“When I Take My Vacation in Heaven”
When I take my vacation in heaven,
What a wonderful time that will be.
Hear the concert of the heavenly chorus;
And the face of my savior I’ll see.
Sitting down on the bank of the river,
Beneath the shade of the evergreen tree.
When I take my vacation in heaven,
Won’t you spend your vacation with me?
My Godly parents always went to bed early, and arose early. I can still hear my father singing the song above, “When I Take My Vacation in Heaven” as he was working around the farm, early in the morning, with the two large collie dogs barking and sounds and smells of my mother's activities in the kitchen. They never knew vacation time here on earth; but are certainly enjoying such now. There are two words which I can barely stand to hear, retirement and vacation. Just be glad you are able to work every day and as long as possible. A former president of Wheaton College, died at the lectern while addressing an entering class of Wheaton students. Many preachers die in the pulpit. A friend, a medical doctor, died with his hands taking the pulse of a patient. I was called to the room of a woman traveling in Paris. Her distraught husband said she got in bed, pulled up the covers and that was it. They, having experienced a long colorful life, I said to him, “Be thankful. This is the way we would all like to go.” Every time one of my cousins calls me, he reminds me of what I have told him many times. I have too much curiosity to die. I want to see what will happen to this crazy world.
Almost without our knowing it, a shadow world government has immersed in my lifetime, which has more influence in world politics than the United Nations, or any other one country or group of countries, (NATO). This group of about 130 of the most powerful and wealthiest people of the world, must know something that the rest of us do not know; because with their elitist ideology of eugenics and “one-world government” as promoted by President George H. W. Bush. Though the idea of a “one world order” has been proposed for many years, the words were first heard in an address to congress by President George H. W. Bush in 1991. The Bush family, one of America's most powerful and wealthiest families have been members of the Bilderberger Group, since it's inception. In 1954, a group of 50 delegates from 11 countries in Europe and 11 Americans attended the first conference in the Hotel del Bilderberg in the Netherlands. The 2009 Conference was held in Athens, Greece. The 2008 Conference was held in Virginia, United States. The 2007 Conference was held in Istanbul, Turkey. Ontario, Canada was the meeting place for the 2006 Conference.
The Bilderberger group is a an octopus with tentacles, the world's most elitest, powerful, individuals representing all facets of power and money, Queen of the Netherlands, Henry Kissinger, George H. W. Bush, Walter Bedell Smith, etc. There are several Christians in this elitest fraternity who actually believe that it is the beginning of the group that will support the anti-Christ. This is difficult to believe when you consider the amount of money the Bilderbergers spent in Indonesia leading to the riots in 1998 where thousands were killed, or the intrigue of Somalia where thousands have been killed. Of course, they actually are convinced that the world's population must be reduced. Considering the Jews who are in the group, it is hard to understand their support of Muslim dictators, which accounts for their support of the war in Iraq. The double dipping that takes place in so many embassies, where embassy officials are paid both by the American State Department and the Bilderbergers obtaining information. It even extends to finding support from the well political placed attendees at Governor's prayer breakfasts. There are even “prayer cells” located in countries and in different religions. It is thought that a prayer cell supports the aspirations of Mrs. Clinton. These people do not need money, they have all the money. Their main interest in their shadow government processes is power, the power to pick national rulers and to set the course of the ship of state for every country involved. This group does not need vacation time. Their life and the lives of their friends have been just one long vacation. For onlookers, those observing the action and activities of this, the world's most prestigious power brokers. The enslaved, those of us who get up everyday and work for a living in order to pay the excruciating taxes, the tourist industries of the world should just go ahead and close down, because the average world worker will no longer be able to afford a vacation.
For the rich and famous, the New Mexico dessert is being developed into their playground, (runways already completed) enticing those interested in space travel. RocketPlane Global, based in Oklahoma City, is also making a bigger push in the space tourism business. The company said Friday that it has re-engineered the design of its suborbital rocket, the Rocketplane XP, so it can be used to fly more tourists into suborbit. The plane now seats five passengers in an interior fashioned by renowned industrial designer Frank Nuovo, who's designed for companies such as BMW and Nokia. Teachers in Space, a nonprofit project of the Space Frontier Foundation and the U.S. Rocket Academy, also said it will begin recruiting teachers to become astronauts and fly in space. The teachers will travel to space on flights donated by suborbital companies like RocketPlane so they can develop training programs for more teachers to follow. Other vacation ideas pertaining to space and the New Mexico desert involves the Rocket Racing League, sort of a Nascar for rockets, or Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic that will provide suborbital commercial flights for $200,000 a seat.
Millions like to hear someone like Rush Limbaugh talk about the life of the rich and famous. his private jet, his hob-knobbing with famous people on the golf course. There has always been the haves and the have-nots; but a depression has a way of keeping everyone to a limited sensation. Just this morning, one friend told me of how her son's entire portfolio of $250,000 had been lost in this market crash.
I lived through the Great Depression one time. One of my earliest memories is the funeral of a great aunt who had stood in line at the bank, all day while trying to get her money out (only $200 equivalent to $200,000 today). Sick and oppressed, she just went home and died, before the bank took her farm. The most cynical statement I ever heard from a politician,
“We want people to go to church, to take holidays, to take vacations. Then, they don't object as much to paying taxes, because the only power, the government and politicians have, is the ability to tax people.
Enjoy your vacation.
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