Tuesday, January 24, 2017

#1934 Deplorables and Confusoids


Deplorables and Confusoids

"When America is united, America is totally unstoppable. There should be no fear. We are protected and we will always be protected. We will be protected by the great men and women of our military and law enforcement and most importantly, we will be protected by God." - Donald Trump Inauguration Speech

Let the chips fall where they may, in the squirrel cage, we call life, running from one aggravation to another.  The time has come for clear thinking, plain speaking.  Thank God, on Friday, January 20th, inauguration of President Donald K. Trump, much to the chagrin of the politically correct crowd, the lying-pretending news crowd, and the fake news people, there was an inaugural address, words which real Americans could understand and comprehend.  Too often, in the past, the nation has sought a president whom they wanted to be many men (great military, great educator, great provider of everything) but a man who at the end could fill only one grave. 

One of the great mysteries of my life, the aptitude of many men, it was always a mystery that many of the worst sinners, after a real conversion, became great preachers...men who had never had any seminary training, had probably never even attended Sunday school or many worship services.  But, they had been changed, had repented, and repenting means turning, they had turned completely and it was so evident, no guess work involved.

A story is told about an old dog falling in the well on the farm of one old man.  The farm-well owner, said, "I really don't use the well, the dog is old and no good, why should I spend the money or effort to get the dog out of the well?  I will just bury him in the well."  So, he began throwing dirt in the well, the dog just shook the dirt off and every time he got closer to the top of the well, finally the dog just jumped out of the well.  We have a President Trump who was thrown into the well, a well filled with hatred, partisanship, rhinos, and fair-weather friends.  In spite of everything they threw at him, trying to bury him, he just jumped out of the old well and is now sitting in the oval office. 

Someone asked Reverend Franklin Graham if he had any problems participating-praying at the Trump inauguration knowing that Trump (like the rest of us) has the stains of sin in his past.  Mr. Graham, said, "No, I was sitting behind former President Bill Clinton."  We could add to that George W. Bush (Clinton well-known for his womanizing, Bush forty-three well-known for his alcoholism).  The story is well-known about the Bushes and Clintons tethered to certain vulgarities of wealth.  They believe money is made round so it can be kept in circulation, Grandpa Bush with Hitler, Hillary with Islamists. 

We are so thankful that many of our fellow believers were saved on their deathbeds, that one "jailbird" who had never attended church or done anything for anybody except rob them, was the first person in Heaven following the death of our Blessed Lord.  Don't give up on President Trump. 

Two of the most delightful women I have ever known, sisters, I met at the great Peninsula Hotel in Hong Kong (perhaps the world's greatest hotel, they bring you from the airport to the hotel in Rolls Royces).  In the dining room, as was so often the case with unescorted women, they asked me to eat with them and we became great friends, me visiting them at their beautiful Fifth Avenue apartment in Manhattan.  One was well-known in national advertising.  When I went with them to a restaurant, people acted startled, an old blind man with two women decked out in furs and jewels.  One's favorite phrase, as we were doing anything-just visiting, "I wonder what the poor folks are doing?"  America knows what the poor folks have been doing, we know what the rich folks have been doing (just one percent of the American population pays sixty-eight percent of all taxes, billionaires support the country).  We don't care if there is a billionaire in the White House OR if he is surrounded by billionaires, most of these people have proven themselves, have had a real job.  Not like the last president, just a street organizer, pimping democrats for his office...mostly staying on the golf course, stating, that the greatest thing about being president was Air Force One...never a job, never built anything, never fired a Daisy air rifle, or even ran a lemonade stand.  We need leadership with character (Dr. Ben Carson, General Mattis); we need a man who owns golf courses, one who does not spend all of his time just playing on one.

Hillary called her opponents deplorables.  The deplorables of life, those without rich supporters know the struggles of life, even in raising children, the differences in victories and defeats.  We deplorables know that shallow politicians have bought their seats of power.  It is like explaining advanced math to a three-year-old, understanding these people whose main work in office, the exorcism of money from the taxpayer.  The deplorables were not as dumb as the democrats and their fellow conspirators, the news media, surmised.  The little man has seen the fall of the little man, the little farmer-the little business owner. 

All crimes are against the dignity of life.  King David's greatest crime was not against Bathsheba but against Bathsheba's husband, Uriah, who was one of David's greatest friends, one of his men of valor.  (1 Chronicles 12)  Confused women and millennials, confused students can march against President Trump, just showing they are being stunted- trapped in the democrat party.  Confused sensuality, uncontrolled passions, will destroy a person's ability to love and live normally...will even destroy love of country.

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