Saturday, February 22, 2014



Through God we shall do valiantly: for he it is that shall tread down our enemies.  Psalm 60:12

            The greatest trust-quarantine known to man is just turning something over to God and then just leaving it alone.  Most of us want to interfere with God's work, thinking He needs our help.  IF mortal man could only understand, the power, the grace, the mercy of God.  For God to be God, He does not need anything, just for US to trust enough to turn everything over to Him... our health, our wealth, our future, now and then. 

            Before the telescope, the microscope, any knowledge of scientology, cardiology, or any of the isms that should be was-isms (fascism-communism-atheism), God was in charge.  The ancients, even the old testament prophets of four thousand years ago, even the purveyors of false religions knew there were universal-ecliptic-unsighted powers greater than themselves.  It took a long time for surgeons to learn to wash their hands, uninitiated civilizations to learn to put netting over bodies to keep out insects, to bury their dead away from drinking water sources.  Scripture reminds us that it is the small foxes that spoils the vines (Song of Solomon 2:15), but now, even in the 21st century, in spite of electronic microscopes, so much university knowledge, we still use radiation to cure cancers caused by radiation, we use chemicals (chemotherapy) to cure cancer caused by chemicals.  Forgive me, I did not mean cure.  You do not use the word cure with any disease anymore, just treatable.  If you have not learned, you will learn, that it is up to you to quarantine yourself and your family from the dangers of the world, including care for your body.  Old doctors would not have believed that in a time of modern western medicine the infant who escaped abortion, depending upon the immune system of the mother, as a quarantine against disease, would be immediately punctured with needles to kill off natural immunity. 

            In the mockery of our system in superiors simply because of advanced technology-education (even children talking on phones in their hands), two thousand years after the cross of Christ, we still have more people in the world who are hungry than fed, still depend on torture in warfare.  It should be an insult to thinking people and an embarrassment to God, that even those who believe and trust in Him, give more credence to those in the cistern of disbelief (evolution, supremacy of man) than the proven waters of trust-integrity eternal satisfaction from God's deep well.  When will we learn to separate-quarantine ourselves from disbelief?  When will we learn the uselessness of wrestling (Ephesians 6:12) the world, the flesh, the devil, THAT, the whole armor of God is all we need (Ephesians 6:11), THAT greater is he who is in you than he who is in the world.  (I John 4:4) 

            We think we are so smart, degrees, post graduate education, oh the limited mind of man!  In two hospitals, one army, one civilian, just as the dead are children of the dead, just as all dead look like crushed wax paper, this writer-army medical officer, roused the sleeping dead by telling them about their lack of quarantine against disease (carpeting in corridors on which very ill surgical patients were moved, drapery-overstuffed chairs in patients' rooms where microbes of any type could take harbor,  smell of perspiring visitors as the bacteria-toxins on and in their bodies escaped, etc.) .  Any patient, ill enough to be hospitalized, should not have visitors.  Take seriously the matter of immunology which, in the long run, depleted or otherwise, is your only "firewall" against a certain death, in many cases.   Like religion, like politics, like character, so much of our destination is just talk. 

            Many often mean well in their quarantine.  In the "foggy bottom"  of legislative committees of confusion-federal state local, much talk, many tax dollars spent, little accomplished.

            Most of us know there are only three grids of electricity in USA... Eastern, Pacific, Texas.  If terrorist eliminate one grid, the nation will panic.  Yet, never a word from power brokers or talking heads, preparing for this eventuality.  Like eating sensibly, every family should prepare-quarantine itself against the "walking warp" of the unintelligent.  Ambition usually makes men crazy about reality... making money, sports careers of other men, the endless attempt to impress someone (either further up the ladder or below you on the ladder).  Man has the need to excel.  Every politician sees in his mirror himself in higher office.  It is only with the welfare state, an addiction to entitlements-retirements, that men have stopped longing for a good bottom-line.  As dust covers the bible, God's own words to the world, as the great separation of man's wealth and accomplishments widens (a very small percent controls all of the world's wealth), as religious zealots (1.5 billion Muslims) are really willing to die in order to live in paradise (suicide bombers), the time for eternal life, life after death, evaluation not speculation, requires quarantine.  You are either lost or saved, a living epistle (2 Corinthians 3:2), or dead in your sins.  Why the hypocrisy?  We may fool others, but not self.  Immunize self against sin and rejection through the redemption provided with God.  God, creator of the universe, who has the very number of hairs on your head numbered, gave His best, His only son.  What makes us think we can escape the wrath of God, the denial of His son, by not separating, immunizing, quarantining ourselves against everything which God hates? 

Matthew 6:24

King James Version (KJV)
No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

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