Wednesday, August 10, 2016

#1853 Caustic Tone

Caustic Tone

"The Lord does whatever pleases Him--in the heavens and on the earth, in the seas and all their depths!" Psalm 135:5-6 

It should fill us with joy, that God's infinite wisdom guides the affairs of the world! 

Many of its events are shrouded in darkness and mystery, and inextricable confusion sometimes seems to reign. 

Often wickedness prevails, and God seems to have forgotten the creatures that He has made. 

Our own path through life is dark and devious, and beset with difficulties and dangers.

How full of consolation is the doctrine, that
 infinite wisdom directs every event, brings order out of confusion, and light out of darkness--and, to those who love God, His infinite wisdom causes all things, whatever their present aspect and apparent tendency is, to work together for good!

"We know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose!" Romans 8:28

            The longest border in the world between two nations. The 5000 mile border  between Canada and the USA.  There are few guards and unlike the southern border there is much freedom back and forth across the Canadian border. 

            According to the oxford English dictionary, the name Jesus is the  most abused "curse word" in the English language.  We who know Christ the holiness of Jesus our savior, CRINGE every time we hear someone take our lord's name in vain.  These ignorant people have no idea of what they are doing and we have all suffered the rudeness of giving someone that "Puritan" stare.

            I learned long ago, in listening to wild parties going on in houses near me that one of the first exclamations you would hear from some female "oh my God" she probably knew very little about God and had no idea of the danger involved using his name recklessly.  Like boundaries between nations, every person, for a show of education and "class", is nothing else, should watch their use of the tone.  We see the trouble politicians get themselves in with a lack of control of the tone.

            Words mean something, the human being is blessed with the ability to communicate with words.  I must admit that I have always had a very caustic tone...knew how to use words...knew how to tell someone off.  At age 86, I am rapidly learning to control my tone because I well know that I said things I could never take back "you cannot unring a bell".


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