Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Life Is Not A Jungle


"Take my life, and let it be
Consecrated, Lord, to Thee;
Take my moments and my days,
Let them flow in ceaseless praise..."

            Listening to news broadcast-forecast-talking heads, you begin to question your own sanity. The human life is more than living on the Cathare salt flats in Africa, where the wilder beast must outrun the lion. The human eye, in total darkness, can see a lit candle one mile away. Yet, with all our knowledge, the bottomless ocean of technology, we can not recognize when we are being played for fools. The news media will just run with anything... even a white woman who thinks she is black. Even two criminals who break out of prison, story after story of not being able to find them, when the technical world could not find one airplane filled with passengers. Most news is so controlled, so toxic you're better off not dealing with it. Wait for the pendulum to swing, seek better thoughts for your mind, from a good book-music or our marvelous outside world, where birds still sing. Corrie Ten Boom, victim of the holocaust said,  "there is no pit so deep, that gods love is not deeper still." Most of our problems arrive when we forget gods love. "I will never leave thee nor forsake thee." (Hebrews 13:5) When we see the insanity in world news, the craziness of things going on around us, we must remember that the creator of the universe is still in charge. He gave equity to everything... every chemical equation can be balanced. Every law of physics can be balanced, from the north pole to the south pole, magnetic accomplishment of divinity. The writer C.S Lewis said, "Pride gets no joy out of having something, only out of having something better than someone else" Pride, one of the 7 deadly sins leads to our problems-concerns-depression. We all know those who take pride in cutting other people down, we all know those who take pride in never forgiving or forgetting. A doctor friends wife never let him forget his mistake in a bad investment. I don't believe I've heard them in one conversation where she didn't mention the bad investment. When one is moaning with pain, he forgets pride. When one has unconsoling grief, he forgets pride. One of the marvels of gods creation, tears from the eyes. The same Lachrymal gland will produce tears of joy or tears of pain. The tears of joy have a different chemical composition then the tears of pain...same eyes, same glands. It is beyond comprehension that anyone who has the ability to study the human body... the animal body amino acids-enzymes-bi lateral symmetry could even consider destroying the chief creation, the human body, the abortion of a baby.
            This world traveler, Africa, saw a pride of 23 lions sleeping with their feet in the air (the way lions sleep.) They paid no attention whatsoever to our little land rover, as my guide said, one lion or one paw and wed be nothing. It is not necessary for the king of beasts to prove anything. When will Christians and the Christian church have this confidence in the creator of the universe?

            The American people, so blessed, hospitals...drugs to relieve pain. I still remember a man in the community where I was raised (poverty stricken Eastern North Carolina) a family so poor where they could not afford a hospital... we could hear this man dying from cancer, screaming in pain, far from his house. I remember my own grandmother dying of cancer in a hospital, screaming with pain. There was no pride in the sick or the consoled. Just refuge in the inevitable and praying for the inevitable, man-kind has a refuge from the jungle and we are so leery about recognizing it. 21st century Americans, particularly 21st Christian Americans are better than the "slop" we are fed from the talking boxes. There was a time when a person who thought they were someone else was put in a institution. Today, they become a celebrity. There was a time when a black faced comedian (Al Jolson) was criticized. This was before LBJs war on poverty and the civil rights movement. Has political correctness so tainted our senses that we can pretend anything...  white becomes black, bad becomes good, right becomes wrong and even the sinner can prance around the church house immune from thoughts of Gods "all seeing eye."

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