Thursday, February 14, 2013

Las Vegas Virus

Las Vegas Virus

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:7).

                        Your writer, born and raised on a farm, knows the importance of mules and horses, always looking forward, there is bridle cupping around the eyes so the animal can not be looking around, but forward. In farming or even at the horse race, you want the animal to concentrate on what's ahead, end of the cropped road, finish line at the race.

            My house looked perfectly normal from the outside, one day I noticed that my floor was unsteady. (The writer is a totally blind veteran.) I had my assistant check the floor. He came back with the diagnosis that this area of my house was eaten up with termites...just waiting to collapse. So it is with governments-churches-lives-insects-viruses-bad habits-addictions, eating away-destroying, many times without our recognizing the symptoms. Our government has been eaten away-slowly destroyed by decadent political behavior (Ephesians 6:12). Our churches, spiritual lives, taken over by the tares sown by Satan and his crowd (Matthew 13:27). How many times does one go to a doctor just to find that the body is being devoured by a virus-cancer-toxin?  "Its the little foxes that spoil the vines" (Sgs 2:15). It is amazing how bad habits, addictions, idol worship, will take over the psyche of a person, how destructive deterioration becomes perfectly acceptable to everyone. How quickly Christians forget that their time is 100% Sabbath, that their wealth is 100% a tithe. By law, God required 1/7th of our time-1/10 of our wealth. By grace through faith, we know that God owns it all, all time, all material wealth.

            Knowing these things, how pathetic that we are so easily manipulated by government. Do you not realize that government is manipulating everything concerning your life, everything to make you totally subservient?  Government manipulating the .com investment bubble, the real estate bubble, the bailout bubble. Now, another cycle, IT HAS ALREADY STARTED, Las Vegas virus of gambling, government manipulation of stock market, DRAWING INVESTORS BACK IN, manipulation of housing market, DRAWING INVESTORS BACK IN...acceptance of the socialism of welfare, entitlements, debt.

            This writer has traveled through most of the world's communist countries. Always, exactly as is being practiced here: government controls of news media, education, regulations involving everything. Then comes just two economic classes, the few very wealthy at the top, the rest very poor. Spiritually, a remnant-few with the struggle toward Heaven, the masses, in free fall toward Hell.

            I hear the question over and over, "Can't people understand what is going on?" The answer, a nation devoid of leadership except for those leaders like Obama and his ilk who, by hook and crook, have risen to the top and will stay there. Their opposition-republicans-conservatives-libertarians, too cowardly, too weak, too intimidated by the media (all politicians-opinion molders-power brokers want the media to love them), by the academics, big bankers, to offer even an alternative. Have we not learned by now, that world's governments are controlled by the big investment and reserved banks? Even the alphabet news media (ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, NPR) depend on the advertisements from corporations and others who depend on the good will of the banks. It has become a matter of political correctness, from every side. Goals, even Heaven, straight ahead, can not be seen because of the looking around paralyzed with fear that someone will not approve. Oh, give us some bridles for some new get their eyes focused straight ahead, a bit in the mouth to control their talking and actions. "Behold, we put bits in the horses' mouths, that they may obey us; and we turn about their whole body" (James 3:3). When will those who have most to lose, hard working, tax paying, God fearing, parents, pastors, patriots, take the reins and direct the political, spiritual leaders we have left toward the goal of national integrity as foreseen by our forefathers, spiritual promises predestined to believers from the very foundation of the world? The followers of Satan caring for nothing-God, family or country, have never cared that they are on the express train to Hell.  Why do we get disturbed when pagans act like pagans? BUT, we have the all powerful right hand of God at our disposal (1 Peter 5:6). More frightening, more concern than national leaders, what has happened to the average person? Don't you notice the total lack of responsibility that professional men, even spiritual leaders show toward their fellow man? This writer does not operate among the movers and shakers of large corporations-legislative chambers. We just see and hear about politicians and their escapades with under age prostitutes, pilfering and thieving in large piles of investment money. Mr. Average Joe, like me, experiences the lack of morality in dealing with tenants (stealing property, ignoring lease agreements). (One of my tenants, bound by lease, flight by night, just left my building with the keys locked inside, no notice of moving, nothing. Another tenant, moving out of a house taking my furnishings, rugs, curtains, etc.) Has the lack of integrity-discipline-character in leadership seeped into the lower echelons of business and professional life? Is there any such thing as professionalism anymore? Pay attention to your treatment by lawyers, doctors, even restaurateurs. Our deliverance-redemption, as with those in bondage, leaving Egypt, the precious lamb called Jesus, his blood (in Egypt blood over the door), and we like the children of Israel escape the death angel. Rejoice in your salvation, memorialize at the Lord's table. Pray for those who have never recognized the virus of their deception. To those who know the liberty found in Jesus Christ (John 8:32), why go to Hell on the caboose, why not first class?

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