Tuesday, February 6, 2018


The Silken Tent by Robert Frost

She is as in a field a silken tent
At midday when the sunny summer breeze
Has dried the dew and all its ropes relent,
So that in guys it gently sways at ease,
And its supporting central cedar pole,
That is its pinnacle to heavenward
And signifies the sureness of the soul,
Seems to owe naught to any single cord,
But strictly held by none, is loosely bound
By countless silken ties of love and thought
To every thing on earth the compass round,
And only by one's going slightly taut
In the capriciousness of summer air
Is of the slightest bondage made aware.

Portray something around those who are supposed to know and you will find that they don't always know. You must live an entire life before you know about life and living.

When I was a child, I loved to build fortresses, a protective barrier to get behind. and then, after a long education/military career, I was blessed to travel the world and saw the many walled cities...such a part of history "Jerusalem, Jericho, Dubrovnik", and many others which I have visited. Early history, those working in the fields outside the walls, always had a fortress or barrier to which they could flee. Protecting oneself is almost as part of human nature as breathing. Most young people think history began the day they were born. People of my age (87) knew what it was to daydream. The escape of daydreaming and, I must admit, even in my youth, many escaped the realities of life looking at the bottom of a liquor bottle or an addiction to soap operas on radio and then television. So many people of my age can still talk about "Stella Dallas", "Ma Perkins" or "Portia Faces Life"; then came General Hospital or Guiding Light.

Today, the escape is addictive drugs, both prescription and those purchased on the street. My biggest problem with VA nurses sent to my house by the VA, the theft of my meds. The biggest problems in hospitals, nursing homes, the theft of opiates which can be easily sold. Now all those crocodile tears from the fake liberal newscast about addiction/the opioid epidemic and warnings about not being able to buy over the counter meds for fear that one's home or car will be turned into a meth lab business.

It never ceases to amaze me the escapism of modern day living, alcohol/pills/food, and brain manipulation via modern technology (tv, computers, pornographic and other magazines).

Next to my beach house, a house full of young college men who played games day and night. They even got into the insanity of portraying the characters; weird costumes; comic book addictions. So many young boys and girls wear black all the time... even attend conventions where fantasy and fantasizing is lauded.

It is impossible to penetrate these minds, doors without handles. investigating these anti-social human beings you find that you are drilling dry holes in a vast desert of fantasy land.

Such a change, the time when young men acted like gentlemen and young girls were debonaire. Girls actually held dance cards. At Wake Forest, professors would walk around with a ruler; boys and girls had to dance 12" apart. At Meredith, the girls could not wear black patten leather shoes for fear boys could look up their dress. Now, anything goes...just hook up. It is much like hooking up a mule to a plow, life in the raw.

So, why is this Dr., military officer, writer, world traveler, so cynical? We become cyncical because we become both amused and disgusted with what goes on in the human brain...so called normal people. We know that there are the mentally ill. One of my medical officer friends who worked in an asylum told me that he did not know how in the world they handled the mentally sick before the time of tranquilizers. AND it is something you must learn to do yourself. In the answer book which God took time to write and give to us, He speaks of our keeping a "clean mind", thinking good thoughts, love, and trust. Don't expect the government to clean minds at the church house, schoolhouse, White House or even your house. We are all sitting on the edge of fear concerning Alzheimer's and other mental disorders. 365 times God told us in His word not to fear. It is so important for children to have healthy hobbies. Mental health is as important as physical health.

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