Thursday, November 8, 2012



"If the world from you withhold of its silver and its gold,
And you have to get along with meager fare,
Just remember, in His Word, how He feeds the little bird;
Take your burden to the Lord and leave it there."
Leave It There hymn

            This writer is not responsible for the outcome, I am just the messenger and, I have certainly learned over a long life that many do not want the message.

            My parents, grandparents, relatives were the only republicans in a community infested with rabid democrats.  For 140 years, since 1870, North Carolina ruled by democrats. Of course there was an election, two political parties, as today, but the winner of the democrat primary was always the winner of the state office. Every state office,  from governor to dog catcher was democrat. (Just as the election this week, 2012, republicans have now gained the governorship and both houses of the legislature...first time since the civil war.)

            Republicans knew discrimination. You did not get a job in county or state government unless you were democrat. You could not work for the state highway commission, state hospitals, or even teach in the public schools. One of my mother's sisters, college graduate, could not get a job until WWII when she became a top government employee at the Pentagon. We were all told that if we expected to get a job, have any success in life, we must become a registered democrat. Our fellow human beings considered political party more important than church, civic and fraternal organizations, and even family contacts. The only thing worse than being a republican, to white angry democrats, a black skin. (As a university student, Chapel Hill, I would go to Raleigh and watch meetings of the legislature, at that time meeting in the old capital building. There was not a republican, Native American, women, citizen of color, citizen with disability, in the legislature. All older white men, dividing up the spoils of government and taxation. One old senator, cousin Wayland Spruill, Bertie County, would come into the senate chamber like calling hogs to the trough, "Suey, suey, suey")

            This writer registered and became very active in the democrat party...all the way to becoming President of the state young democrats. Returning from the military, medical officer veteran, at that time a loss of most eyesight, state officer in the JC's, many other activities, as well as democrat politics.

             I was sitting in the coffee shop of the Sir Walter Hotel in Raleigh with governor Terry Sanford (1961-1965) and U.S Representative L.C Fountain ( Tarboro, NC). One said to the other, "Democrats will always control North Carolina, we have the black vote, all government employees, everyone who gets a government check for anything, all minorities. We don't care how the rest vote or what they do." These words burned in my breast as I remembered the screams of pain in the army hospital. Is this what the 126,000 of our fine troops, buried on foreign soil, had died for? I changed my registration to republican. Then until now, despised by democrats because I am outspoken, a real believer in the American promise.

            Two-thousand years on this side of the cross, many of us are still preaching the Christian message. We certainly find that, like patriotism, many profess but few possess...just playing games with God and country.

            Later, having slowly lost all eyesight, still active in many groups, speaking at a Civitan club, I was sitting at a luncheon meeting across from a pastor. He was lamenting at length about his pet dog, the expenses involved with the animal, veterinary bills, etc. I said to him, "Is this what we call unnatural affection?" (2 Timothy 3:3) You see, I have been on the staff of too many military hospitals, seen veterans in too many VA hospitals. Many pastors, politicians, spend more money on their pets than the veteran receives for his service. The conservative writer, Laura Ingraham, said on September 10th, “If you can’t beat Barack Obama with this record, then shut down the party.” This writer has every reason in the world to agree with her. It is past time for real republicans (and I often speak about real Christians), to tell the hierarchy at the RNC, their talking head star wards such as Karl Rove, Dick Morris, Ann Coulter, Donald Trump, etc. to just go away, go home. In the past election season, $6 billion dollars were spent and we have absolutely nothing to show for it. How can any thinking republican continue to support the big wheels of republicanism following this political disaster?

            If you give any money to republican causes, you are afterwards bombarded with mailings, every direction, wanting money. I did send out a little letter explaining my refusal to give anything, anymore for waste. My money has always come too hard. Politics has become a "cash cow" for certain political prostitutes...the Karl Rove's of this world. The money shysters know how to work advertisers, those who know political science, "the corruption and manipulation of numbers."

            Aldous Huxley wrote Brave New World in 1931, a book in which he described future political pornography. It is here, contrived-manipulation. The charlatans of the new world order have taken over. They know how dumbed down the public has become. Birds, with a brain the size of a pea, know when to migrate (Jeremiah 8:7). But, after generations of television viewing, someone else doing their thinking for them, the average voter, particularly those who are welfare dependant, just stumble around like dumb sheep. The research has been done, children, even college graduates, have more restricted vocabulary test scores than 50 years ago. America ranks towards the bottom of the heap in math and science scores. Schools, even universities, have become "ivy halls" of indoctrination and entertainment.

            With prayer and supplication we need to take the condition of our country, its political parties, to God in prayer and "just leave it there." When someone has drowned in a lake, you could take a cadaver dog out into the lake and the dog will find the body. We need to know the death of a political party. We need to know when a political party, a civic organization, has died, no longer affected, not working. I may not be right, but I want my church to be right, my country to be right, my political party to be right. I want my political party to be so right that I can support it with pride, encourage my family and friends to support it and its officers and political candidates running for offic

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