Saturday, April 12, 2014

Core Values

Core Values

I am thy servant; give me understanding, that I may know thy testimonies.  Psalm 119: 125

            Each of us, a living breathing individual, made in the image of God, has 1,440 minutes in a day.  This writer is convinced that God holds each of us responsible for how we spend each minute.  George Washington, father of our nation, certainly the most famous president of our democratic republic said, "Any time misspent, is lost forever."  It is easy to pray in a foxhole, hospice or hospital bed.  Do you ever consider, just what you would do with your life if you knew, for a certainty, that you only had so many hours-days to live? 

            This revelation will surprise some of my friends but, I do spend $10 each week on lottery tickets.  Most of my life blind, forced into inactivity, this gives me some excitement as well as contributing to the education fund for the state.  I can truthfully say that if I were to win a "large pot" of money, it would not change my life one iota; it would give me opportunity to give money to many worthy causes, more than I am able to contribute to now.  I can truthfully say that if I knew the exact days of my life left, I would not change one thing.  I live each day knowing that death is just one breath away, last breath here, first breath there.  My eternal life started many years ago when I trusted, through the mercy of God, the redemption of Jesus Christ.  I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that the next thing these blind eyes will see will be the sights of heaven.    

            In my lifetime, there has been many movies based on the bible.... Charlton Heston as Moses, etc.  Now, comes Noah, that remarkable old testament figure of history who God chose to build an ark (to save himself and his family, eight souls, and the animals of the earth which God chose to save), who was 500 years old when his 3 sons were born and 600 years old when the great flood came.  The director of "Noah," Darran Aronofsky, called his movie "the least biblical biblical film ever made."

            This writer has found, over many years-many individuals of many religious and non-religious opinions (rich-poor, educated-ignorant) that most are not convinced of their convictions, that most cannot explain their belief or unbelief; their souls have a longing for something which they attempt to fill.  This world traveler (eight around the world trips, passport stamped in 157 countries) has never found a culture or civilization that did not worship something.  The simplicity of Christianity is astonishing, if not accepting Christ's redemption, then what?  False religions offer nothing except death such as the death of their founders.  Even the hagarens (Muslims), the descendents of the handmaid to Sarah, Hagar, mother of Ishmael, were, like Isaac and his twins, descendents of Abraham.  Under stress, unbelievers, like believers, begin to pray.  Under stress and need, most people work, but, at least in America and most socialist countries, a large percentage of the population resort to living off of the work of others.  This number is rapidly approaching 50% in America.  At the upper end of the population curve, a small percentage of wealthy people who, making every minute count, have achieved great wealth.  At the other end of the population curve, a large number who work, but never get far from the hand-to-mouth lifestyle.  In between, the hardworking and the successful elitist (some from inheritance, some from excellence in education, some from just raw luck) is a vast number who just want to survive on entitlements, retirements, subsidies, grants and welfare.  Let's face it, because of our education system, secular media built up resentments of one kind or another, so we now have a population of lazy, ne're-do-well, skaters, who are perfectly happy to live a stress free life, relaxing before the television set, chasing a ball on a golf course, or in some club or another (civic-country) sitting around hashing out between themselves the world's problems to which they have never contributed one thing except indulence.

            We live in a world with people who have made bad choices.  Many want to use the excuse of family background (the way they were raised-their inadequate education-struggles through poverty).  Would it not be wonderful if all of us had been born healthy, wealthy and wise... genes from intelligent sophisticates?  Would it not be wonderful if all of us were tall, super intelligent, good looking?  Would it not be wonderful if all of us could go to a private prep school, have influential parents-friends?  Would it not be wonderful if all of us could be blessed with a remarkable talent (musical ability, athletic ability, creative ability)?  As I have told so many talented people, when blessed with talent you are far ahead of the rest of us.  Jesus told us about such things.  God just expects us to do the best we can with what we have.  Don't confuse celebrity with accomplishment... think of Helen Keller and Madonna, living-working through struggles even poverty, is part and parcel of success. 

            Satan is so much smart than we are, wants you to settle for counterfeit.  In God's book, His instruction manual, He tells us the same things over and over, to trust and depend on Him.  It takes a long time, you will make many mistakes, but as the old people in the country church sang, "Take your burdens to the Lord and leave them there."  Not just your burdens, EVERYTHING.  The greatest part of your value system, depend on God and leave the consequences to Him.   

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