Monday, April 28, 2014


Life is the continuous adjustment of internal relations to external relations.
Herbert Spencer

            Many people want to be free. Jesus came to give us true liberty. Most of us find it hard to give up the chains that bind us,  the bondage that so easily entraps us, addictions, habits, routines, and even political correctness.

            Now, but over 60 years ago, I was hitchhiking home from Chapel Hill, on a highway near North Carolina's central prison. Across the highway, I saw some men digging a grave. Nearby was a black truck, on which set a cheap casket. Of course I had UNC stickers on my bag, and the men doing the work started yelling at me about Carolina's football team. I crossed the highway to say hello to them, and they told me they were burying a prisoner, and asked if I would like to see him. They said he was a constant problem, and had been killed by another inmate-- that his days of being a problem were over.
            Then, and since, I have thought about the fact that the prisoner was the son of parents, and at one time a small baby, probably much loved. Yet, in a prison cemetery-- all unmarked graves-- he was being buried like an animal. No preacher giving remarks about his life, not one family member present. Why is it that some human beings can make the adjustments required in life, and others cannot?
            There are two classes of us: the acceptable ones, ones who did not get caught in our sins; and the unacceptable, those who did get caught in their sins. All of us are in such desperate need of salvation-- forgiveness and redemption for sins of commission, sins of omission, and sins for which we know nothing about-- sins that keep us from the holiness of God.
            There exists an "Oprah" theology, which promotes the thought that God loves us regardless, but if we have love for God, if we have been truly redeemed, we are a new creation in Christ-- we learn to make the bends, changes expected, so that God sees in us the righteousness of Jesus. I have known so many who claim to love God, and yet their is zero evidence of righteousness in their living-- never able to make the adjustment in life choices, addictions, and sexual promiscuity, never realizing that a Christian is in constant warfare against the devil, against evil. Too many Christians/ church members, want to have it both ways-- they want to walk down the middle of the road, holding on to Jesus with one hand, and the world with the other. The great preacher, Johnathan Edwards said, "Those who come to God for mercy, come as beggars..." We follow the precepts of His book, His demands, not our wishes. We must often come out from the foolishness/ silliness of some church groups. He tells us to come out from among them, and be separated.

"Therefore, COME OUT FROM THEIR MIDST AND BE SEPARATE," says the Lord. "AND DO NOT TOUCH WHAT IS UNCLEAN; And I will welcome you. "And I will be a father to you, And you shall be sons and daughters to Me," Says the Lord Almighty.
                                                                                                            2 Corinthians 6:17

            I cringe in criticizing any group, but I honestly believe that many churches are more like country clubs with steeples, than true houses of worship.

            You cannot experience Christian rebirth and remain the same person you were previously; you are a new creation.

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.
                                                                                                            2 Corinthians 5:17

            Most young men I know, even at the church house, are just interested in eating, drinking, smoking, sex activity, ball games, and making money. It's hard to imagine, when things are going well, just how quickly things can change-- it just takes one highway intersection, one disease. Every fiat paper bill you hold brings you in contact with 3,000 germs that cause disease. MRSA, a flesh-eating disease, for which there is no cure, started in hospitals, but is now in the home. Good health depends on exercise, and what you put in your mouth. but you must keep your hands clean and away from your face. Just think of the germs in any airport, on any door handle, bathroom, or stair rail. People and germs from all over the world. Do you really value your immune system? Have we, as human beings, accepted the worst for us-- warfare, disease, disability. Young men and women spend hours with games that glamorize war. 
            This world traveler spent much time in the Congo. I remember that in Goma (city at the head of the 2,000 mile Congo river) young men talked about tribal warfare with ease and even expectation. This blind veteran has found that most veterans, those who remember the horrors of Korea and Vietnam, want to forget war. They would love to eradicate its memories from their mind. In 2010, 33 Chilean miners were trapped for 69 days underground. Great efforts and expense finally brought them, every one, to the surface. At first, after such an ordeal, they wore very dark glasses, in order to adjust to the light. Having suffered through the trauma of depravation of exercise, food, etc., there was a complete physical and spiritual adjustment. They knew what it was to be delivered, redeemed, saved. When a drowning man has been pulled from the river or ocean, it is not difficult to love his savior on the bank/ solid ground, the one who pulled him from certain death. It was not hard for the miners to love those who saved them. It was not hard for patriots to love this nation. It is not hard for Christians to love Christ, who has saved them from their sins. You are glad for the world to know you a different-- not indifferent. You do not poison your body with addictive substances. You dress, behave, and live conservatively. 

            This writer has visited nightclubs. With few exceptions, the same crowd in the nightclub, could be walked right into the average church-- same immodest dress, same casual, caustic language, and much of the same type music. God has told us "But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light." In that wilderness tabernacle, designed by God, there was a holy of holies, protected by a great vale, and into which only the high priest could go. On this side of the cross, is the precious-supernatural treasure beyond the comprehension of most men, the fact that we can go any time to this holy place, with only the adjustment of true belief.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Images of Divine Mercy

Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night. And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.

Psalm 1:1-3,  King James Version

            This writer is not attempting to self serve. I want to share one of the great moments of my life. In my lifetime-- before plastics, zippers, and electronics, before such words as Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, apps-- when, particularly during The Great Depression, most of the population of our nation was just intent on survival. I learned many years ago that most people's whose hands have been mauled on the upward climb on the ladder of survival, just want to block it out of their minds. We should never forget the pit from which we were dug. (Isaiah 51:1) It has never embarrassed me to tell anyone that I was born and raised, surviving, through divine mercies, on a dirt road, without electric power lines, phone lines, and water lines. My ancestors had gone to one-room schools. The school I attended, across the street from the school where governor Charles B Aycock and both my grandfathers attended, had 12 grades. There were 13 in my graduating class, but I was blessed to attend the University at Chapel Hill, blessed to have the energy, stamina, and intelligence to be able to work my way through school.

            I sincerely believe that giving is a part of my DNA, and so it should be with every person who claims the name of Christ. God gave the world and everything in it, the spark of life to mankind, whom He created. He gave His only son to redeem us from our sins, and His son gave His life. I truly believe that saving is a matter of character, that maturity is learning to delay pleasure. Called tight, stingy, frugal, I have saved 50 cents of every dollar I have made. The greatest pleasure of my life has been giving to God's work, and to those active in God's work. There have been many receivers of my philanthropy. One being Mt. Olive University, Mt. Olive, NC. This college is the "pearl" of a very small Baptist denomination. I am not a member of that denomination, but my parents, grandparents, great-grandparents back many generations, were members, and I have given large sums of money to that college and denomination (two $3,000 pastor of the year awards, two $2,000 Sunday school teacher awards, $3,000 and $4,000 awards for students, faculty and staff awards, scholarships at MOU) I gave $100,000 for a student loan fund, and $100,000 for a heritage room to honor founders of the denomination. The university decided to hang a portrait in my honor. I had asked that it not be done, but it was done anyway. These are the remarks I made at the ceremony, before a large group gathered for a lecture:

            "You honor me with your presence here today. Every day of my life, at 4 o'clock in the morning, I have a communion service, and a time of prayer-- just me and God. This morning I asked God to be particularly good to me today, that I would say the right thing today. He said that if I get wound up, you will be here all day. The last time I was here was to give the graduation address. Dr. Byrd, Jeff and many of you, will remember this, I was so very sick.
            Years ago, a pastor came to my office, inviting me to speak at their church's homecoming. He wanted to know what I charged for a speaking engagement. It was the Pikeville Baptist Church. I said, 'Oh, Brother Sasser, you have this all wrong. I will pay your folks to listen to me!'
            I want you folks to ask God to forgive Brother Jeff Daughtry for the wonderful introduction he made, all the nice things he said about me, and then I want you to ask God to forgive me for enjoying the introduction so much. I can truthfully say, with Thomas A Kempis, who in the 15th century, wrote the book Imitation of Christ, 'I am what I am, before God, no more, no less.'
            I am old enough to remember-- this is my 84th year-- the time when there was just a two-lane road by this town. I remember coming by this very spot, where we are now located, in my 1941 Plymouth, on the way to Brunswick and Bladen counties, selling Bibles during the summer of my college years at Chapel Hill. The place where this large and beautiful campus is located, was just a big farm. Dr. Henderson gave this farm to the university and hard-working, God-fearing people, of a small, mostly rural denomination, raised money for these buildings through church suppers. But, when you have buildings, you have what buildings can do. When you have faculty and students, you have what they can do. When you have praying, committed, Christians, giving to this school, then you have what God can do. I am convinced that, like this school, this county, this state, this world needs what God can do. My life has been intent on doing God's work.
            My Aunt Mini, reminded me often of a poem I gave, at the age of 6, at a county Sunday school meeting. She said I had on a white suit, short pants, white shoes, and a red bowtie. It was 80 years ago and I remember that it was at the Raines Crossroads Church, or at Stony Creek. The poem: Keep on Keeping On. That is what we will continue to do here in our churches, and elsewhere.
            The greatest disability of my life has not been my spending most of my life in total blindness as a 100% disabled veteran. The great disability was not the poverty in which many of us were raised. My great disability was not in the struggles I had in going through 8 years of university education, training to be able to help my fellow man. My greatest disability was not ever getting much encouragement from anyone. I always felt that if I had been burned at the stake, most of my family, relatives and associates would have added more wood to the fire. My aim always, in giving to this institution, was as unto God, and to give all of you encouragement.
            I pray that God will keep you close to His heart of love, and underneath His hand of protective care."

            After the presentation of the portrait, there was a wonderful luncheon for all the guests. It was far, far better for the school to recognize my efforts while alive, than after I am gone. Too many times, and it happens particularly in families, appreciation is not recognized/ realized/ vocalized until it is too late. I have always been bothered by family members spending large sums of money to buy flowers for a dead father or mother, flowers which the deceased cannot appreciate, flowers which would have been enjoyed and appropriate when they were alive

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Core Values

Core Values

I am thy servant; give me understanding, that I may know thy testimonies.  Psalm 119: 125

            Each of us, a living breathing individual, made in the image of God, has 1,440 minutes in a day.  This writer is convinced that God holds each of us responsible for how we spend each minute.  George Washington, father of our nation, certainly the most famous president of our democratic republic said, "Any time misspent, is lost forever."  It is easy to pray in a foxhole, hospice or hospital bed.  Do you ever consider, just what you would do with your life if you knew, for a certainty, that you only had so many hours-days to live? 

            This revelation will surprise some of my friends but, I do spend $10 each week on lottery tickets.  Most of my life blind, forced into inactivity, this gives me some excitement as well as contributing to the education fund for the state.  I can truthfully say that if I were to win a "large pot" of money, it would not change my life one iota; it would give me opportunity to give money to many worthy causes, more than I am able to contribute to now.  I can truthfully say that if I knew the exact days of my life left, I would not change one thing.  I live each day knowing that death is just one breath away, last breath here, first breath there.  My eternal life started many years ago when I trusted, through the mercy of God, the redemption of Jesus Christ.  I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that the next thing these blind eyes will see will be the sights of heaven.    

            In my lifetime, there has been many movies based on the bible.... Charlton Heston as Moses, etc.  Now, comes Noah, that remarkable old testament figure of history who God chose to build an ark (to save himself and his family, eight souls, and the animals of the earth which God chose to save), who was 500 years old when his 3 sons were born and 600 years old when the great flood came.  The director of "Noah," Darran Aronofsky, called his movie "the least biblical biblical film ever made."

            This writer has found, over many years-many individuals of many religious and non-religious opinions (rich-poor, educated-ignorant) that most are not convinced of their convictions, that most cannot explain their belief or unbelief; their souls have a longing for something which they attempt to fill.  This world traveler (eight around the world trips, passport stamped in 157 countries) has never found a culture or civilization that did not worship something.  The simplicity of Christianity is astonishing, if not accepting Christ's redemption, then what?  False religions offer nothing except death such as the death of their founders.  Even the hagarens (Muslims), the descendents of the handmaid to Sarah, Hagar, mother of Ishmael, were, like Isaac and his twins, descendents of Abraham.  Under stress, unbelievers, like believers, begin to pray.  Under stress and need, most people work, but, at least in America and most socialist countries, a large percentage of the population resort to living off of the work of others.  This number is rapidly approaching 50% in America.  At the upper end of the population curve, a small percentage of wealthy people who, making every minute count, have achieved great wealth.  At the other end of the population curve, a large number who work, but never get far from the hand-to-mouth lifestyle.  In between, the hardworking and the successful elitist (some from inheritance, some from excellence in education, some from just raw luck) is a vast number who just want to survive on entitlements, retirements, subsidies, grants and welfare.  Let's face it, because of our education system, secular media built up resentments of one kind or another, so we now have a population of lazy, ne're-do-well, skaters, who are perfectly happy to live a stress free life, relaxing before the television set, chasing a ball on a golf course, or in some club or another (civic-country) sitting around hashing out between themselves the world's problems to which they have never contributed one thing except indulence.

            We live in a world with people who have made bad choices.  Many want to use the excuse of family background (the way they were raised-their inadequate education-struggles through poverty).  Would it not be wonderful if all of us had been born healthy, wealthy and wise... genes from intelligent sophisticates?  Would it not be wonderful if all of us were tall, super intelligent, good looking?  Would it not be wonderful if all of us could go to a private prep school, have influential parents-friends?  Would it not be wonderful if all of us could be blessed with a remarkable talent (musical ability, athletic ability, creative ability)?  As I have told so many talented people, when blessed with talent you are far ahead of the rest of us.  Jesus told us about such things.  God just expects us to do the best we can with what we have.  Don't confuse celebrity with accomplishment... think of Helen Keller and Madonna, living-working through struggles even poverty, is part and parcel of success. 

            Satan is so much smart than we are, wants you to settle for counterfeit.  In God's book, His instruction manual, He tells us the same things over and over, to trust and depend on Him.  It takes a long time, you will make many mistakes, but as the old people in the country church sang, "Take your burdens to the Lord and leave them there."  Not just your burdens, EVERYTHING.  The greatest part of your value system, depend on God and leave the consequences to Him.   

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Less We Forget

Less We Forget!

.... The tumult and the shouting dies—
The Captains and the Kings depart—
Still stands Thine ancient sacrifice,
An humble and a contrite heart.
Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet,
Lest we forget—lest we forget!....
                                                                - Rudyard Kipling    

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

I will refine them like silver and purify them like gold!

(Alexander Smellie, "The Hour of Silence" 1899)

"I will bring this third part through the fire and make them pure. 
I will refine them like silver and purify them like gold!" Zechariah 13:9 

I gather from this verse, that though the days are ever so evil, God will always have His chosen ones. There always is the third part--there always are the few in Sardis, who walk with Christ in white. I trust that I belong to the little flock.

I learn also that, though the members of His Church are insignificant in this evil world--they are very precious to Jesus. He compares them not to dull lead--but to silver and gold. He has Himself clothed them with their attractiveness. My Lord, I draw my silvery sheen and golden brightness from You alone.

But I see that, as beloved as His people are, it is His purpose to refine them. The jeweler uses every method to beautify the metals which he prizes most. If the citizens of this world escape the sharpness of God's discipline--the citizens of the heavenly Kingdom cannot. He chastens me, because He loves me!

And I find, too, that the sorrow may be very severe. He brings His children through the fire--the quivering and scorching fire! "I have refined you in the furnace of suffering!" Isaiah 48:10 

"For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but afterwards it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it!" Hebrews 12:11. Oh that blessed Afterward! The fire purifies the dross from me; it kindles my hidden graces to life! 

   ~  ~  ~  ~  ~ 

            Again, this writer has been reading "talking books" about America's early history, the sacrifices of our forefathers during the American Revolution.  I have been listening to a book on General Washington, again, astonished that we were able to win the war against the British.  Just think of these unprepared, colonial states, putting together a fighting force against the world's greatest power!  Many early Americans were very comfortable living under England's rule.  Just a small percentage of the early colonials participated in the revolution.  General George Washington's army was so poorly prepared for war that they were actually fighting with spears... Benjamin Franklin had suggested bows and arrows.  Often, farmers' cows were killed and their hides used to put around their bare feet as make shift shoes.  They did not have tents or blankets to keep out the cold in those desperate winters.  One American soldier, in rags, a ragged blanket over him, body covered in puss pustules, bushy beard and hair, was not recognized by his own brother. 

            These are our ancestors; the nation which we have inherited.  Surely God chose America for a special place in world history.  Surely God chose America for a special mission of His church.  90% of all Christian missionaries to remote corners of the world have gone out from America.  Almost any city, town, cross-roads, the length and breadth of this great prosperous nation you will find a church edifice, a place to worship God.  These churches, whether a majestic cathedral or simple wood framed building, proclaimed the free will of free men.  God's greatest gift to man, free will.  It is a real tragedy that after more than 200 years the benefactors-heirs of this great national struggle, political and spiritual are willing to surrender their freedoms so easily.  

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Eternal Security

Eternal Security

See then that ye walk circumspectly, no as fools, but as wise.  Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.  Ephesians 5:15-16


The birds and lilies teach me better!

(Alexander Smellie, "The Hour of Silence" 1899)
"Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?" Matthew 6:26  

Let me not worry--the birds and lilies teach me better. God spreads a table for the sparrows, and clothes the wayside anemones with their exquisite beauty. And I am dearer to Him by far. I, who am made in His image, and for whom His Son has died, and whom He means to dwell with Him in His Heaven--I occupy a larger place in His heart of hearts.  

Let me not worry--it serves no good purpose to fret and worry. I cannot, with all my solicitude, add a cubit either to my stature or to my age. Anxiousness will only plunge me into mental distress and annoyance and sorrow, without bringing me any compensating advantage whatever. It knows how to wound; but ah! it does not know how to heal.  

Let me not worry--a child should have more confidence in his Father's wisdom and watchfulness and love. It may be excusable for worldly men and women to worry--but not a son in the royal and wealthy family of the King of kings! There is no justification for him if he goes worried and burdened during the day, and lies down to hours of sleeplessness at night.
"So do not worry . . . For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them!" Matthew 6:31-32 


            This writer never understood eternal security until he saw a father and his small son walking down the street one day.  The father had the son's hand clasped very tightly instead of the son hanging onto the father's hand.  So it is with us, believer's in Christ-redeemed by the grace of God, God holds onto us very tightly. 

Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for He hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.  - Hebrew 13:5

            Marriages-businesses-lives flounder and fail from individuals not having the faith and grace to depend on the sovereignty of God.  We know that God takes care of birds and other animals; surely He will care for us!  George Matheson, a Scottish blind preacher, afflicted with financial problems after undergoing a renewal of his faith, wrote the hymn "O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go."  George Muller, another English minister, founder of the Ashley Down Orphanage, cared for over 10,000 children.  Often he did not know where the food would come to feed the children, but it always showed up.

            Recently, this blind veteran spoke to a group at a local university.  I stated that my greatest disability in life has not been a lifetime of blindness, the impact of growing up in poverty, my struggles through 8 years of university education.  My greatest disability resulted from not having ever received encouragement.  I cannot remember one time, in my entire life, when a relative, associate, anyone, said to me, "I can only imagine what you have lived through."  Everyone needs encouragement.  The Christian holds fast to the knowledge that God cares; that we can be secure in His promises. 

Fear thou not; for I am with then:  be not dismayed; for I am thy God:  I will strengthen the; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. - Isaiah 41:40

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Impulse for Good

                        Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player
                   That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
                   And then is heard no more:  his is a tale
                   Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
                   Signifying nothing.

            In Machiavelli's The Prince, the author said "...he who seeks to deceive will always find someone who will allow himself to be deceived." This writer refuses to be a victim of deceit, a constant cynic. Dig, we must, to find some good on this earth.

            Why are unbelievers threatened because God loves them?

            In a nearby prison camp (Burgaw, NC) prisoners train dogs.  These dogs are used by the disabled-handicapped people, even families who want a loving best friend.

            Years ago, one Sunday afternoon, one of my friends drove my car to a prison camp.  At my expense, I was delivering to the camp religious materials which I felt would help the prisoners there.  When we arrived I noted that it was a visiting afternoon.  Under close guard, the prisoners in uniform, were standing along the fence talking with their visitors... mothers, fathers, wives, and children.  Many were holding hands through the fence.  There were smiles, happy thoughts, signs of loving-forgiveness.  I thought, "If this therapy of families visiting you and seeing you incarcerated does not change your way of living and help keep you out of a facility such as this (rough buildings, poor food, hateful men and dogs guarding them) then nothing will work."  But, I knew, deep down inside, that history proves prisons do not work, even stocks, chains, and shackles.  The threat of road gangs and capital punishment, does not prevent crime.

            Then I learned of the dog therapy used at the Burgaw prison camp.  Prisoners showing their love for an animal, the animal's love for them.  The attachment between man and animal, and inner understanding-- almost devotion, has never been understood by those who study the mind.  The love of animals and the animal's unconditional love, regardless of anything, has always worked in nursing homes and mental institutions.  Why not in a prison?  This program is not new or unique to Burgaw.  It is also used in Colorado (Colorado Correctional Industries) and Washington (Prison Pet Partnership Program).  There has always been a very special relationship between a man and his dog.  Jail bars, like technology, do not change human behavior.  But, we do know that the inmate, showing great care for his animal, changes.  The inmate knows that the animal loves him, depends on him.  The inmate knows that unless he treats the animal well, unless he is of no problem to his fellow inmates, he will be kept from any relationship with the animal.  The inmate has the responsibility of caring for and developing the best behavior of the animal.  An animal trained by an inmate becomes the exceptional, trusted companion of a disabled person... a trusted member of a family.  Perhaps the empathy shown by the prisoner towards his animal will extend to the outside world when the prisoner gains release.

            We all must learn, some later than others, that life has absolutes... good and evil.  We find that good always wins.  There are a billion stars in the universe, God has a name for each.  He knows the name of each person chosen for life, even those who did not survive the murder of abortion.  He knows those who have trusted Him in spite of everything.  There are many in this world, in prisons, the loneliness of nursing homes, those who did not win life's lottery, who have a right to feel defeated-betrayed.  Many of us have the feeling, gathered from the attitudes of our relatives, associates, and neighbors, that if we were burned at the stake, many of those family members and associates would throw wood on the fire.

            Lets face it, we live in a world of deception-- everything, everyone, proffering, and often protected by, a veneer of something. We even believe that God loves us, whether we love him or not. God answers the prayers of those who believe in His son. As a poet said, "There is good in the worst of us, bad in the best of us." God chooses, pulls,  and calls, to His heart of love, every person He knew would believe on Him, before the foundation of the world. The redeemed were a twinkle in His eye, given to His son, claimed by His son, never to be separated.

            For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,  nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
            Romans 8:38-39
            If this eternal security and assurance does not bring joy to the Christian, there is something very wrong.

            When one reaches my age of 84 years, is living alone and in poor health, when you go to bed at night, the chances are good that you may never awaken (this is a very good way to pass, instead of waiting for death in a hospice room). This writer, always, in the early morning (4 a.m.), has a time of communion with God-- one does not need a preacher or priest, just a small piece of bread and a sip of wine, and in holy remembrance, you know the blessings of healing and forgiveness. But, suppose when one of my assistants arrives at my house, the doors are locked; I do not answer the phone. They know the hidden location a key to the back door. Please, dear God, if this old, blind veteran is dead in bed, don't let my assistant, the police, or mortician, think for one second, "He actually thought that the creator of the universe had an interest in him."

            After the Macbeths killed the king, Lady Macbeth, more than he, kept washing her hands, attempting to cleanse herself of the murder. Shakespeare said that all the water of the oceans of the world, all the perfumes of Arabia, could not erase the deed. The doctor examining her said, "She has a need for the divine." The Christian, even while alive on this earth, enjoys eternal life. He has already passed from death to life. Clinical death just opens the door to the goal of heaven.