Church, "Do you really believe that Jesus was resurrected from the dead?" He claimed to believe in Jesus, the power of God, wanted to believe in life after death, but really did not believe that Jesus was raised from the dead... so his entire faith was in vain, his church life a fraud. Even Jesus' disciples, those who knew Him best, were transformed after His resurrection. You must believe in the rebirth of the Holy Spirit in your life (your old man of sin and rejection replaced by the Holy Spirit of Christ, Christ living in you, a new creation).
I have asked college students if they had been convinced
by their educated professors about evolution.
Again, they want to hum and haw about believing in God. The devil believes in God and trembles (James 2:19). I say to the same college student, "You
have seen many machines, much technology, do you actually think these machines
just "fell" together, evolved?
That today's technology was not designed by a superior mind?" God has given us His manufacture's handbook,
His answer to every question. Two
thousand years on this side of the cross, are we still too stupid to believe
and study every word in His book?
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