In 1968, Simon and Garfunkel came out with one of their greatest hits, “Mrs. Robinson.” Most people will remember this song because it was the theme song of the movie, “The Graduate.”
Much will be said about the following in the future. Much information is involved; and it would be a good thesis for a seminary graduate student. It just so happens that President Obama's wife, Michelle's mother, Mrs. Marian Robinson, lives in the White House with the Obamas. Voodoo has become the official religion of America. Mrs. Robinson, a practitioner of Santaria, the voodoo religious practice which was brought over by African slaves to the Caribbean and is found flourishing in the Caribbean and in South Florida is now practiced in the White House. It is my understanding that witches of this religion came in and cleansed the White House before the Obama's moved in, in order to rid the building of the Bush infestation. (I hope the same witches will go to the Republican National Committee, NRC, and do a cleansing there. I hope republicans will never hear the Bush name associated with republican politics again.)
James H. Cone, Harvard professor and friend of Obama, the unquestioned modern-day mentor of all the black power preachers, claims to have created a new theology, uniting the Muslim black power tenets of Malcolm X and the Christian foundations of Martin Luther King, Jr.
All he has really done, in my opinion, is take original liberation theology from Latin America, developed in the early 1960s by Catholic priests, and painted it black.
Directly from the preface of his 1997 new edition of his book, Black Theology and Black Power:
"As in 1969, I still regard Jesus Christ today as the chief focus of my perspective on God but not to the exclusion of other religious perspectives. God's reality is not bound by one manifestation of the divine in Jesus but can be found wherever people are being empowered to fight for freedom. Life-giving power for the poor and the oppressed is the primary criterion that we must use to judge the adequacy of our theology, not abstract concepts.
Understanding that black liberation theology is Marxism dressed up to look like Christianity helps explain why there is no conflict between Cone's "Christianity" and Farrakhan's "Nation of Islam." Both Farrakhan and Obama are members of the Black Masons.
Move over Jesus and make way for Cone, Wright and Obama. For a reported 20 years the Obama's attended the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago where Dr. Jeremiah Wright, a follower of Santaria and black liberation theology preached his religion of hate and where Harriet Tubman's portrait is reportedly hanging in the vestibule. Obama claims he never heard anything that was preached by Dr. Wright. But we wonder if he read the mission statement, their Vision:
1. A congregation committed to ADORATION.
2. A congregation preaching SALVATION.
3. A congregation actively seeking RECONCILIATION.
4. A congregation with a non-negotiable COMMITMENT TO AFRICA.
5. A congregation committed to BIBLICAL EDUCATION.
6. A congregation committed to CULTURAL EDUCATION.
8. A congregation committed to LIBERATION.
9. A congregation committed to RESTORATION.
10. A congregation working towards ECONOMIC PARITY.
From the Mission Statement, “The fortunate who are among us combine forces with the less fortunate to become agents of change for God who is not pleased with America’s economic mal-distribution!” Perhaps this is the CHANGE we heard about during the campaign and now the unfortunate consequences of the campaign. During his presidency, on November 2, 1800, John Adams wrote to his wife:
"I pray Heaven to bestow the best of Blessings on this House and on all that shall hereafter inhabit it. May none but honest and wise Men ever rule under this roof."
Recently, I had to get a state ID because I bought a new car. For 50 years my military ID showing that I am a totally blind, 100% disabled, serviced-connected veteran, has sufficed everywhere. I even had to produce a birth certificate to get a new social security card which was lost in time of war. This president, now in the White House, cannot even produce a birth certificate. Lies have brought us where we are today. A lost war in Iraq, a loosing war in Afghanistan and Pakistan, bailouts and a complete crippling of the American economy continue blowing into the economic bubble of debt which will never be paid. And a completely PREDICTABLE excursion into heresy and treason by a democrat party who has total control over a prostituted media, academia and financial world. There are so many skeletons in so many closets among the politicians as well as Wall Street that no one in power, now, will dare challenge anything. Madoff, Guitner, Sebelius and Napolitano as well as Henry Paulson of Goldman Sachs are all held in the same moral reverence by the Congress and most liberal Americans. The time has long past when character is important. The Town Hall meetings have become a diversion from health care; and the culture of immorality on Wall Street has become a diversion from the worthless dollar and the need to clean up the Federal Reserve. No one believes Wall Street is honest. And no one believes that the politicians have any idea about cleaning up this country. Generally speaking, they are the ones who made the mess; but watch them run in 2010 saying they know how to clean it up. They no longer refer to this blessed country as a nation, but as an economy.
The Bible tells us that men are inherently evil. The only wealth anytime in the world according to God's word, is silver, gold, land and cattle. Adam Smith told us in WEALTH OF NATIONS that a country must be productive. Just continuing to blow air into a “debt bubble”, Mr. Obama, will not solve any problems. There is no Marshall plan to rescue us from the destruction you have brought to this nation. You are such an example. Smoking kills 4.5 million Americans every year. As you smoke and spin, do your mother-in-law's voodoo dance remember that 74 banks have failed this year. FDIC does not have enough money to payoff our losses. Construction is down 70 %. “Cash for Clunkers” will not make those happy who increasingly are unable to pay their mortgages. One of these car dealers, Mr. Obama, is owed $7 million dollars. Lee Iaccoca said long ago, when faced with inept government, “Throw the bums out.” As I have already said, Americans are completely predictable. Wall Street and Madison Avenue knows that. They will continue voting the same insane way. We need the Will Rogers or Mark Twain type. Where is a Bobby Knight who said about discipline, “You do what needs to be done, the best it can be done. And you do your best everyday.”
In this world of electronics, I am convinced that two things are controlling our destiny. It may not be discovered until long after I am gone. But, an enemy of the people, a satanic vehicle in some manner of subliminal perception has so dumbed-damned all those who stayed glued to the television set, (Most adults watch television 6 hours a day.) that through a flicker or something affecting the brain, Americans cannot think anymore. This along with electronic voting machines (neutralizing) and predetermining vote results has established this hierarchy of presidential and congressional slave masters which make the ancient pharaohs appear acceptable. It is imperative to inspire. Things may get worse before they get better.
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