Wednesday, February 27, 2013



The LORD [is] my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD [is] the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid (Psalm 27:1)?

            In the historic prĂ©cis, Isaiah's Job, Albert Jay Nock states, "Even the greatest mind can not possibly know everything."

            But he went on to say, that those who have not seen mankind, masses over the world, can not possibly understand what has happened. This writer, world traveler through every continent, although totally blind, attempts to explain what my other senses have evoked.

            Traveling through communist countries (Russia, China, etc), police controlled states (Sayshals, Chili, etc.) you find a people who do not have standards of conduct-worthless-depraved are easy to control. I can state without fear of contradiction that only Christian nations have enjoyed what civilized people call success. Tyrants have always feared the doctrines possessed in freedom characterized by Jesus Christ. TYRANTS-DICTATORS FEAR TRUTH. (John 8:32)  Yet, even the world's best know Christian nation (America declared a Christian nation by the supreme court 1799-1892), has sunk into the mire of unbelief. Janet Reno, attorney general under Bill Clinton stated "Any person believing in the second coming of Jesus Christ is dangerous, has mental problems."  Perhaps this is the reason she could stand by so casually during the Waco and Oklahoma City massacre by federal officials.

            Unbelievers and to some extent, believers, are always putting God on trial. If I were God, I would give these pagan people something to talk about since they seemingly have trouble understanding, floods, earthquakes, blizzards, disease, etc. Perhaps he needs to send several fast-exploding-bright meteors into all parts of the world instead of just Russia. ($33 million dollars in damage, 1,500 injured, exploding meteor hitting Chelyabinsk, Russia. This writer crossed Lake Baikal, Siberia, one of the world's largest lakes when the lake was frozen solid (12,248 square miles and 5,387 feet deep, created by a meteor). Not far, Tunguska knocked down nearly 80 million trees when an object from space landed, over an area covering 2,150 square miles, to this day, still smoking and  enlarging in size. How many citizens know about the Yellowstone volcano in this country, very active, 50 miles across?  How many Christians know about the Sea of Galilee where our blessed Lord spent most of his life here on earth, 17 miles wide, 39 miles in length. Admit it, from our puritan-pilgrim ancestors landing here seeking God's blessings in freedom, just wanting opportunity, we have become a profane society, a culture vented in decadence.

            Absolute values, moral scruples, the foundation of all spiritual principles (Judeo- Christian faith), no longer nurtured by political forces, pastors of the gospel, or even concerned parents.

            In other articles, I have spoken of my long time service as a military medical officer. At the women's army core center of the army (WACS, Fort McClellan) where I was on staff at the army hospital, I filled in for psychological-sociological doctors. From the post stockade to the emergency room, a constant flow of psychological disorders.

            I will never forget her, every time I am in a dark closet I think of her, an 18-year-old WAC from a drug infested, sexually stupefied home. Her first words to me, "My mother was a zombie. As a small child, she would lock me in a closet for days. I kept my nose down at the bottom of the door where I could breathe air from the other room and occasionally see light coming under the crack under the door. She had a cat which was fed regularly, but not me. My tears or screams did not bother her." Later, this girl was put in a foster home where she was treated more like a slave or animal than a person but she put up with the abuse because something else might be worse. The later, a relative helped her enlist in the army.

            In the military, in hospitals across this nation, stories like these are more expected than the exception.

            My aunt was dietician at the O'Berry Center (neuro-medical unit for children) Goldsboro, NC. She told me how these macro cephalic, micro cephalic, other thrown away children with multiple defects where treated...children who knew nothing about anything, scolded-whipped, for things which they did not even understand. Much like the Cherry Hospital, right across the highway, Goldsboro, long time known as the asylum for negro insane where until recent years the basics of eugenics were practiced (surgical removal of reproductive organs, male and female).  I knew a psychiatrist at Dorothy Dicks Hospital, Raleigh, NC. (In another article I have described my aunt Lizzy, placed there because her brothers and sisters wanted this single woman's land. She was sane when she was placed there but very insane at her death.) The psychiatrist told me that those placed in these Dead Pits (movie 1989), "If they could chose, would chose death." He said, "One can not even imagine the horror stories of most mental hospitals. I don't know what they did before the use of tranquillizers." The greatest tragedy, children caught in these treatment Hell holes of restraint. BUT, children are not supposed to act like children, mature as children. Public schools have become a display case of drug use (psychotropic medications).

            It is a tough time to be a Christian but just think how much tougher it is for the unbeliever, those without hope. The great writer Malcolm Muggeridge said, "The mission of Christianity, to instill hope in those who are hopeless."

            We will never understand why the innocent must suffer, the disabled, most of us would give anything not to be disabled (your writer is a totally blind, 100% disabled army medical officer of the Korean war). Think of the 53 million beautiful babies killed before ever experiencing the first breathes of life. I think of Ogden Nash's poem as he described his dislike for little boys because little boys grow up and are attracted to his little girls.

            Assembling in your threads of life experiences, the many knots on the back of the carpet, one remarkable gold thread of truth permeates-enhances all the colors. It is the truth that throughout life a ticket or passport or some other method of showing payment is always demanded before entrance. We don't care what the heathen think. The Christian has his passport stamped, his tickets all marked "Paid in full."

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