Thursday, February 7, 2013

Rippling Effect

(This writer at the South Pole)

Rippling Effect

            This writer has spent productive time visiting both the Arctic and the Antarctic aboard exposition ships...often having to cut through ice.

            The difference between the two poles: the North Pole, a large body of water surrounded by land, South Pole, a large body of land surrounded by water. Both bottom and top of the earth, 250,000 square miles of ice, glaciers made up of snowflakes-ice crystals, no two alike. For the unbeliever, those who thrill with the nanotechnology of the computer, they have not even begun to approach the threshold of God's ability to design. The Antarctic, animal life, never hunted-scared, does not mind the intrusion of man. You can walk right up to a bird's nest, count the eggs under her.

            Totally different in the Arctic. The Inuit (Eskimos) have hunted the animals. This writer has photographs of polar bears, walrus', but they must be taken from a long distance because the animals have a great fear of man. (A father polar bear was hunting fish with his polar bear son. In their conversation, the son asked the father, "Are you sure I am a polar bear?" The father said, "Yes, for many generations I can trace you back as a polar bear both in your paternal and maternal ancestry." The polar bear son said, "Father I do not believe you because I am freezing out here.") Only the most stupid of human beings could believe in evolution. God created everything, its kind, with magnificent design. Almost beyond belief, billions of human beings who have lived on earth, both before Noah's flood and afterwards, no two alike. I have had identical twins as patients, their DNA so precisely the same, yet they were different. No two human beings have the same finger prints, iris flecks in their eyes, voice.

            Psychology, a relatively knew discipline of thought, a pseudo profession, would have you believe that genus homo-mankind can be compared to the species of lower animals-living by twisting and turning, genetic mutations, instinct behavior, products of breeding.

            The social engineers, and they certainly know better (prisons, asylums, public housing), would have you just enjoy life taking no thought for relationships, responsibilities. The first objective of communism, to destroy all belief in the eternal, the absolutes of right and wrong-good and evil. From the deluge-destruction of everything mankind has historically considered civilized you place every person on the same level: comradeship. The comrade doctor makes about the same salary as the comrade janitor. There is no room for self propelled excellence, no valedictorian of a class. You forget profits, the esteem of accomplishment.

            It is not difficult to lead union industrial workers, farm workers into this area of thinking....government housing, government stores, government transportation. It becomes a little more difficult converting academicians, even school teachers who like to be better paid for their harder work. It is with the nationalizing of health care (Britain's National Health service, Chinese workers party, now Obamacare) that the doctors, nurses, medical technicians who have sweated through long years-long hours preparing, knowing the satisfaction of accomplishment, the trouble starts. But, as the university specialist told me, the first time I attended a meeting where government Medicare was discussed, "Once you start taking government money for healthcare, you will continue if you expect to keep a government issued license." So it is with everyone who has taken government entitlements, including social security. Every one of those government green checks, every one of those government fiat bills, are signed by a government bureaucrat. "What the government gives, the government can take away." If you participate in the jamboree, you dance to the tune the government plays.

            The easiest place for government to gain control of the lives of once free citizens of a democrat republic, not the state house, not the court house, not the school house, the church house.

            The creator of this universe giving mankind liberty, spirit of life, sent his only "begotten son" to pay for our redemption-freedom, a gift.

            In God's fountain of life, ocean of mercy, most believers have never learned that life is constant warfare. Once you believe in Christ, you are in the sights of Satan...a sitting duck. Even those occupying church pews never realize that we are in constant conflict with "Principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high [places]" (Ephesians 6:12). Most have never realized that to survive the political powers of darkness controlling this world, one must put on the whole armor of God, and then stand in combat mode, digging in, facing the power of darkness. Without the whole armor of God, we do not have a chance. Eve, the serpent, the garden, did not have a chance. The spirit of God, righteousness of Christ in us, makes the difference. "Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world" (1 John 4:4).

            In writer C.S Lewis', Screwtape Letters, Uncle Screwtape, in Hell, said to nephew Wormwood, "They do not even realize that demons are around them."

            IF as in a ripple effect, those who say they believe in God, actually believed, abortion-same sex marriage-destruction of military by the gay agenda-destroying of scouting, health, would be handled by the church (the bride of Christ). A real Christian pastor would warn people about health, eating correctly, staying away from junk, staying away from the poisons of pornography, addictive social drugs, the pollutants from the air. (Air so polluted from earthquakes, chemicals, that most vegetables are toxic.) 

            In this writer's long black night (blindness), I have much time to think. The television is a sewer to you, the radio a companion to me. I can not see it but I can smell and hear the rippling effect of Satan's movements vibrating across the earth and around the world. When our blessed Lord gave his disciples what we call the Lord's prayer, he said, "Lead us not into temptation" (Matthew 6:13). This writer believes, just as important, to not put temptation into another person's path. I do not understand why Satan's conquest has been so easy. Cling to the thought that others had the faith to live through tough times. Even Jesus himself said, " These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world" (John 16:33).

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