Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Middle Value

Middle Value

            The world has become addicted-accustomed to fraud and phonies. Genuineness is a thing of the past. In the creators magnificent design of the "Good Earth." (Pearl Buck) Minerals of great value were put down deep. You do not find precious stones, just laying around and, the element which has intrigued man kind from the beginning, always of great trading value, gold. When it became too dangerous to carry large amounts of gold with you (nuggets, coins, etc), the practice of fiat paper money started but it was always backed up by gold. Today's fiat paper money is backed up by nothing but thin air. In this time of never before seen debt, duress of the economic system, the money printing presses, particularly in America, are flying...printing out the worthless paper as rapidly as possible to satisfy the rapidly decreasing value of the paper dollars, the rapidly increasing inflation of everything. In Germany's Weimer republic, just before Hitler and the Nazi's took over, in Mugabe's, Zimbabwe, paper money was about as worthless as toilet tissue.

            Almost every news broadcast now is punctuated by an advertisement for gold. We know the history of the "gold rush" in this country, mining of gold in Africa and other countries. Many of us have collected gold coins traveling the world. FDR confiscated private gold accumulations in America in April, 1933 paying $20.67 per ounce. Gold almost disappeared in America, much jewelry produced from other metals. Then, 1971 the " "Nixon Shock" closing the gold window paying $35 an ounce of the remaining gold.  Naturally, other countries "scoffed" up America's gold. Myth is, much gold at Fort Knox, no one knows, like everything else in U.S.A government, no accounting practices, "keep the fools fooled." Today, gold is on the market for $1,700 an ounce. Thousands of jewelry stores, private hotel rooms, have become buyers of scrap gold.  Even Mahalia Jackson's much photographed gold teeth would be a sartorial premium-investment.

            In the deception of our age, leading even to truth in advertising, truth in lending, truth in renting, the economic battles of truth in banking, money value, seem to have escaped truth-voracity. The entire world is about to be set on its head. We know about the counterfeiting of treasury bonds but now comes the counterfeiting of gold bars... gold bars with a veneer of gold, filled with tungsten. On the jewelry street of NYC, 47th street, a dealer paid $18,000 for a 10 ounce gold bar just to find it filled with tungsten which is $1 an ounce. Gold bars are being advertised online, in commerce all over the world, particularly from China. Both China and India have become the world's traffickers in gold. Many have forgotten that if all the world gold, were in one cube, it would only measure 82 feet. All of the gold rescued from the earth per year, would fit into the average living room (about 14 feet)  (

            Today, lines over America, hopeful people buying lottery tickets for a 1/2 billion dollar prize. The tragedy, even though they say otherwise, most do not yet really believe that a prize of eternal life in splendor is a free gift waiting for those who repent of their sins and claim regeneration-rebirth in Jesus Christ. Jesus, father son and Holy Spirit, an indescribable mystery available to everyone with winning ticket, graced by faith plus nothing.

            Children learn jingles on the T.V and radio quicker than anything else. Most remember the Ivory Soap advertisement, "99.9% pure." Certainly anyone buying gold wants pure gold. It is a radical thought but anyone should want purity throughout life, purity in education, purity in legislature, purity in law enforcement, purity in the judiciary, even purity in the relationships between men and women.

            Can we even imagine what life was like before suspecting everything and everyone. Even poor Yasser Arafat, dead for eight years, exhumed because someone failed to adequately test the toxicity of his tissue for poison. When I heard that Arafat had died, the first thought in my mind, 'He was poisoned.'  Poisoning has been warp and woof of the Arab world. Old Testament, Nehemiah, cut bearer to King Nebuchadnezzar, tasted everything before the King ate and drink. King Husain of Jordan, before he died, talked of how many cats had died in his palace tasting his food. It never ceases to amaze me, that human beings, dealing with other fallible human beings, will allow a surgeon known for drunkenness to cut on them, a pharmacist known for drug addiction to compound their medicine.  We eat food with labels of words which we can not pronounce, allow children to be taught by sex pervert teachers and, mystery of all mysteries, actually go to a building which we call worship, where professionals just as corrupted by sin as ourselves...many having not yet experienced the washing of redemption, sing about our savior and talk about his love.  BUT, think on this, the most powerful message I can give you, millions went to the polls in America and voted for the most powerful antichrist force in world history since the Great flood. Can you believe the newest Obama poster showing him in a cheap replica visual posed crucifixion scene? Was it not bad enough for the comedian in Las Vegas to call him 'Lord and savior to the world" ( If this Marxist President has any respect left whatsoever, knowing the Christian heritage of this nation, he would put an end to this antichrist notoriety. Doesn't it shame the Christian churches, both African and white, who know about the real-genuine-pure savior, the church-bride of Christ, represents.  Another new twist toward the antichristian movement in American...another way of making money from religion- one young man has started an "After the Rapture Pet Care" movement with a website and all details. In a genuine-pure effort to show concern for the pets of Christians raptured when Christ returns for his own, for fee, he will care for their pets "left behind."

            Don't feel it strange that unbelievers are making a mockery of your faith, a mockery in the genuineness of anything, even gold.     "That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ" (1 Peter 1:7).

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