Monday, January 23, 2017

#1935 Paths and Highways


Paths and Highways

            "The Road Not Taken" - Robert Frost

            Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
            And sorry I could not travel both
            And be one traveler, long I stood
            And looked down one as far as I could
            To where it bent in the undergrowth;

The paths to any inventions, technology, did not come from any "fringe" nation, only from America.  Just as God never appointed a committee, just as most of the great inventions of the world did not come from any "think tank", every invention that has brought so much progress to America has come from the mind of one man, one man plus God, and anything is possible...the inventions of Edison at Menlo Park or Bill Gates in a garage.  If it had been a group, fellow researchers, Edison-Gates-Bell-Salk would have been shut down.  This writer-scientist-field grade Army officer has been a member of many committees-advisory boards.  If there are ten individuals in a room there will be ten opinions...each individual, most of the time, looking down a separate path.  The bias-partisan-infidel-pretender will always think that he and he alone is right, now you know about political correction-fake news-public corruption.  It is a world of "me-ism" even pigs had a path, which they all traveled through the hog pasture. 

When will human beings that God wired with the most intricate brain neurons any scientist has ever studied, learn to ask the right questions and let God help with the answer...and, then believe God's answers? 

The most sobering thing about a funeral-burial, as you walk down the pathway to the hole in the ground, where you will place a loved one..."It is going to eventually happen to me"..."Am I ready?" 

There are therapy paths such as yoga and its path to inner peace: there are many religions (Islam, Buddhism, etc), thousands of Christian denominations, institutes filled with psychologists, everyone thinking they have the answer. 

Meditation-intervention-rehabilitation, none of these mind changing-drug altering, scientific or pseudoscience methods will be in the least effective if you are not willing to "walk the talk". 

I spent much time in Oxford, Mississippi, the home of William Faulkner (and the home of a former wife), perhaps America's greatest writer.  Faulkner said, "The only thing worth writing about is the human heart in conflict with itself."  A sad thing, starting on dessert, eating too much before the dessert, I get so depressed at a meal, when someone starting on dessert, talks about eating too much of the previous food.  Are there no paths to mind control?  We just buried one of my good friends, body destroyed by diabetes who simply could not resist sweets...eating ice cream for breakfast. Another sad thing, and I experienced it myself, twice, coming home from work and your wife having moved out of the house, closing all paths to fairness.  It always showed that she loved "stuff" more than she loved me.  It was so good to know that she had her stuff...the furniture which I had worked so hard to provide BUT, that is nothing compared to walking down the path to the jailhouse to bail your child out of prison.  Thank God, I never experienced that, so many parents have and then there was always the question in their minds, "Did we in some way take the wrong path?" 

In my lifetime, marchers-protestors-demonstrators, who took the wrong path, in today's world, most ordinary people just attempting to survive, where do these protestors get the time and money to finance such political action? 

Another dismal path of disparity and discouragement to this writer is the very recent knowledge that the sale of human body tissues brings in more money than the awful holocaust of abortion.  A body called brain dead will bring in one million dollars by the time the hospital sells the various parts.  A heart or liver is not transplantable after five minutes of death.  Every tissue must be refrigerated at once, the quicker the better.  The most sickening "nouveau riche" practice of practitioners wearing not only a white coat but a black mask, rushing-pushing families into ending the lives of very ill family member patients.  It is much bigger business than Planned Parenthood.  One of my favorite cousin's wife, cooking breakfast, keeled over with a stroke, she was in the hospital, comatose, he called me each day to ask my advice, he said, "They tell me she is brain dead, that there will be no better for her, I think I will let her go."  What are you going to tell someone facing this decision?  He did let her go and I often wondered if it was because she was the inheritor of much wealth from her parents, one farm near one town sold for millions to developers.  Surely she would have been a medical problem for some time, such as Terri Schiavo, who had become a husband and hospital problem.  Before going down the path of removing life support, get two or three "second opinions".  Remember, it takes time for brain healing and there is a history of people coming out of a comatose "death".  I knew one doctor who remembered doctors talking to his family about removing his life support.  Advocates for prolife not just in the sanctuary of the womb but in the hospital bed, such as lawyers-pastors-scientists should be awakened to what is going on...follow the money.  It is risky to be honest and your writer has been honest about paths of glory, introspection, and even the seduction of death.  

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