As always, last night, I was listening to the BBC radio shortwave, as I do every night when the announcement of the death of Senator Kennedy was made. The third longest serving Senator, served for 47 years and was recognized as the most powerful senator of the 20th century. His father, a bootlegger, womanizer, bought his son JFK, the presidency, and his youngest son, a senatorial office. Joseph Kennedy was such an embarrassment to FDR with his Nazi dealings that he was called home from the Court of St. James. (Eleanor Roosevelt, still alive when JFK was inaugurated, would not attend his inaugurations because she so despised Joseph Kennedy.) Senator Kennedy saw two brothers assassinated and participated himself in a Chappaquiddick killing in 1969, which limited his presidential aspirations in1980.
Nearby, at Martha's Vineyard, the eastern gathering place for the Eugenics and elitist liberals, Cindy Sheehan, known for her Bush protestations and Amy Goodman, leader of women liberals are protesting Obama's ceasing to end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Obamas, living high on a 27 acre estate, are basking in Obama-Opulence. Senator Kennedy who, if power and money could have cured him, would still be alive. Kennedy, always, a product of wealth and power, next to Obama, the most liberal democrat senator could afford any type health care, (Duke, etc.) but, the limousine socialists here as in every communist country, want the Exception-Care for themselves and the peasant social order for everyone else.
As with homeless veterans who entered the military in good health, forced vaccinations have put many on the streets in a unstable homeless condition. The Amish, the Muslims, the Christian Science church, are not subjected to vaccinations. Autism and scleroderma and at least 50 other diseases are called auto immune, compromising and complicating the immune system.
We learned long ago that sunshine and fresh air are the best treatments of any disease including flu. The old sanatoriums when I was a child, used fresh air and sunshine for the treatment of Tuberculosis. It is a known fact outside the academic community where the paper tigers have never dealt with patients or real life, that country children are not as sick as urban dwellers. I worked at the UNC-CH medical school. (It was a 2 year school when I was student there.) Miss Pickard, the medical librarian, an old maid, would take her beautiful dog and me to her small farm outside Chapel Hill, and we would work at various chores. Dr. W. C. George, professor of anatomy in medical school, owned a farm next door. We were talking about my being reared on a farm. He said, “You poor thing. You will probably live a long life. All that sunshine, fresh air, fresh food... And, I know you ate berries from bushes in the woods and on bushes on ditch banks, the most healthy lifestyle a person can have. I remembered this many times when dealing with patients and old doctors. One old doctor, Dr. Woodard of Goldsboro, NC, a retired naval medical officer, told me he never put a chemical in his body, nor prescribed one, unless absolutely life and death. He ran for congress in the third NC district when he was 100 years of age. A national magazine showed him working on his farm, which he attributed to his good health. He was so opposed to chlorine and fluoride in municipal drinking water. Dr. Cooper Person, of Eureka, NC, used food almost entirely in treatment. He particularly promoted apple cider. Every time I put apple cider in my drinking water, I think of him and the many patients who lived in good health because of him.
Only people who go to the doctor keep going. My father always pointed out one of his good friends, a wealthy land owner who married a school teacher in midlife. They had one son and they kept the road hot, trotting to the doctor. All around their farms, black tenants who lived in houses that you could through a cat through most anywhere, were healthy and had never seen a doctor. Dangerous behavior outside of marriage is the reason that 50 % of all girls have STD's. One gay with AIDS, told me when you get a vaccination, I will be the first one in line. I said, “Do you want to die quicker.” I was in Goma, Congo, a city at the head of the Congo River, where it is believed that AIDS got it's start by people eating and “messing around” with monkeys. Sex is a gift. Your immune system is a gift. Fornicate, male or female, at your own risk. I know that people do not want to hear the truth. The foreign missionaries know that people do not want the truth. But they are concerned with their souls. BE OBNOXIOUS! I do what I do because I believe what I believe. There is no reason why people should enjoy poor health and just make the health and drug industry that much richer. Read Dr. Mayer Eisenstein's book, Don't Vaccinate Before you Educate. In this season of town hall debates, when Obama and Sebelius, Peolosi and other health care experts are squeezing a bankrupt economy to force you into an inept socialized government pay system, which may make the inept VA system look good. Consider prevention, the poisons in your drinking water (Both chlorine and fluoride are poisons.) You're staying inside with the television and computer instead of staying in the sun, God's greatest remedy. Do not put on sunscreen. In your food use oregano, much black pepper and other herbs such as rosemary, as did our much healthier ancestors.
Anyone who has studied epidemiology knows that the more you scare people about an epidemic, more people get sick. You can see the brain washing going on now, in regards to H1N1. As more people go for care exposing themselves to the disease already in the hospital or doctor's office, more get sick. (Think, you go in the doctor's office because you are scared and not feeling well. You sit in a chair in reception where a sick flu patient just sat. The greatest breathing organ of your body is your skin. Of course you put your hands and arms on the chair arms. You touch the doorknobs behind the sick patients, and you will probably go home sick now if not before.) Vaccinations for pregnant women are always contraindicated, yet in this flu scare, flu shots for pregnant women and children are advised.
If the Judeo-Christian community were as interested in prevention, eating Kosher, sunshine and exercise as are the Islamists who, under Sharia law, have a very exacting diet, do not smoke, do not drink alcohol, are not vaccinated and, believe it or not, do not abort their babies, the non Islamic population would be much healthier. One of my heroes, Cassius Clay, who converting to Islam, became Mohammad Ali, is now touring England raising money for a charity. When he fought Henry Cooper in 1962, he was hit on the head and was hit on the head many times after that, leading to his present illness. But he attributes his health to the strict diet of the Muslims.
Don't be delusional. You cannot just eat anything, just drink anything, never exercise, stay inside out of sunlight, completely frustrate your immune system with chemicals whether prescribed, illegal or in your water system and stay healthy. Maintaining good health in this (fast food) world, requires spiritual and physical stewardship. It is like taking cheese out of a set mousetrap without tripping the thing, and getting your fingers smashed.
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