Monday, March 10, 2014

Straight Talk

Straight Talk

"The democracy will cease to exist will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
- Thomas Jefferson.

            This writer is a totally blind, 100% disabled, service connected, medical officer, veteran of the Korean War era.  I have been totally blind for most of life, now age 84.  One person accused me of being a victim, I am more a victim of the despair brought on by the complete unconcern of my fellow man than anything else.  If I have learned nothing else in my many years of disability it is that most people care only for themselves.  I have found those who care the least - family, fair weather friends, associates, even those who claim the name of Christ, disparage me the most. 

            Most of those around us just go through the motions.  It is like this perpetual-continual (have a good day) when they could care less about what kind of day you may have.  God knows what he is doing when he causes or allows blindness, cancer, or anything else.  The greatest blessings of my life have come to me because of blindness.  Because, I have had a relationship with my Creator which I would probably never have had otherwise.  But, I must admit, I have had a hard time understanding the minds of those who should care.  It makes no difference how generous or genuine to your own family, your own Christian-church associates, your neighbors, your tenants, even your employees -- whatever I do is never enough.  Never, not once, has my only child or my only two grandsons, ever given me one gift at any holiday, birthday or when on a visit (usually only once a year)... NOT EVEN ONE COOKIE even though they know how much I love sweets.  Most people, over the years, since I have gotten very few things from anyone... have the mantra - what can we give someone who has everything, needs nothing?  What can you give God who has everything and needs nothing from you?  At this late date, it is time many of us consider many things. 

            This writer, as I have already said, a blind veteran, received treatment at many hospitals (the longest time and best treatment, Massachusetts General in Boston).  I was at the veterans hospital in Durham, right across the street, Duke University Eye Center.  The VA put me there because they had better specialists to care for me.  I was in the corner room on the second floor.  This was during the time of the Vietnam era war, protesters from UNCH (where I graduated), Duke and other schools in the area were protesting the war around the VA hospital.  A black nurse came into my room, told me how much she hated veterans and spat in my face.  The VA, Duke, nor Dr. Anderson who was treating me did anything about this incident even though they were informed.  Those who go to VA facilities can understand what I speak about when I say there is no agency or administration as inept at the Veterans Administration.  They are just going through the motions.  Just this week, my driver took me to a VA facility, the haphazard attitude of the employees was beyond description.  And, it does no good whatsoever to report bad attitudes, bad care or inept management.  Even our NC senator, Richard Burr, ranking member of the Veteran's committee, even the Blind Veterans Association, even the ranking member of the House Veteran's committee, Myke McIntrye, from this area or Walter Jones, also from this area, have any empathy for veterans. 

            There is a big difference between walk and talk.  We hear talk about government waste.  Government healthcare... There will never be a better example of the lackadaisical attitude than that which I have already expressed in a blog I have titled "National Self Immolation - 1603" found in my blog dated December 19, 2013. 

            In this blog, I described, in detail and have hundreds of pictures to support every statement (by the way, I have never received any requests from a government-agency about pictures or information, even though I wrote many letters).  Fourteen rooms, one total floor in one of my buildings, was rented to an organization called Circle of Courage Ultimate Support Network.  Of course the rental-lease was handled by a realtor, but the chieftain of the group told me that her patients/clients were all Medicaid patients.  In other words, the government spent millions of dollars sending mentally sick people to this group and we found out, after much investigation, those there to treat these mental patients, dispensing God only knows what drugs, did not have a license to practice anything.  Of course, the taxpayers were cheated, the owner of the building was cheated because he didn't receive his rent, the NC Department of Labor was cheated because they did not get their taxes (they told me $150,000), but I think the MOST CHEATED were the patients who were there because they needed help and thought they were getting help.  I remember so well, after they had abandoned their office, turned off electricity, cut off the phone, left all of their records in the office, two black people banging on the door yelling they needed their drugs.

            My assistants described the situation to me and made photographs.  Read to me from some of the records scattered around on the floors the following examples:  (A)  Patient DJ, age 14, diagnosis: "Oppositional Defiant Disorder - description: behavior such as back talking, suspended from school, etc."  (B)  Patient JG, age 8, diagnosis:  "Post Traumatic Stress Disorder - history of physical abuse since the age of 3, having outbursts of anger and difficulty focusing."   On one sheet of paper found on the floor along with thousands of records, an evaluation of the services.  On this piece of paper, the following five items were found in default:

            1-Improper document
            2-Notes missing on dates of treatment
            3-Patient Care Plan not in file or completed correctly
            4-Signatures with credentials of clinician missing
            5-Incidents reports not reported in a timely manner to IRIS (NC Incident Response Improvement System)

            This writer, owner of this building, always went into the reception area to pick up his rent check.  I have all of the e-mails, telephone calls about the delinquent rents.  The daughter of the director worked in the office and handled this (she worked in an office behind the sliding glass window, which all of you have seen in such offices.).  Always, the excuse for late rent and later for no rent or worthless checks, the government has not paid us.  I said, "Surely as much money as the government has!?"  She said, "And, we get all we can.  This is the reason we have two hands."

            Just a fraction of the American population have died in war.  A larger percentage wounded in war.  Those who have given their all, our hard working, God fearing, tax paying ancestors, would never believe what has happened to our world.

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