Wednesday, August 17, 2016

#1857 Saints and Olympians


Saints vs Olympians

God, give us men!

GOD, give us men! A time like this demands
Strong minds, great hearts, true faith and ready hands;
Men whom the lust of office does not kill;
Men whom the spoils of office can not buy;
Men who possess opinions and a will;
Men who have honor; men who will not lie;
Men who can stand before a demagogue
And damn his treacherous flatteries without winking!
Tall men, sun-crowned, who live above the fog
In public duty, and in private thinking;
For while the rabble, with their thumb-worn creeds,
Their large professions and their little deeds,
Mingle in selfish strife, lo! Freedom weeps,
Wrong rules the land and waiting Justice sleeps.

Josiah Gilbert Holland

The most common comment I get about what I write, "Thank you for saying and putting in print what I think."  Your writer must get his thinking right, also.  It all starts in the mind. 

I have found that most people think history started the day they were born. 99% of those who have lived throughout history never receive any recognition.  It is only the wierdos-bizzare who get the attention.  The worse things get, the more we are supposed to lower ourselves to accommodate our feelings about weirdos.  One person's mediocrity is another persons paradise.

This week, great news-breathless talking heads, a 19-year-old man attempting to climb the Trump Tower to deliver a message to Donald J. Trump.  This is a very dangerous way to deliver a message to anyone...climbing up the steep 60 floor Trump Tower.  Think of the money involved with New York police attempting to keep this "fool" from killing himself and perhaps others.  He got his 15 minutes of fame.  Gave even more free publicity to Mr. Trump. 

Sending messages, the logistics of communication, has always been a complex procedure.  The American Indians used smoke signals.  Every southern plantation had a large bell.  This writer still remembers the one cent postcard.  I am amazed that even children carry around telephones in their pockets, a hand-held instrument with more technology than the module that landed on the moon.  When I was a child, there was only one telephone in the entire community for many miles around.  The phone was at my cousin's country store.  In all my years of university education, military service, I never had a single telephone call from home.  Telephones were used in an emergency.  I will always support the US Postal Service and the US Public School System.  My mother told me that as a young bride, when I was a baby born on a dirt road where there were no power-phone-water lines often only two vehicles would go down the road during the day...the public school bus and the mailman.  Alexis de Tocqueville who wrote about early Americans "1840" was amazed that mail was delivered even into the western frontiers.  Such a pity that today's young people know so little about history...they do not study God's word nor the many available history books.

A senior student from the local university here "UNCW" was driving the car of this blind-veteran, I said to this educated young-man, "I think we should stop for some lunch."  I further said to him, "Can you even imagine what it was like for our ancestors to have crossed the plains on covered wagons and what they did when they got hungry?"  I know you will think I am lying but here is what he said, "I am sure they stopped at a McDonald's."  I could not help but laugh after I had fainted.  Can you even imagine a caravan of covered wagons pulling under the golden arches?

We glamorize criminals, spend tremendous tax dollars to house and diagnose them.  God never appointed a committee, always dealt with the real man or real woman. There is only one the eons of history, only one person with your voice, your fingerprints, your flecks in the iris of your eyes.  Until you learn to live powerfully, you cannot learn to die boldly.  Too many of us have chosen the low roads in life, 1/4th of all adults in New York City have the herpes virus.  We are bombarded every day with the challenge that "black lives matter" in this same New York City, 3/4th of all black babies are aborted-killed. 

Our ears have been "challenged", and those of you with eye sight have watched the Rio Summer Olympics such competition by young-spirited athletes is wonderful.  God's word talks about the necessity for playing.  Ancient writers, Socrates-Plato-Aristotle talked about athletic training...the sacrifice involved in preparation.  God talked to us about the race, winning the race.  I kept hearing the athletes talking about how winning was all-consuming.  One does not become an Olympian without discipline. In the athletic competition, in the race, discipline determines destination. 

If discipline is important with Olympians, a very physical challenge, should not discipline-sacrifice-an all-consuming mental activity become just as important in our spiritual life.  I am convinced, I know without the shadow of a doubt that the saints who have gone on before us were just as convicted, convinced, concerned with their grace of faith.  The importance of their salvation, as any Olympian.  We are all called to be saints, thank God, I have known some in my long-interesting life.

Every 18 minutes someone dies in America from an overdose of a prescription or non-prescription drug.  Most opiate overdoses.  Too many of our fellow citizens are looking for an escape, an escape from the challenges of just living.  When I was young, they looked for the escape in the bottom of a bottle or a methadone clinic "another form of addiction".  Saints or Olympians, it all comes down to strength of mind.

Mankind's greatest enemies, Satan's greatest captives, not the disabled, not the poor, not the slow learners but Satan's greatest captives the intelligent, the wealthy, the powerful, the opinion molders.  The politicians, the powerful need to know, stolen water is not sweeter.  Even God's elect must repent.  Remember, those of you who are so broadminded-so tolerant-so liberal, when secularism takes over you will be able to show your testimony to Christ only inside a building...your family affections only in your home.   Guilt is the curse of those who care, Christianity has always been 90% courage...we Christians are so afraid we are going to offend someone by showing our Christianity.  We must learn that this is not a one dimensional world.  Saints and Olympians understand history, what it means to fail, the joy of winning.

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