From henceforth let no man trouble me: for I bear in
my body the marks of the Lord Jesus. (Galatians 6:17)
Thoreau, author of Walden Pond, said,
"Most men live lives of quiet desperation." This writer has often said, "The test of
a man is not what happens when everything is going good, but what happens when
everything goes bad."

No person,
no thing, is born or invented great.
Greatness must be achieved. Many
inventions, brain child of someone with superior motives, never advanced in any
way. Many did not believe the telephone,
television or teleprompter would ever amount to anything. Yet, we know just how much people depend on
this technology today and how many billions of dollars have been made on these
individuals who have achieved greatness were born into adversity, a penalty of
success. One would never compromise
morality or fall into very much sin, if he just spent his life in bed, doing
nothing. Like a flickering candle flame
draws the unwary moth, Satan has a way of drawing us into his web, ensnaring
us. How does one survive, particularly a
Christian, who does not EVERY day beg-plead with God to keep the temptations of
Satan away from him?! God puts his
chosen where He wants them and gives to them the knowledge He wants them to
have. This writer, born and raised in
poverty, saw in the desperation of farmers-cotton mill workers of Eastern North Carolina the desire, from their own inner
resources, to achieve and make a better life for themselves, their family and their
community. I believe my
ancestors-parents, many of the desperately poor students and soldiers with whom
I came into contact, the thoughts they were being smothered-broken by the
powers of government control that surrounded them. The paradox, with technology-progress of
every sort, lifestyles which should be so much better, life has not
improved. I find the greater percentage
of the population has just as much trouble paying their bills, staying healthy,
and facing an uncertain future now, as ever before. I find that many Christians-politicians-intelligentsia
are just blind actors pretending.
Christians pretending to follow Christ, politicians pretending to be
concerned about their fellow man, the intelligentsia-academicians pretending to
produce knowledge to help every one.
Really, most are just eaten up with the nihilism of meism... doing what
is best-most profitable for me (WIFM - What's In It For Me?). Is this what happened to the pastor of the
world's largest church located in Seoul, South Korea (Yoido Full Gospel Church)
where the pastor, Rev. Cho Yong-gi, just went to jail for three years for embezzling
church funds? Is this what happened to
the mayor of North Carolina's largest city, Charlotte, where Mayor
Patrick Cannon, will probably go to prison for bribery (he had only been in
office for six months), for taking at least $48,000? We know that this pastor, mayor and every
politician is well paid. God only had to
say it once, "For the love of money is the root of all evil." (I Timothy 6:10) It lead to the down fall of a disciple who actually
walked and talked with our blessed Lord, Judas.
Seldom does a week go by when we don't hear of some politician or leader
in the business world caught up in this trap.
Like tyrants, most embezzling, thieving politicians trip and fall over
the flag of the United
States of America... proclaiming their
patriotism, love of God, family and country as they attempt to deceive everyone
AND often thinking, fooling God. In
their desperation for reelection, possessing more than they will every need,
their greed, their thinking they can be successful in decent, often supersedes respect
for family, friends and associates.
Washington will always be the father of our country. Abraham Lincoln will always be the savior of
our country. WHY, after our history,
after our progress does the American voting population insist on placing men
and women into public office (from the white house to the local court house)
who are guiding us quickly and stoically into the sewer?!
Christ will always be the head of the church.
Christ-like people, whether the pope of Rome or a Godly grandmother will always be a
stand in for Christ. Technology has made
it convenient for all of us to find or seek reparations in someone else... the
street homeless people must suffer for their own sins... the government will
take care of veterans and welfare people.
Many live vicariously watching the sins of others on soap operas and
situation comedy on television. Most
pretending Christians, I know about-hear about, are envious of their
non-Christian, unbelieving friends who are enjoying a "sin for
season." (Hebrews 11:25) Sinners are so much fun! We like their phrases-language... we like the
way they dress, their music and their designer lifestyle.
BUT, at a
time of desperation-terminal illness-crash of some sort-climate act of God, to
whom do they turn for help? There are no
atheist in fox holes, and much to the surprise of those who have never been
there, not comfortable. Most pastors,
politicians and patriots, not knowing
the difference in the walk and the talk, want comfortable, air conditioned fox
holes for our war fare against world-flesh-devil. Desperate followers of our Lord are protected
by the whole armor of God. (Ephesians 6:11) Whatever comes, sickness, weather,
desperation, ANYTHING, whether we live or die we are winners, we belong to the
Lord. (Romans 14:8)