Wednesday, November 2, 2016

#1894 Gorillia's Eyes


Gorilla's Eyes

"Pray About Everything" Luke Bryan

     Don't worry 'bout nothing
     Let it go, see what tomorrow brings
     Don't worry 'bout nothing
     Pray about everything
     Pray about everything

Looking at the world through God's eyes is different from looking at the world through your eyes.  If only I could have observed some of the "sights of history", think of Hannibal crossing the Alps with elephants, Caesar returning from African wars crossing the Hellespont with caged beasts never seen in Europe.  Think of that giraffe marched from Rome to Paris with peasants lined up three deep.  Have you ever considered a tsunami such as that in 2011 that wiped out entire Pacific coastlines?  We are all products of "stinking thinking" but think of the atheist philosophers of the Nietzsche "tribe" (God is dead fame) who have told us that life began with spores on this Earth from a spaceship.  Stainless steel appears unharmed by a battering BUT when President Trump takes over, it will be a sight to behold and there will be some battering.  Please God, let me live and see him inaugurated, see him start the process of cleaning out the hog pen. 

This writer owned-maintained an apartment in Manhattan for many years, near the Trump Tower...for those tinged with communism, national news media plus their willing cohorts in federal government, we will see what happens with real diversity. 

Mr. Trump is not a fistula abnormality of recent political corruption...Kennedys, Bushes, Clintons, and their ilk.  The heathen of the talking box (TV) "yellow" editorial pages, wimpy so-called journalists and news people, cannot understand a real man...a successful man, a man who can attain without "kissing up" to every agenda group (gays-women-minority skin colors).  NEW TO AMERICA, THE WINNER OF A POLITICAL CONTEST, WHO, LIKE THE REST OF US, IS A SINNER BUT NOT A CRIMINAL. 

Unlike the Clintons, when they vacated the White House, he will have no need to steal America's property from the furnished dwelling provided for the president.  Compared to Trump Tower and his other homes, he and Melania will probably consider 1600 Pennsylvania Ave as a shack.  He will have no need to impress lowlife contributors by having him sleep in a bed there (Lincoln bedroom).  His private airplane is as large as Air Force One and, like the brush arbor preachers of old, he was not afraid to say what he thinks...does not cover up every sentence with political correctness.  Americans who work hard, pay their taxes, attempt to raise decent children, cling to the promises of Creator God were refreshed-delighted to see a non-pretender. 

There have been more books written about Abraham Lincoln than any other president.  Back before the Truman porch, back before the indelicacies of Johnson-Clinton perversion, Lincoln was once found polishing his shoes sitting on the steps of a White House staircase.  The visitor said, "Mr. Lincoln, why are YOU polishing your shoes?"  He replied, "Why not?  I am the one who wears them." 

There is a tornado of confusion with poor and middle-class people who always want to be at the top.  Most politicians have sought financial security, notoriety at the expense of the taxpayer.  They were willing to take any shortcut to get there, prostituting themselves on the aggrandized alter of compromise.  By the time they get into public office, from a lowly city official to federal prestige they have very few of their ideals-convictions-concerns left.  The playing cards on Air Force One, gold trimmed, they cost $8000 a deck.  Of course, you could not keep them on the plane because they were all stolen.  The White House, our nation's capitol, our nation's temporal of government have all been overrun by people with low morals.  I certainly believe there has been some computerized, "note taking" at the Trump Tower.  Please God, let President Trump turn the whole stinking place upside this tainted Democrat news media how to escape through the backdoor, these "Rhino" (Republican in name only) members of the so-called RNC where to go and how to get back.  I hope he will not even invite former presidents Bush, 41 and 43, to even watch him take the oath of office.  They would not support him, why should he even acknowledge them?  Many of us do not believe that paying promotes goodness.  Even Dante's Inferno tells us that there is a special place in hell for hypocrites. 

For most of my life, I have had great doubts about leaders who are so insecure.  Dillying  and dallying in every personal action, yet willing to expend audacious vocal interest in promising to take care of the problems of others.  We are tired of being fed myths, in a democratic republic built on a foundation of truth.  From childhood, we were taught, honesty is the best policy...honest people look better, live longer. 

Do you not tire of the putrid dribble from talking heads, who are paid such tremendous salaries to say absolutely nothing?  There are so many important things for them to read into the teleprompter...for instance, the greatest health hazard to any living metabolic being, the fumes from combustible engines.  America has the world's largest prison population, 78% of those released go back in, even though they took postgraduate courses within the walls on not getting caught.  Meekness does not mean weakness; forget the bluster of gay aloofness found in most male politicians and male bureaucrats.  Forget the lesbian vernacular found in most female politicians and female bureaucrats.  Forget the gorilla eyes of elitist media types and political pundits when they stare "down" at you.  Most of us know the stability of the rock on which we stand. 

One of the world's great political leaders, the only man who really conquered the world, Alexander the Great, owned a great horse; his horse would not allow anyone else to ride him except his master, Alexander the Great.  If a horse can comprehend greatness, surely it is time for mere mortals to get educated.  

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