Wednesday, November 30, 2016

#1911 Whistling Past the Graveyard


Whistling Past the Graveyard

JC Creed The Jaycee Creed We Believe: That faith in God gives meaning and purpose to human life; That the brotherhood of man transcends the sovereignty of nations; That economic justice can best be won by free men through free enterprise; That Government should be of laws rather than of men; That earth's great treasure lies in human personality; And that service to humanity is the best work of life! 

Every living organism, plant or animal, as natural as rust, eventually dies.  The one exception, in all human experience, the soul, created by God when God created man, will never die, and, those souls who in genus homo who took flight at clinical death, live in splendor forever.  For that limited number, who while alive on this earth, enjoy the blessings of, good health, fair income, the joy of living among spite of everything, in the eternal peace of Heaven, as much as they love their loved ones and their life here on earth, would never choose to return. 

This writer, a sinner saved by grace, with all my warts, and sinful mistakes, and, in spite of the fact that God chose me to live a life of disability among my many activities, was a member of the Jaycees (Junior Chamber of Commerce).  I was NC "Young Man of the Year", Jaycees, 1968.  My Christian activities came first, but then, in my secular activities came my interest in and devotion to my country as an Army military officer and member of many civic groups, such as the Jaycees. 

What bothers me most about Christian-church activity...worship in giving our money-singing God's praises-listening to God's messages from God's messenger and even the activities which go on outside the edifice is the fact, and it is a fact, not a feeling, that most church members, or at least people who choose to attend church and pretend to at least go through the motions have no earthly idea about the vast number of people outside the doors-outside those beautiful stained glass windows.  Does it ever occur to you what the unsaved-unbelievers actually think those powdered and perfumed people who sit on cushioned pews are dong and thinking inside that building?  What makes the person on the outside looking in different from those on the inside looking out? 

IF those on the inside, those who believe in sin's ruin and Christ's redemption, those who believe that your friends-family-associates will spend eternity in Hell if they have not been covered by the precious blood of Jesus when they die, they would be on the outside doing whatever is necessary to get, at least their own family, covered under the mantle of Christ's redemptive righteousness.  A family has REAL reason to grieve, at the funeral of a deceased family member IF they actually believe that anyone not saved at death will spend eternity in Hell.  Jesus talked more about Hell than is real.  He was with his father when the universe and everything in it was created.  As one who has spent most of his life in the solitary confinement of blindness-blackness, it is hard for me to believe that anyone would want to spend eternity in such a blackness...not  knowing anything but eternal horror.  (What the Bible describes as torment.) 

We can whistle by the graveyard if we like, thinking there is nothing to it, that death is just "something" that happens to everyone, including their pets, including their car-refrigerator.  That everything just gives out: that these church people praying is just a matter of wanting to attract help in a time of need, just a bellhop God.  We can believe that at clinical death, our bodies disposed of one way or another, we just become fertilizer for tree growth.  Or perhaps burial at sea, fish food.  Our actions here on Earth, while we're among those who are already the walking dead, and anyone is walking dead whose sins have not been covered by Jesus, who has not been born again as a new creation, and that is so many, we learn much about ourselves, as we learn about the unconcern of them. 

One of my friends works with a local law enforcement sheriff's department, our nation has become too politically correct, too liberal, and too psychologically content, to let the public know just what goes on in our time...the 21st century.  She told me this morning about parents who were arrested last night for cooking meth (methamphetamine) in their own house, which happened to be a mobile home.  Cops usually locate these meth labs, and there are so many of them, just from the smell.  A neighbor, walking her dog, had noticed the smell and reported it to enforcement.  In the filth of the mobile home, where the meth lab was in full operation, by two biracial people, many faceted criminal careers, were three small children...undiapered for days, living in filth, not washed or fed for a long time.  This is just one case she has related to me.  Again, last night, one man caught breaking into a house, running, climbing a tree, forced down so the taxpayers will support he and his family for a long time.  You see, one perversion of humanity after another, the prisons full, our country bound with a twenty trillion dollar debt just taking care of the nation's sins and to think, God created this world and everything in it, beauty beyond human comprehension (could the mind of a man design a rose), mind over matter, the sovereignty of God providing us with all the absolutes of right and wrong.  Why does not the acute minds of reporters tell the world about what is happening...why we can expect children to falter and fall because of their exposures?  It amazes me that most children turn out as well as they do, considering what they are up against, even in their own home: to say nothing about the Godless schoolhouses: Godless places of recreation: even the Godless church houses (where pastors and preachers are more intent on keeping people happy than exposing the reality of this world and the world to come). 

When you reach my age, 86 plus, most ambitious activity is over, just memories hanging on, thank God for beautiful memories: good times, good friends, good food, the loving kindness of God which is better than life.  (Psalms 63:3)  If not before, in your younger days, filled with energy, everyday should be eventful with God.  When I was young, energetic, though sightless, I still thought I could make a difference, I jumped on every white horse which I thought would help me help others.  I have found, much to my sorrow, that it works both ways; those in trouble must want help and be willing to help self.  Many years ago, I had a friend drive me to a county prison camp, it was on a Sunday afternoon, my mission was to leave Christian reading material for the prisoners.  Around the fenced in area, and Sunday was visitation day, prisoners stood and talked, through the fence to parents-wives-children who had come to visit them.  Of course, guards were watching everything but I noticed pieces of cake or a biscuit grabbed eagerly by a prisoner from a hand of a mother.  I thought if one fenced in for crimes against his neighbors cannot be changed by seeing on the other side of the fence the love and concern of parents, wives, or children than all the rehabilitation in the world will make no difference.  We are witnessing an indifferent world that has not learned this lesson on any level.  

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

#1910 The World of Pseudo Sophisticates


The World of Pseudo Sophisticates

The solution to our nation's problems is not the White House, but your house.  Don't expect anyone, your attending physician, a family member, a member of the clergy, even your associates in your business and secular activities to know as much about your body as you do. 

The first knowledge in your learning ability, from childhood onward, is to have a regular schedule for everything.  How well I remember counting the days 'til Christmas when I was a child. With maturity, opportunities-responsibilities, the real maturation of living, you've learned the importance of routine, schedules, your short time on this earth is too brief for you to waste it...time-treasure-talent. 

I have found that for those who are just "treading water", playing at life, their greatest enemy is indifference; they don't care much about anything.  And, they don't care to associate with people who do have their feet on the ground walking towards a definite destination.  Character determines destiny and the head must be screwed on right, the brain wired with some precision, one learning early in life the values of integrity-honesty-solid business practices, appreciation for the foundations of western civilization and the constitution of his nation, along with the culture-traditions gathered through centuries of civilized living, along with an all encompassing system of spiritual entrenchment in the good earth.  These are the absolutes of real living. 

For those of us who take life seriously, who love the absolutes of good behavior, we cringe at the degradation of our nation.  Of course, most mature-educated people, especially parents who have a love for their children, threw that stinking talking box out of the house long ago.  The television set which could have transformed the world in the field of education, became just a cesspool of sexual innuendo, the worst of us, so-called actors: so-called news commentators: so-called experts monopolize programs with deception lasciviousness.  This world traveler found that in every country where television was promulgated it was used mostly for the purposes of indoctrination.  Why would any parents, professing to love their children more than life itself, spend the time to train them to speak-dress-act as normal human beings, allow them to watch the "wasteland" of insanity, in which we found when television was in its infancy, completely addictive?  There are homes where the TV stays on all day long.  Then we cannot understand why there is such a failure in home life, 50% of all marriages end in divorce, 72% of all children reared by a single mother.  After all the expenses and risks in childrearing, children to end up as drug addicts, failures in life, or worse. 

If you are honest, you have found, just as I have found, that there is a total lack of honesty, genuineness, integrity in our relationship with most people.  The thought is always there; perhaps I am wrong-perhaps this is not true, "Just what is this person's real opinion of me?":  "What do they actually want from me?"  This writer, and I have told it all before, my upbringing through poverty, struggles with everything, smart enough to succeed in most things, too difficult to have any real close relationships, have found it very hard to trust.  As I have said in writing, speaking, thousands of times, I have found that my only trust is in the Lord, who made Heaven and Earth, who chose me to serve him, and through the hard knocks of life have found it very difficult to trust others.  God has told me over and over, "I AM ALL YOU NEED."  Perhaps an explanation suffices, for over 50 years, totally blind, I must depend on others, I live alone, take care of myself but must depend on others to do other things for me, such as driving my car: helping me with my many business activities.  I have found that most of the people I hire, even associates with which I do business, are more interested in what is in my pockets, than in the real me.  I do believe that some young people hired to work here in my house, started planning the first day what they wanted to take out of my house.  Is this paranoia?  If so, what happened to my property-silver-books, even clothing.  One girl's husband evidently was my size because all my undershirts and my best suit walked out of my house.  One nurse, sent to care for me by the VA, took all my pain medicine.  Most people will fraternize with you, while hoodooing (bewitching) you.

Living most of my life in the solitary confinement of blindness, no family, few friends, I have lived so conservatively that most people cannot believe it, I have saved 50 cents of every dollar that I have ever made...investing 25 cents in real estate-25 cents securities.  The other half mostly went to taxes but I have had the joy of giving to many places: philanthropy to God's work.  I am a committed, concerned, convinced Christian.  But, I know as well as I know anything, that most of these people, responsible for using the funds which I have given to buildings-scholarships-awards, would not give me the time of day, if it were not for what I have been able to give.  It was the fact that I have lived frugally-invested wisely-worn secondhand clothes-eaten cheaper than any welfare recipient that has enabled me to do these things.  Don't consider me a victim of anything; I am a victor, now and forever.

When I think of the bottomless ocean of technology, mind numbing TV, how I saw my own parents sweat in the fields, the two horse plow, building a fire in a wood cook stove to cook every meal, wash pots-scrub boards, the cold family house, the cold schoolhouse, the cold church house, and you do not want to hear more such as that cold "outhouse".  You know that my generation was vaccinated with an immunity that caused us to look at a place eternal in the heavens because our actions-values proved our citizenship was not here on this earth.  We are just tourists here, strangers, our home is elsewhere.

I am depressed at these so-called "churches" and their hootenanny religion...singing their jingles, dressed like they just came from the beach or nightclub, these people never felt comfortable in God's temple of worship, now, they have their own play room.  I will not go into the inconsistencies of this world, such as alcoholism being a disease...a disease which people and politicians like to spread, a disease from which we all collect money for schools and roads.  All illegitimacy has become respectable.  Every sin tolerated or compromised.  Every word in God's book is true.  With all our knowledge we have never learned to manufacture blood, to clot blood, to duplicate photosynthesis.  Oh, you poor sophisticates, where do you go?

Monday, November 28, 2016

#1909 The Safari is Over


The Safari is Over

" Thou know'st 'tis common; all that lives must die, Passing through nature to eternity."  Hamlet  (1.2.72)

If God gave a medal for failures, I would be at the head of the line.  There is not one man God does not give a signal to, AND, I do not believe a man has ever lived who was not besieged (in his own mind, even though he kept it a secret to others) that didn't have the belief in his own heart to know the difference in right and wrong. 

Ted Bundy, recent history, the worst, was charming, good-looking, intelligent.  "I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well."  (Psalm 139:14)  Chosen by God for life, there is not a replica of me.  We are all, like the sands on the seashore-like snowflakes, individually designed by the supreme creator.  It all starts in the home, the development of the adult.  I learned long ago that I cannot judge-predict the outcome of any child.  Those blessed most with good ancestral genes-DNA, those with the intelligence and looks to succeed, even those with the charisma and charm enough to coax a hen off her eggs, often fail in everything.  Then, there are those boys who are nothing but radical rascals, those girls who are radical imps often turn out to be the very best fathers-mothers, ideal citizens, in everyplace their hand turns.  You simply cannot stand on a street corner and evaluate the baggage that others are hauling around on their backs.  You simply do not know from whence they came-have not walked in their moccasins.  It amazes me that many, considering their backgrounds, turn out as well as they do.  In America, 72% of all children grow up in homes without a father.  Next to Jesus, there is no love like a mother's love and we know it is true in spite of what some of their children might inflict on them.  Once, I spoke at the funeral of a 100-year-old North Carolina State College graduate, one man said to me, asking about my own mother, "Be good to her, she is the best friend you will ever have."  So, every prison, every reform school, every runaway in a big city, all had a loving mother.  We don't know what happened to change their attitudes-criminal acts, etc.  But, we do know that at one time they were loved, and every parent believed that they had produced a responsible child.  We cannot judge too severely about the birth of any child, there would not have been a King Solomon, the world's richest-wisest man, if there had not been an illicit relationship between King David and Bathsheba. 

This weekend, tyrant-dictator-communist czar, Fidel Castro died at the age of 90.  In 1959, I met and the family of a judge who had escaped Cuba and the evil acts of Castro.  Later, speaking at a meeting in Miami, I met other Cuban dissidents, all with horror stories about Cuba.  Tyrants-dictators should know as everyone else, everyone who has passed a graveyard that the mortality rate is still 100%.  Sinners-unbelievers may attempt to fool self, but down deep inside they know that there is a "payday".  Life here is so short, it seems just a few years ago that I heard Fidel interviewed on a late night talk show, a good looking young man, but, like the rest of us, he got old-worn out, and now he is dead.  Did his hero status, his power over the Cuban people, the great wealth he accumulated actually cause him to believe that he had rather have what the world offers him now then to spend eternity in the blackness-emptiness-horror of hell? 

I know that God loves me because he keeps putting up with me; he is not the author of confusion.  You can trust the Bible for your beginning and you can trust the Bible for your ending.  It makes no sense, whatsoever to a mind of reason that anyone would exercise so much cruelty over other people, man, women, and children, when it would be so much easier to have a heart of empathy, a destination of splendor instead of one of horror.  How is the wiring of anyone's brain so different...some human beings capable of so much kindness...some human being capable of so much hatred? 

This world traveler was in the Congo, Africa.  The city of Goma, where I was visiting is at the head of the 2000 mile long Congo River.  Even back then, mid-70's, as has probably always been, so much conflict between the tribes-religious groups.  My guide and I were trying to make it from Goma to Brazzaville, today, 2016; it seems like a nightmare, all the bridges had been blown up.  One cannot believe the trouble we encountered in just getting across rivers.  Why do poor people always add to their degradation?  Great trucks were lying in the rivers, which had tried to cross on rocks.  My driver took our Jeep across the rocks but would not allow me to go.  Believe it or not, this blind man crossed the river walking on a wire, holding onto a wire.  There was a large crowd of onlookers waiting to see me drop into the river, but God-willing, I made it.  At one crossing, I met a Catholic priest driving a pickup truck, attempting to cross a river.  In the rear of the truck he had six dying HIV/AIDS men who he was attempting to get to a hospital; also in the back of the truck was a nanny goat, which they were using for nourishment.  The priest said to me, "I know God loves these people and he is using me to help keep as many alive as possible."  The next day as my driver and I were leaving the city, this little group with the priest still at the wheel at the truck, was just arriving, maybe at the hospital.  WHY DOES GOD PLACE IN ONE MAN'S HEART THE DESIRE TO HELP OTHERS AND INTO ANOTHER MAN'S HEART THE NEED TO KILL AND CAUSE MISERY TO OTHERS? 

Once the most powerful weapon in the world was a nuclear bomb, now, the most powerful weapon in the world is truth.  Truth is truth whether anyone believes it or not.  We live in a world where truth is in short supply...the love of money...the love of power...the lack of not fearing satanic darkness.  We live in a world where evil men and women will burn down a nation in order to rule the ashes.  We live in a world where men and women feel that man's knowledge is sufficient for all their needs.  They might believe in God, if God were made in their image.  Most of the seven billion population of the world, and most have some form of religion, in spite of their rituals believe that this life is all there is to it, that, at the end, we just become fertilizer.  Castro knows today the truth, and I hope it was not too late. 

Christianity is not complicated, just tough; it is hard for mere mortals to believe that the Creator of the universe, the world and everything in it, the one who can measure the Himalayas with his fingers, would actually leave instructions in his book, that he actually wrote a book, giving us all the answers.  When Jonah, disobeying God, jumped from the ship into the water, there was a big fish there to keep him from drowning.  AND, JONAH REPENTED INSIDE THE FISH, in the darkness of the fish.  When the fish belched out Jonah on land, saturated with acid and remnants of a fish belly, Jonah knew the truth, we know truth sets you free.  (John 8:32)

In Raphael's marvelous canvas, The Holy Family, captured by the artist, is the beauty of truth, that God sent his own beloved son into the world as a baby, putting on a tent of human flesh to dwell among us and lastly to redeem us by dying on a cruel tree.  And, it is all a gift. 

Friday, November 25, 2016

#1908 Cleaning Out the Corners of the Hog Pen


Cleaning Out the Corners of the Hog Pen

"We should certainly count our blessings but we should also make our blessings count."  - Neal Maxwell

Very few people have a halo over their head.  We should never forget that there is a lot of bad in the world that does not appear in the media.  Those of us who have given our support to a man who we believe has the gravitas, the American spirit of justice, to clean up things, believe that he will have the insight to sweep out the corners of this dirty democrat-republican barn, as well as the very evident filth, which any average sighted person can see.  You cannot expect those who just go through the motions, "go along to get along", to ever snoot out the crud in the corners. 

There is a tinge of envy-resentment by most normal people towards those who are exceptional.  This writer never had many friends because he took life seriously, after all, this life here on this earth, which Creator God chose you (one of a kind) to live is not just a dress rehearsal.  You only go around one time and it goes by so fast.  When you get my age, 86, it seems like everyday is Friday.  The thing that bothers me most, at my sunset, when God saved my immortal soul, I felt my soul was clean, but, always, there are always a few past sins-transgressions hiding in the corners, which make their appearance ever so often.  In spite of everything, once in a while, a word will fly out of my mouth-a thought will appear in my thinking-a memory will appear in a dream.  (Remember, blind people dream in reality-even in color.)  I just have to believe that God, in his tender mercy, has taken care of all these idiosyncrasies also.  I want to compare this spiritual dilemma with the secular physical dilemma we now face in our country.  Mr. Trump promises us that he will do some sweeping, clean out the barn, in my thinking, the condition of our nation today is more that of a hog pen than a barn.  What stinks most is found in the corners, which even a few "do-gooders" have not been able to flush out.  It is from a small nest of contaminants from which viral disastrous diseases grow.  In one corner of the hog pen, never shoveled out, mostly ignored, radical beliefs contrary to Americanism.  It is such radical beliefs that so contaminated the thought processes of that Sunni Muslim President Barak Obama...his contamination by Saul Alinsky (Rules for Radicals)-the radical preaching of Jeremiah Wright...just two that we know of. 

In another corner we find, such horrendous hate idealogs...visions of the Klu Klux Klan, as, Black Lives Matter, ALL LIVES, regardless of color matter.  To think that the black population of this nation, voting in lock step 97% democrat would promote such a philosophy, when they say nothing of the killing of 72% of their black unborn-most of the surviving black children raised by single mothers...over 50% of the prison populations, men of color.  It is beyond my comprehension that hiding in one big corner of our nation, "so-called" religious people, Catholics, Baptists, Evangelicals, who evidently have accepted the fact that 60 million, innocent babies are killed in the abortion holocaust...3000 each and every day, about one half of that number black.  When will the black population awaken to what is happening to their race?  When will the Catholic bishops, Protestant denominational leaders awaken to God's wrath about this matter?  Perhaps, Mr. Trump's greatest action, as president, will be in court appointments. 

Another corner filled with rottenness, "America for sale", the crooked money changers of our country are now selling slices of our nation.  We understand that many movie studios have been sold to the Chinese, mineral deposits to the Russians, large sections of land sold to Asians-great buildings to the Japanese.  What the enemy could not do without, traitors within have accomplished. 

Perhaps the most turpid corner lies filled with lies.  When will we be able again to read a newspaper, listen to a newscast, with a modicum of truthfulness?  Just assume that everything you read or hear now, recent years, is a lie or just tainted with truth.  It is true that people will believe any lie, if there is just a small amount of truth involved.  Don't you tire of the political correctness involved in every semblance of government-advertising-education?  We now just assume that up is down, strong is weak, good is bad.

The undusted-uncleaned corner which has attracted so much pollution, "more free stuff", Margaret Thatcher was right; socialism is good until those with money have no more money.  You either work or steal.  Now, you know why the protests in the streets...the great fear, "no more free stuff".  At one North Carolina University, a room is provided for students to weep-cry-lament about the recent Trump election.  At a Massachusetts college, even the American flag has been disbanded. 

In the corners, human beings thinking they are getting away with something.  Did they actually believe this nation could continue to pay out 47% of everything that comes in, in welfare?  Did they actually believe that the nation could absorb, just from taxes collected all the entitlement checks, all the retirement checks from military, civil service, etc?  Did we think that those who do not want anything changed, that those who do not contribute anything could keep living the lives of the "rich and famous"? 

American business was not built on laziness.  The American superpower status in the world was built on the solid foundation of hard work-responsible living-grasping at opportunity-above all, discipline determines destination.  From the early founders, to present day entrepreneurs, discipline in behavior-standards-integrity even religious faith is what made America great and the very philosophy that will keep America great.  Maybe, perhaps maybe, we elected a man who has accomplished something instead of someone, like the Bushes, who inherited everything or someone like the Clintons or Obama who finagled everything.  

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

#1907 Night Watch, Tethered to the Thanksgiving Table


Night Watch, Tethered Thanksgiving Table

"We Gather Together" - Hymn

     Beside us to guide us,
     our God with us joining,
     ordaining, maintaining
     his kingdom divine;
     so from the beginning
     the fight we were winning;
     thou, Lord, wast at our side,
     all glory be thine! 

The manacles of idealism, I held for my country, even as a disabled blind veteran, I lost many years ago.  I know I lost all respect for government when I witnessed Monica Lewinski in the well of the United States Senate, as she testified in the impeachment trial of President Clinton.  I lost more, further insulted as a citizen, when the democrat party attempted to remove God from their platform.  Then, recently, the spiteful presidential election we have just witnessed, the combination of communist democrats, enabled by liberal (yellow) fourth estate corrupt news media, along with paid street rabble protesting the winner of the presidential contest.

Now, this week, we observe a strictly American holiday, Thanksgiving.  For American offspring who have never wanted for anything, how could they possibly be thankful for anything?

We remember as children, Thanksgiving stories of the pilgrims.  Our pilgrim fathers had on beautiful black uniforms with large black hats on which there was silver trim...large buckles on their belts.  The truth is they had nothing, mostly dressed in rags that had survived their long trip across the Atlantic.  My ancestors landing on the shores of New Jersey, Morristown had eked out an existence around the stumps of trees.  They had broken their few farm implements, just burying their dead, who had not survived the terrible weather without shelter. 

In Dante's Inferno, he said there is a very hot place in Hell for those on this earth, who want to remain neutral.  So many of our fellow man, do not have the courage of faith, too many, just want to absolve themselves of all pretentions of life and death, even as an atheist.  Most, believers as well as unbelievers, have never traveled the world, as has this world traveler, and seen firsthand what the world is like in those places where the hand of God has never taken root...the uselessness of it all, as shown in their life's ambitions, their work ethic, their attempts to make things better.  The Christian's Bible tells us that the earth is not worthy of those saints, who were the frontline warriors of faith.  (Hebrews 11:38) 

This writer, has traveled the world (8 round the world trips-passport stamped in 157countries) I truly believe God wanted me to sense his creation, to see what the world was like IN THE PLACES, where his word had not taken root.  The greatest populations of the world, the poorest people of the world, are below the thirtieth parallel.  One cannot conceive the poverty there and yet, these human beings, God loves too.  In every city of the world, where I could see church steeples, I realized a city with prosperity, a place where some saint had labored, most had become martyrs for the cause of Christ.

Can we even imagine today's martyrs, even in "Church America", church members who like to function from air conditioned foxholes, called pews?  Can we even imagine today's male martyrs...their pants pulled down with their underwear showing...wearing flip-flops, juiced up on addictive drugs?  And we think that the god of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, "God who changeth not" (Malachi 3:6) will let us escape.  Oh the hypocrisy of it all, today's "church" members, powdered and perfumed, sitting on padded pews, staring at stained windows, never even once, considering what goes on outside the walls of their sanctuary. 

The insanity of thinking we are tethered to a Thanksgiving Day table of food with which we will foolishly gorge ourselves, the night watch of wanting to stampede into a store on Black Friday...a holy time which has become a hallucination of semi-spiritual spreeing and shopping.  Do we really think there is too much smoke in God's eyes, from all that cooking, for him to see our debauchery...the fakery of Thanksgiving? 

Once, traveling in the Sudan at Thanksgiving, I was in a Khartoum Hotel, those Muslim people wanted me to have a typical American Thanksgiving Meal, they had cooked some birds of some sort, pitiful burned things on a platter. 

God has told us in his word, that he enjoys the praise of his people.  Forget the overeating, forget the over shopping, forget the excess entertainment.  IF YOU KNOW HIM, YOU ARE TETHERED TO HIS REMEMBERANCE TABLE MORE THAN TO YOUR THANKSGIVING TABLE.  And, it is not just a prayer of Thanksgiving for your blessings, the blessings of your family and your community.  The largest city in the world, Mexico City, sits in the mouth of a volcano, can we even imagine the horror there when that volcano erupts?  But, those twenty million plus people are nothing compared to the fifty million plus babies already dead from the volcano-holocaust abortion killings in say nothing of the abortion-baby killings in Godless, communist places.  The first time I was in Communist China, I was told that the greatest problem with their sewages system was dead female child policy, female babies killed in order to have a male baby.  HOW MANY AMERICAN CHURCH MEMBERS PRAY ABOUT LIFE ON A DAY WHEN WE PROCLAIM THE BLESSINGS OF LIVING? 

Your writer-doctor had, I am told,  a wonderful bedside manner but it did not ensure health.  There are lighthouses all along our North Carolina coast, but we still have shipwrecks.  In all your doings, cooking, shopping, visiting, during this season, major on the important things, your hunger for redemption, your joy in salvation, you may be the only person on whom one other person can depend, most of us do not do great things.  One man, Edward Kimble, won Dwight L. Moody to Christ (the great Moody Church and organizations thrive today) Moody won a baseball player by the name of Billy Sunday to Christ, a non-descript man, Mordecai Ham was won to Christ by Billy Sunday.  Mordecai Ham became a great preacher, held a tent meeting in Charlotte NC.  A young dairy farm boy by the name of Billy Graham was won to Christ at that Ham meeting.  Now, at age 98, Billy Graham has won more people to Christ than any other preacher.  Compare him to David Rockefeller, the richest family in America.  David Rockefeller, now age 102, only concerned with making himself richer.  On this Thanksgiving Day, tethered to whatever controls us, any person, any place, any language, any education, can count the apples on a tree.  But, Thanksgiving Day is lost to you unless you understand that only God, can count, and knows the seed in every apple, the trees possible from every apple seed.

Monday, November 21, 2016

#1906 Stampede of Fairies and Hogs


Stampede of Fairies and Hogs

(Attributed to a battle weary C.S.A soldier near the end of the war)

     I asked God for strength, that I might achieve;
     I was made weak, that I might learn humbly to obey.
     I asked for health, that I might do greater things;
     I was given infirmity, that I might do better things.
     I asked for riches, that I might be happy;
     I was given poverty, that I might be wise.
     I asked for power, that I might have the praise of men;
     I was given weakness, that I might feel the need of God.
     I asked for all things, that I might enjoy life;
     I was given life, that I might enjoy all things.
     I got nothing that I asked for, but everything I hoped for.
     Almost despite myself, my unspoken prayers were answered.
     I am among all men most richly blessed. 

There is a "MANTLE" of God's omnipotence-omniscience-omnipresence which falls on some individuals and nations such as the mantle that fell on Elisha, that fell on Peter on the day of Pentecost, that fell on George Washington as he crossed the Delaware during the Revolution.  At a time when many thinking-conservative Americans thought that things could not get much worse, I believe that mantle has fallen on Donald Trump.  Anyone with an intelligence quotient above room temperature would know that there would be no one from the secular-political world, worthy-trained for leadership, who was not a sinner, probably an outstanding sinner.  But, most citizens concerned about the future of their nation had rather have a sinner than a criminal in the office of president...particularly, a female criminal of the most decadent-thieving-deceitful sort: a Hillary.  And so, Americans voted for "The Donald".

Now, we who have suffered the abuse of the liberal left-the deceit of the community organizer, the increased controls-harassment of a socialistic government...without street protests, now DEMAND that those fairies and hogs who said they would leave the country if Trump were elected, we want to see them "Get the Hell Out!"  We want people at the borders, at air terminals, bus stations, waving at them as they leave, promising us that they will never come back.  We want a stampede of these social fairies and financial hogs.  This is the gay agenda fairies-the bloated entertainers-sports figures-investment moguls who have already won life's lottery and enjoy the lifestyle of the rich and famous, while disparaging the meek hardworking, taxpaying, God-fearing populous just trying to survive.  These fairies who know nothing of morals, in their homosexual depravity, think nothing wrong of the trauma of mixing boys and girls in showers and bathrooms: these financial hogs who will never salt away money, mostly at the cost of the rest of us, know nothing of real life, real survival.  And, for a presidential candidate to win, who could clean out this hog pen, we must estrange ourselves from the Sunday school boys-thin-skinned politicians who arrived the classical way (rhinos and tale kissing bureaucrats).  Mr. Trump knew what he was doing, was about as smart as the treasonous-liberal news media because of his brazen presence, he took them for a ride, billions of dollars in free advertising.  His name stayed before the public.  It was so good for real men and women, those who still have the X and Y chromosomes, those who still have normal sexual appetite, those who are so happy to see a man act and talk like a man (it made no difference that he is a rich man) seeing his accomplishments, seeing his children, normal men and women having been sickened by "wispy" gay men, "butch" gravelly talking lesbian females, were glad to join together and reclaim what is left of the real American work ethic and spirit of capitalism.  Most real Americans just want the responsibility of a job-the right to raise their children-pride in God-family-country.  Real American men and women, not the rejects of perversion and laziness, still want to fall under the mantle of God's sovereignty.  It was time for people to decide which side they were on.  The four billion dollar budget, flogged out of the hides of hardworking men and women, would never satisfy the big spenders in government. 

In every bookstore, shelves of self-help books, we have books to solve all of our problems, except our big problem, how does the average family survive under the yoke of government bondage?  Those who voted for Trump knew that they were in bed with political-financial-social disaster.  There is not enough Viagra in the test tubes of every chemical manufacturer to make communism attractive enough for even foreplay. 

Margaret Mead, anthropologist, said, she had been married three times and all her marriages were successful.  Americans have sense enough to know that the "slop" (liquid garbage) proffered by either political party, recent elections, has not been tasteful-pretty-profitable.  Individuals, as well as the nation, are going backwards, the only successful citizens, that one percent who own and control everything...and they are stupid enough to think that the average Joe-Dough likes their attitude of "big I, little you".  There was  a reason for the crowds and clamber at the Trump appearances, the poor working man, regardless of skin color, cannot afford the sports arena: cannot afford a private jet; cannot afford extravagant vacations, lavish partying of any type....but he recognized a man who spoke his language.  The average couple, with the risks and ravages of raising a family, working several jobs, clipping coupons, buying at thrift stores, just wants a fighting "CHANCE".  They saw Trump as the last "CHANCE" in the American way of life.  So, you superlatives-phonies-frauds-fairies-financial hogs, just move on to a place which you think is better.  Or you might just get caught up on the big shovel as he cleans out the hog pen: caught in the overflow as he drains the swamp. 

John Adams was the second president, he said, "Democracy is for a Christian people."  The reason America has achieved such power in two hundred forty years, physical, social, spiritual, military is because America was a Christian nation...operating under a mantle of principles and values. 

The scariest matter in the last election, there is nothing in history like the criminal acts of a presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton.  Martha Stewart went to prison for much, much less.  AND YET, can you believe, a plurality of Americans voted for Clinton?  Two thousand years, this side of the cross, Jesus, God himself, nailed on a cross because the voting public wanted a thief, Barabbas, to go free...

Relax, the mantle of God's love is all around us, in 1953, I was in the middle of my eight years of university experience, ready for the military.  We were learning about the honeybee, there are twenty thousand species all over the world, on which agriculture depends.  The bee, by all physics, unable to fly, travels five miles to pretty blue and yellow flowers collecting pollen.  There is an endless dispute about a bee's arthropod head, the bee's eyes.  God taught the bee the dynamics of flight.  And, microbiologist will tell you that bee's have never changed.  The only thing that has never changed in Washington is corruption.  God-willing, President Trump will get that job started along with many jobs for ordinary, real Americans.  

#1905 Read and Weep


Read and Weep

by PAUL FASSA (Original article:

First realize that even without being diagnosed with cancer, we all have at least a few cancerous cells floating around in our “inner terrain”. A decent immune system residing in a slightly alkaline or neutral pH inner terrain is able to fend them off and keep them from colonizing into tumorous masses.
On the other hand, those who indulge primarily in the SAD (Standard American Diet), which includes lots of factory farmed meat and junk foods saturated with refined sugars or high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), which processed foods use even with their non-sweet products to keep you addicted, along with all those refined carbs in refined grain baked products, are adding fuel (literally) to the fire of cancer.

Mainstream oncology ignores this 1930s Nobel Prize discovery by Otto Warburg, aka the “Warburg Effect”: When normal cells begin to lack oxygen respiration to utilize glucose and nutrients metabolically for cellular energy, they depend on fermenting sugar to thrive without oxygen and become cancerous.

Instead oncologists administer chemo IV therapies while giving their patients ice cream and cookies as the poison is injected into them. Big profits from the treatment and selling those toxic drugs at a profit also. “Cancer cells consume sugar about 19x faster than healthy cells.” – Dr. Murray Susser, MD
Mainstream medicine refuses to look into diet as a function of potential metabolic dysfunction that helps promote and maintain cancer while asserting genetic disposition as a primary cause of cancer.
Their hubris and incredible profits thrive from toxic interventions such as chemotherapy and radiation. The first concern with preventing or eliminating cancer should be what you put into your body. That gives you control over cancer.

It’s a no-brainer when it comes to avoiding sodas, juices with added sugars, pastries, candies, and processed foods that use processed grains and even add sugar or HFCS to foods that are not even sweet. That’s to keep you addicted even if you can’t taste it. Refined sugar is actually addictive, some claim it’s even as addictive as cocaine. 
A Recent Study That Makes Sugar Carcinogenic

But now it’s even worse. Green Med Info has uncovered a study that seems to be hidden from the public eye and is certainly not welcome within our orthodox oncology system. It would cramp the food and soda business’s profits if refined sugar is seen as carcinogenic.

The study, “Increased sugar uptake promotes oncogenesis via EPAC/RAP1 and O-GlcNAc pathways” was published in the 2013-2014 Journal of Clinical Investigation (JCI). Because it is a free access journal, you can access the full text, not just the abstract, here.

I wonder how come this study hasn’t made much of a stir in our sick-care system since it is so accessible. Instead it was dug up by a research scout for Green Med Info.
It is of course full of biochemical details, which is what medical people are supposed to be familiar with. So for now, let’s be content with a layman’s summary report of their study, which was an in vitro (cultures, petri dishes, and test tubes) study as opposed to an in vivo (animal or human) study. This way they could really play around with and analyze the results with total control.

Here’s the bottom line of this study: Increased glucose uptake leads to early phases of cancer cell creation while curbing glucose intake reversed cancerous cells into normal cells. In other words, sugar is carcinogenic as well as fodder for already existing cancer cells.

It’s important to not confuse the enormous amount of refined sugar, table sugar or HFCS, one takes in with sodas and processed foods with naturally occurring sugars and fructose in plant foods, regardless of how high the glycemic index may be. Fruit juices don’t need added sugars, but many fruit juices have sugar added. That’s the type of beverage or food that needs to be avoided.

But table sugar is refined, and most off the shelf breads and pastries are composed of refined grains that are refined carbohydrates, which become sugar instantly without any compensating nutrition. They are processed out of whole foods to be independent of other compounds that balance natural whole foods to make them beneficial.

An interesting informative excerpt from the Cancer Tutor:

Dr. Tony [Antonio] Jimenez 
hypothesizes that sugar from Organic Produce may not contribute to cancer cell growth like its adulterated counterpart [refined sugar/HFCS]. He explains that human mammalian cells absorb levorotatory (left spinning) molecules, while cancer cells can only assimilate dextrorotatory (right spinning) molecules.
Essentially, fruits in their natural state contain left spinning sugars, whereas GMO-influenced fruits consist only of right spinning sugars. Dr. Jimenez concludes that the glycemic index is not nearly as important as the source and lineage of the fruits and vegetables we eat. As an example, Dr. Max Gerson used Carrot Juice as a successful alternative therapy, despite its high glycemic index.

An Easy Tip That’s Not So Easy for Many

So here is the simplicity of it all. Avoid putting adding sugar to your foods and drinks, avoid all sweets and processed foods, even the ones not obviously sweet contain added refined sugars to keep you coming back for more because of its addictive quality.
This is harder for most than you may think. I met an American woman in Mexico who was advised to return to Texas and have a top cancer hospital determine the status of a mass detected in her gastrointestinal tract. I advised her to lay off sugar because if did turn out to be cancer it would exacerbate her condition.
She slumped and groaned slightly, indicating the impossibility of such an abstinence for her. I have read enough reports from spouses, friends, and relatives that show many are unwilling to make dietary changes to cure cancer, and whatever therapy they had used did fail probably because of that.
Many would rather just do what their doctors’ say and eat and drink what they want. And some want the same freedom even while avoiding chemo or radiation. This is especially true among those who use cannabis as a “silver bullet” to treat their cancer.
Despite all the carcinogenic chemicals that blanket our biosphere, we do have one area that’s in our control – avoiding refined sugars and carbohydrates.

Addition Dr. Morris:

Almost, everyday, we hear of some family member or friend who has been diagnosed with cancer.  There is far too much money made from cancer for any inquiring reporter-newspaper-foundation-medical school to actually tell you about the problem with this deadly disease.  God only had to say it one time, "Money is the root of all evil."  (1Timothy 6:10)  Can you even imagine the financial depression brought on in this country if big medicine and Big Pharma stopped capitalizing on cancer?  As shown by waistlines, diabetes epidemic, etc Americans are addicted to sugar.  When did your doctor ask you about what you eat, about what you put in your body?  The cure for most of our chronic diseases is in the kitchen, not the drugstore.  We hear so much talk, coming from every direction, health experts, do-gooder groups, even pastors, about concern and love for one another.  When will the scientific community start telling the truth about cancer? 

Friday, November 18, 2016

#1904 Stage Fright, Less is More


Stage Fright, Less is More

For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.  (Philippians 1:21)

It will not shock any American to learn that there is no law against lying.  Lying is the rule more than the exception.  Would it not be the greatest blessing of your life, your day, that anyone you talk to, any news broadcast you hear, anything you read in print, not to question if there is truth involved?  One person said, "I do not lie; my moving lips are just speaking fiction." 

No news person, even an investigative reporter, no spiritual church worker-civic worker-member of the military wants to be called a "fanatic".  Everyone wants to be accepted as a broadminded individual, maybe a little "different: but all want an invitation to the cocktail party.  We know that news people are in the propaganda business.  Sinners are so much fun, faceless heathen playing musical chairs.  After all, everyone wants to find a seat. 

When this old writer was young, the mantra, among those interneting-climbing the ladder of success set  ambition was to become rich and powerful, new concept, "the powerful always become rich."  In the twenty-first century, you hear more about extortion than you hear about extermination.  In Asia, among Muslims, there is now a truth and dignity commission.  Why not, they have a call for prayer five times a day, do not drink alcohol, do not smoke cigarettes, and "best of all", do not allow females to drive. 

In a miracle age of invention and investigation, when education is held to a premium, when headhunters search for the best to fill jobs in industry, when letters after your name mean more than the letters in your name.  After the worst smelling election in American history, the "gold rush" is on to fill the jobs at the highest level of government.  Is it not remarkable that one individual, obviously seeking employment thinks he is capable of three jobs in the new administration: homeland security, attorney general, and even, God help us, secretary of state?  (Since we have had such prizes in the past-Albright-Clinton)  It seems to this writer, that any person capable of holding the highest job in a democratic republic would already have a nailed down to that job by experience, education, and loyalty that it would take the world's most powerful "crowbar" to pry him away from that job to serve in government.  THE VERY MOST DEPRESSING RESULTS OF THE LAST ELECTION (November 8, 2016) THAT ONE HALF THE VOTING POPULATION OF AMERICA, AFTER KNOWING THE CRIMINALITY OF A WOMAN WHO HAD ALREADY LIVED IN THE WHITE HOUSE, KNOWING HER FURTHER CRIMINALITY THROUGH EMAILS, KNOWING HER CRIMINALITY THROUGH THE MONEY SHAKEDOWN OF FORIEGN LEADERS, KNOWING HER LACK OF JUDGEMENT IN SELECTING EMPLOYEES THAT SHE WOULD GET THE PLURALITY OF VOTES.  Does it not scare you that an individual's principles-integrity in life and politics does not even matter to fifty percent of the voters?  If Hillary Clinton had become president, knowing what we know of her record in fleecing the public for the riches of her foundation, we would demand that the Catholic Church give sainthood to Jezebel...wife of Ahab, another historical pervert.  So, more scary than those lined up for jobs to run this great nation, the obvious mind control shown in the voters about the woman wanting to have the top job in our country.

One of my dearest friends, a new grandfather, said to me, "You should see my new grandson, the future president of the United States of America."  You see, our forefathers brought forth a constitution which guaranteed that any child, male or female, born in America, had an equal chance to become president.  This is the Constitution, my ancestry desired to escape the tyranny of European and world nobility-kings and royal bloodlines.  We thought we had escaped the Illuminati, thirteen families whose bloodlines are supposed to control the world...Rothschild, Rockefellers, Astors, DuPont, Li, Bundy, Collins, Freeman, Kennedy, Reynolds, Russell, Van Duyn, etc:  (The Illuminati still meets every year) skull and bones, bohemian and pilgrim societies.  (These secret societies still active)  I still remember, as yesterday, that small country school where I matriculated for twelve years.  (Thirteen in my graduating class)  The honest-sincere principal said to the five boys in my graduating class, "You boys can do anything you want to do, you are Americans." 

The world is filled with people who will settle for the path of least resistance.  Paradox of the ages more is less-less is more.  So, since human beings are the problem, we need less human beings:  DRIVERLESS cars, GENDERLESS marriages, FAITHLESS religions, EFFORTLESS education, NUTRITIONLESS foods, CARELESS parents, etc.

It does not take much gut-spine power to swim down the river with the current.  It takes much strength-courage to swim upstream against the current.  Ninety percent of Christianity is just raw courage.  It takes courage to be different, at the church house-courthouse-schoolhouse-statehouse.  This writer is just trying to save you from yourself...your temptation to just float along with the current-with the crowd.  It is not hard to love someone, once on the riverbank, who jumped in and pulled you out of the river, when you were about to drown.  In the two greatest concerns of daily life, physical and spiritual, we need to get our thinking straight, the road to Hell is crowded with stinking thinkers, our nation is on the brink of disaster because of stinking thinking.  The blind depend on hearing; my greatest friend is the radio.  Last Christmas, I was listening to a local Baptist church and their Christmas program, Sunday morning, when the children were called to the front of the church for their Christmas sermon, the well-meaning but so dumb woman, talked to the children, in a Baptist church, about Santa Claus, then, the lost-liberal pastor preached about Christmas using mostly Santa Claus.  Never talking about the blessedness of what happened on the first Christmas day in a cow stall in Bethlehem.  Finally, I think God had heard enough, the pastor finally just quit and there was fifteen minutes of silence until the end of the program.  Less, many times is more.  

#1903 NewsWEAK, Graffiti on the Forge


NewsWEAK, Graffiti on the Forge 

"The Wonder of it All" - George Beverly Shea

     There's the wonder of sunset at evening.
     The wonder as sunrise I see;
     But the wonder of wonders that thrills my soul
     Is the wonder that God loves me.

Do liberals actually believe in the tirade of hysteria: the hypocrisy of peaceniks while all the time starting wars that we do not win, the incomprehensible insanity of open borders, surrendering the nation to only Satan knows who...coming across the border conquering while protesting, without firing a shot.  We have scrooges not reporters who are selective in their eyesight.  Matters so cheap can be traded so easily to the uninformed.  Madison Avenue found long ago that Americans will addict to any trend-brand, succumb to any type advertising.  God warned about mammon and money.  (Matthew 6:24)  God only had to say it one time, we should have learned.  "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world.  If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him."  (John 2:15)  This week, a canvas painting by Monet sold in New York for $108 million.  Recently, a wedding was held in the poorest country I have ever traveled, India, which cost $74 million.  A former president of USA, a pervert and his criminal wife, who supposedly left the White House broke, have sorted out enough foolish rich people in the world to amass a foundation in Arkansas worth, to them, $300 million.  We have just concluded successfully an election in this nation which cost, just the presidential, $734 million for the democrats and $562 million for the republicans.

It is beyond the imagination of most ordinary people the riches and spending of most political animals.  The winner of the presidential election, president elect, The Donald, thank God, is a billionaire, living in the top of his own 68 story Manhattan skyscraper.  All these politicians had their own private planes and staffs who catered to their lavish lifestyles.  They pranced and promised, on screen and off, to make life better for the poor "SOBs", who were out just trying to make a living amid the uncertainties-unexpecteds-risks of surviving in this "present world". 

Has it ever occurred to anyone, except this writer, WHERE DOES ALL THIS MONEY COME FROM?  FROM WHERE DID IT ORIGINATE?  The more than 6000 years from the beautiful, sparsely settled, Garden of Eden.

When our ancestors landed in America, (mine, 1677 off the good ship Kent on the shores of New Jersey, where they founded Morristown) the North American continent was just one big piece of wilderness.  Forty times in the scripture, we have these words, "But God".  But God, and he created it all, owns it all, in spite of kings-popes-presidents and their ilk, put everything in the Earth that man would need.  THIS IS THE BASIS OF ALL WEALTH.  "The good Earth" was filled with the elements and electricity to build everything.  At crooks in great rivers, cities were built.  In the twentieth century, black gold, oil was discovered by the Rockefellers, first in Pennsylvania then in Texas.  Then, in the Middle East, it was discovered near the top of the ground.  We became an oil using world, vehicles-plastics-medicines.  Thirty-seven years ago, NewsWEAK, pages always filled with lies, said, we will be out of oil in a few years...the overpaid, overeducated; intelligentsia told us that we would run out of oil, with great tears, "What will we do?"  Great tankers hauled it into America, the largest user, from the Middle East, where nations stay embroiled in conflict because of black gold.  Then, came great oil finds in Canada-the Dakotas.  Now, this week, perhaps the greatest reserve known to man found in the great state of Texas

We have great reserves of coal, natural gas, forestry...even enough trees to print worthless paper-fiat currency.  Books have been written about this subject but raw products from the Earth and the ever adventuresome minds of men have produced wealth, beyond compare, from the daily visions of Creator Jehovah God, who just had to speak, nothingness to somethingness.  AND, then in an afterthought, he made the stars also.  (Genesis 1:16)  AND, what he created he can destroy. 

Czars of industry, politicians, food servers, cab drivers, etc smile everyday at people they do not like...all in the name of making money or a big tip.  I want to propagate the idea that government is just a money eating machine, that most men on this Earth, call them peasants-serfs-slaves are just the controlled cogs in the machine that turn God-given resources into revenue.  The object of government, made up of money hungry politicians and bureaucrats, is to give you only what you absolutely need to survive: they take the rest for their own extravagant lifestyles.  Government wants you to have enough of what you make to eat and not starve to death, to provide your own attractive home with a manicured yard, maintaining everything for a house beautiful presentation.  So, in their prideful zeal for corporate oversight ownership, they can proclaim your property as theirs.  AND, it is theirs unless you pay every tax-fine-assessment, they or one of their henchmen impose.  At your expense, government leaders must look good.  Have you ever seen a huge gruff male dog having sex on top of a small whimpering puppy?  This is today's subservient citizen, a petite-captivated-animal ravaged by the endless resources "your tax dollars" of raping, revenue hungry, romping, rabid savages.  Government may use the taxes you pay, and you will pay your taxes or you go to jail, to build roads for you to get to work, to build hospitals for your treatment, to build schools for your children to become partially educated so they can become trolls for social manipulation.  Rejoice, our government allows us to keep a little money for recreation, civic giving, and the greatest act of worship in showing love to God who gives all.  You may have a little left to spend in a store, although most of us settle for secondhand buying.  The government is very jealous about keeping your "do-gooder" giving from their separated government must SEPARATE church from state.  Most citizens, even those "thinkers" at the courthouse, the schoolhouse, and even the church house have never considered that everything, even the hands that made brush strokes on a Monet canvas belong to God.  For the Christian, our lives and everything we own belongs to Him.  "For every beast of the forest is mine, and the cattle upon a thousand hills."  (Psalm 50:10)  It is going to surprise Brother Bill Gates, Brother Warren Buffett, even; Bill and Hillary, even our wonderful president elect, Donald K, when they reach down in their shrouds to find that there are no pockets. 

When my ancestry arrived here, all they found was fertile ground, in the twentieth century, I saw my own mother work all day in the hot sun to make one dollar.  But, in the dynamics of living, in God's line ups, the least will be most, less will be more, and the only thing that will matter, from this very short time here compared to eternity, what we have stored up where rust-bankers-governments-politicians cannot get it.  History has been written through the construction of human beings, molding greatness from littleness.  Just as health is not found at the drugstore, riches are not found at the bank, or in the vaults of government.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

#1902 Dark Side of Democracy


Dark Side of Democracy

"Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others."  - Winston Churchill

The reason politicians, local, state, federal walk around as if they are wearing stiletto shoes, carefully, grimacing is because they are so afraid they will step on a grave because only they know where all the bodies are buried.  And, another reason they walk around so gingerly, there are many poisonous snakes right ready to strike at them.  Politicians and the bureaucrats which they appoint believe it was a stroke of genius that laws were enacted protecting them from the "tribulations" that voters-citizens must endure.  Legislators-congress people have special license tags on their vehicles so the highway patrol will not bother them.  One thing I noticed in international travel, (on one of my round the world trips, I had 48 flights) there was always a diplomatic exit for governmental big shots; their luggage did not undergo the "plunder" of the average traveler.  Why are some citizens considered so special?  Today's university students are told that they should protest any law-election to which they do not agree.  This ridiculousness has even leached down into the high schools...public school students in the streets protesting the election of Donald Trump.  And, more insane than their protesting, they get paid for it.  The thousands of warriors who gave their lives for the freedoms enjoyed in this nation, could never have been convinced that some students would harass-intimidate fellow students just because they have different opinions about something. 

Professors-school teachers-government workers, wrapped in an armor of rights should not forget that this is the age of the smart phone with its ability to capture voice and photo of spastic actions...public school teachers cursing, jestating about an election to which they did not agree.  We have imagination enough to fill in the blanks, schools that have replaced education with indoctrination.

In 1963, an innocuous twenty-three word prayer removed prayer from the schools.  Until then, even in the public school to say nothing of the provoquial schools, in this nation founded on Christian principles, daily Bible reading and prayer was experienced by all students, whether they wanted it or not.  Even in the small country schools of our nation, the portrait of George Washington hung in every classroom, students knew that he was the "father of our country".  In Catholic schools, the crucifix was prominent in every classroom but, because of the glass bowl of political correctness, because a few communist-liberal sympathizers think that a few Muslim or other minority students might be offended, both Jesus and George have been banished from the classroom. 

In my lifetime, 86 years, I have seen every facet of American life change...mostly for the bad.  There was always, probably, corruption in government.  Most city and county governments have always kept two sets of books.  Forget that men and women ran for public office in order to serve their fellowman, I have never known a politician who did not run for office except to serve himself.  I have not known one politician who did not leave public office much wealthier than when he went in.  Again, forget that bureaucrats are public servants...they think they are public masters.  It does not take many weeks, not even a course in indoctrination for them to attain that "big I, little you" eye sight-grimace.

Do you notice that these people who are so anxious to serve their fellowman-their country, always expect the taxpayer to pay for everything they do in public service?  If they attend a public supper of any type, they expect someone else to pay for their food...whether at the schoolhouse, courthouse, or church house.  They are reimbursed mileage for everything, a per diem for toilet paper. 

The average politician may start out on the city or county level but they know they are much too good for such lowly public service; they have their eyes set on the state legislature.  But state public office is not even good enough, like the children on Christmas dreaming of sugarplums in their heads; they have dreams of fiat currency dancing in their heads.  The more you get towards the top in politics, the bigger the money pot and the less likely to get caught with your hand in the pot. 

Do you notice that politicians always want choice seats at any function...public recognition?  And, high office enough, even if losing an election you have attained the name recognition and notoriety to be placed on some board of trustees, where you can again ride the galloping horse of do-gooder trust leading to big entitlements.  Most ex-governors are paid more money by boards of trustees, corporate-college than they were ever paid in salary.  Please, don't let them fool you about this famous phrase, "rubber chicken".  Like most people on welfare, they love free meals-good deals.  Every politician, every bureaucrat, like the pastor, like the parent, expects a reduced price on everything simply because of who he is and what he can do or has done for you. 

Much of the indecency of public service would still be in the of the unknown if it were not for the computer hacking astuteness of a military enlisted man named Bradley Manning, who, when he was not dreaming of becoming Chelsea Manning, was reaping information from many sources and feeding it into the quicksand of public notoriety.  And, in Moscow, another American, Mr. Ed Snowden, was hacking away at another tree of knowledge, evil, not much good, relating to the demented actions of USA political types.  And, in London, protected by the moat of the Ecuadorian castle, Mr. Julian Assange, pouring out "explosive" Wikileaks...another hacker, exposing to the world the intimate indecencies of the USA government officials.

The great writer C.S. Lewis said, "Christians never say goodbye" because Christians will be with one another forever.  This old, blind writer does not know much about the soul "welfare" of many politicians and I would not dare judge.  But, it is my opinion that many books will be written, many lawyers will be tattered by what quick minds and nimble fingers have produced.  All and all, we are seeing the dark side of our democracy.  

Monday, November 14, 2016

#1901 Sweet Poison


Sweet Poison

“Cursed is the man who trusts in man           
And makes flesh his strength,
Whose heart departs from the Lord.
For he shall be like a shrub in the desert,
And shall not see when good comes,
But shall inhabit the parched places in the wilderness,
In a salt land which is not inhabited.
“Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord,
And whose hope is the Lord.
For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters,
Which spreads out its roots by the river,
And will not fear when heat comes;
But its leaf will be green,
And will not be anxious in the year of drought,
Nor will cease from yielding fruit.

(Jeremiah 17:5-8)

Anyone who thinks this is a small world has not looked at the globe recently.  We are a people dazzled by electronics: smart phones, talking computers, gps maps.  People in an air conditioned, pest controlled world.  This is not a time for casual Christianity, but this old, blind veteran is not "sweet" enough, broadminded enough to not have resentment about those who are in the streets protesting.  When they should be working like the rest of us, in a nation that gives them every opportunity.  These protestors have no idea about what real living and life is all about and I resent this.  They don't have to remember anything anymore, just enough sense to push a button. 

It is a matter of history, if anyone wants to study it, just what human beings have endured in the advancement of civilized behavior.  You never recover from poverty and I truly believe that most of our nation's problems revolve around the fact that most "African Americans" have not recovered from the greatest shame of our country...slavery and the blight of desegregation and Jim Crowism.  It takes a long time for the stench of rottenness to disappear.  It takes a long time for many of us to recover from the "hard knocks" of just surviving.  It takes a long time for veterans to recover from the treachery of war. 

This veteran was a field grade medial officer at an Army hospital in Alabama.  As in most Army hospitals of the WWII vintage, wards constructed of wood, connected by covered hallways.  There would be probably, almost a mile of separated wards, one after another, connected by covered hallways.  This was before the time of AC, when windows had to be opened for air.  Each hospital, at bases all over the nation, and each ward was built to certain specifications, each operated a certain way.  Personnel was constantly coming and going...nurses and doctors assigned to certain hospitals, working hard doing a job, no one keeping up with what had happened in the buildings before them, even to the very expensive medical equipment. 

I was in charge of one ward, many rooms, much confusion from newly trained personnel...just there to put in their time and do a job.  I found that there was one room that was a mystery.  Evidently, it was a forgotten room, in one ward of one hospital.  I finally got into the room...padded, no window, no light fixture, just a cocoon of absolute silence.  It was a room in which you would put a mentally ill patient. 

There was a smell in the room beyond comprehension, I have no idea how many years it had been closed, with no one with any authority to open it.  Of course, all personnel at any military facility was constantly coming and going, like me, orders for service.  You really had no reason to investigate anything...just do your job.  I asked a friend in town, who owned a real estate company, if he had heard any scuttlebutt about that Army hospital.  He said one funeral home had removed a long dead, decomposed body from the hospital, a patient that had evidently been forgotten.  Then, I knew about the smell. 

In today's computerized world, where, surely, in a hospital, there would be some record of the location of patients, mental or otherwise.  Would we have the ability to absorb such incompetence?  Allowing a fellow human being to die of starvation and thirst in a padded room, where they could hear nothing and no one could hear them: oh, the darkness-silence-horror of it all: such a death, man's inhumanity to man.  Do we have any resentment towards those who would allow things like this to happen OR as is the case of most unbelievable things we hear about, euthanasia-abortion-child abuse just coming forth with the usual mantra "Let's just move on."  ..."Put it behind us." 

As horrible as the death of a deranged mental patient in padded from of an Army hospital is, think of the millions of the most innocent, killed in the body of a child's own mother.  Yet, these protesting "Black Lives Matter" (when 72% of all black babies are aborted-killed), when courted black votes surely do matter, when members of the gay agenda get more publicity than any other class in America, when the abomination of same sex marriage-ask don't tell-immigration takes up a large part of every news broadcast, these protestors seem to have no realization about the realities of this present world...just resentment of this time in history. 

People who are dead still have much control over us.  The liberated woman Margaret Sanger, associate of Adolf Hitler, introduced eugenics to us.  She was a real democrat in the Rockefeller Republican organization.  I resent black democrats, who will not even admit that she referred to them as "weeds"...put this in your Planned Parenthood pipe and smoke it.

Christianity is built around the grace of forgiveness, one raised on a farm, knowing the "full gospel" of growing crops, so resents the new age "green gospel"...decrying food production with the use of chemicals: proclaiming organic everything.  Most of these "do-gooders" have never seen the ravages of insects, the squalor of soil from which all natural chemicals-fertilizers have been leached. 

Human life is sacred because from the very beginning it has meant a very special relationship with Creator God.  Every human being has a soul from God and at the end returns to God.  From birth, the body is constantly wearing out, the cells of your skin very different from the cells of your skin six months ago, the cells of your liver-the cells of your eye, all cells of your body constantly being renewed, constantly in relationship with Creator God.  You must have the electricity for this replacement.  Your body, like the world around you, is, in the main, electricity.  The electricity for your body is generated by muscle activity.  Now, can you understand the importance of nutrition and exercise? 

The great-warrior-general Stonewall Jackson said, "My faith leads me to feel as safe in war as in bed."  Along with the reality of body care, the temple of our soul, we need to be aware and aroused by things around us.  I resent that Christians have the ability to control elections.  Catholics make up half the Supreme Court, Catholics control a large part of the US Senate and House of Representatives.  Catholics, along with "supposed" Christian Baptists, have the votes to keep America decent and strong.  A poison, and it is often very sweet to the taste, is usurping Christian righteousness and I resent this infiltration into God's world.