Phagocytosis + Paramecium = Paramecisis
Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil;
cleave to that which is good. - Romans
In Cytology,
(cell study) the paramecium or any other phagocytosis process engulfs a foreign
substances. We, mere mortals, often feel
we are being engulfed as we wrestle with the powers of deception and darkness
that surrounds us.
For we wrestle not against flesh and
blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the
darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. -
Ephesians 6:12
If you can
explain what is going on, God had nothing to do with it. If you can list 10 reasons why God should let
you into His heaven... if you can list 10 reasons why any man or woman should
marry you... if you can list 10 reasons why your neighbors should love you...
if you can list 10 reasons why a friend should loan you $100 without asking any
questions... then you are truly the exceptional person!
Don't you
become mystified with the "gold brickers-skaters" who get through
life just "going through the motions?" Aren't you concerned that large industrial
farmers are paid millions of dollars to not grow alfalfa and other crops? Are you not alarmed when you get up early, go
to work everyday-paying taxes-keeping the laws of God and man, yet, supporting
those who do not have an enough ambition to work? Are you concerned, and concern is a lost word
in most vocabularies, that many mothers stay at home and home school their
children rather than submit to the decadence in public schools? Are you concerned the news media has bowed
totally to the gay agenda of same sex marriage, destruction of military forces
with open homosexuality, promotion of euthanasia? Have we lost our minds?!
My mother's
only brother, Willard, returned from the warfare of the jungles and monsoons of
the South Pacific, WWII. He told me the
only people in the community who acted like they were glad to see him were the
black people who had know him since he was a child. His white friends-relatives at the church and
elsewhere almost acted as if they were surprised he had survived the war and
only wanted to know how much money he had saved and, "what are you going
to do now?" In my lifetime, I have
seen the values-morals discounted by Satan and his minnuns. After all of this time in world history, man
as yet to discover that Satan always pays off with counterfeit.
By this shall all men know that ye are
my disciples, if you have love one to another.
- John 13:35

From the
White House, to the school house-court house-state house, even your house, we
have a sickness concerning rewards and punishments. The veteran gets just a pittance for his
service, the civil-master (note - I did NOT say servant) gets a handsome
retirement for his service. You can buy
yourself a job, even an ambassadorship, by making a large political gift. Compromising bureaucrats are not as evil as
the government that put them into power.
Have you
noticed how different some people are when they are with you face-to-face
versus when they are with you around others?
We are so intent on impressing others, becoming so politically
correct. Many know, but will not admit,
the first family is probably the worst family... that government-industry
always cashes in on every human tragedy.
We live in a world of pretension.
Everyone pretending to be someone he is not... leader, pastor,
parent. You must be a special person,
one with special gifts, to avoid the Paramecisis of being engulfed-engorged by
the world-flesh-devil. In the army, a
fellow medical officer, surgeon, spent much time building small model railroad trains
to exercise his fingers, hand-eye coordination, so he could be the exceptional
surgeon. We are the exceptions, special,
chosen by God, not to be engulfed-engorged by Satanic forces.
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