Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Enigma of Rationality

No man is an island
Entire of itself,
Every man is a piece of the continent, 
A part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less
As well as if a promontory were.
As well as if a manor of thy friends
Or of thine own were:
Any mans death diminishes me,
Because I am involved in mankind,
And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls;
-John Donne

The world, particularly western civilization has fallen into a cauldron of irrationality

Our world is seized by the idol of appearance. Nothing rational about this enigma, it is always a matter of LOOKS. 

This writer is an eye doctor. I was always amazed, with the ophthalmoscope The clearness of the interior of a child's eye. The child must be about five years of age before the eyes start focusing correctly. The pairs of muscles attached to the child's ocular structure must learn to work correctly, if not you have what the average person sees as "cross eyed"(Most parents and teachers want the child to read to young. The child does not have the hand-eye coordination to handle this delicate process before the age of five. Most parents likewise, allow the child to sit to close to the television and we have an epidemic of myopia, nearsightedness. There space-world comes in and it takes an artificial concave lens to push it back out were it belongs).

Two of the worlds great politicians are eye doctors, Dr. Rend Paul, and Dr. Bashar al-Assad. president of Syria. Too many doctors forget they are scientists. Dr. Assad is condemned as a killer of Syrians but, he does not permit foods with GMO'S (genetically modified organisms) in the foods of his country. It is much like the rationality of Big-Pharma in America spending big bucks on "erectile dis-function" while three-thousand African children die from malaria everyday.  It is much like Obama speaking of the death of innocent  "Our counter terrorism efforts have prevented attacks and saved innocent lives both here in America and around the world and that determination to protect innocent lives only makes the loss of these two men especially painful." This writer is concerned about this pretender-presidents unconcern about the three-thousand innocent babies killed-aborted in this nation each and every day. The irrationality of abortion, the killing of any innocence both young
and old is a matter to which god will hold him, as well as this nation to account. 

I heard 19 trillion used the first time this morning. Our nation is 19 trillion dollars in debt... Money that can not, and will not ever be repaid. 

Each morning, when I am putting on my necktie, without fail, I hear the large mobilized street sweeper in the street in front of my house (This old soldier still wears a necktie everyday). The streets are swept everyday including Sunday, same time every morning... 7 am. So irrational, appearance of streets, little attention of what goes on off the streets. Same block, college student killed for the few dollars in his pocket. Have you noticed that every housing project, streets so clean, lawns and grass manicured around the housing project, WHO DO WE THINK WE ARE IMPRESSING? God, each other, he knows and we surely know the basis for our problems, here, Iraq, Baltimore or anywhere else. "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?" (Jeremiah 17:9). You can bath, perfume, put lipstick on a sow, but she is still a hog. 

Read all the books, study all the charts, listen to all the experts, but the bottom line, age, particularly old age, is the cause of every disease. If you go to your doctor sick, make sure you look sick. 

William Cowper hymn writer, (There is a fountain filled with blood) wrote in one hymn, "God moves in mysterious ways his wonders to perform." Cowper, minister, hymn writer, suicidal, on the brink of insanity most of his life. To those who knew him he probably appeared normal. Your congressman probably appears normal but, for the salary of 175-thousand he makes a year, he must spend two-million dollars to gain his congressional seat. The next president will spend two billion dollars to gain the presidents salary which pays an average of four-hundred-and-sixty-thousand. Most politicians- bureaucrats, seek office or get appointments in order to be near the government money. Much of it winds up in their pockets. Have you ever written down how many government services you get for the taxes you pay? You can write a list of these services on a very small piece of paper. It is all appearance, looks. We have these large government buildings, all these firetrucks, police cars, and we think we are getting something for our money. President Roosevelt conducted WWII with one secretary. Now, as of 2014 the executive branch has 2,079 employees. 

49% of Americans get a government check, of some type. It might be a check from welfare, student aid, housing, military or other retirement. It just looks good, if everyone looks good. When Jesus nourished the ground around the Sea of Galilee with his feet, the world was under Roman rule, Roman slavery. Yet, even Jesus, god in man, creator of the universe, said, "For ye have the poor always with you" (Matthew 26:11). 

Off the clean streets, the manicured lawns and public places, inside most communities life is like that in an internment camp. Most of us are just striving to survive. As on the College-University campus, their are those who have the financial largess to "hang out" at a fraternity house. In my city, many citizens can "hang out" at the country club or golf course. But most of us are just striving to survive. 

Recently, in my city, a long living- hard working- god fearing grand-mother died. In order to get her checks, (SS, housing, food stamps, etc.) her daughter just left her in her bed, dead. She would go in each day and spray her with a disinfectant- deodorizer. Grand-mother slowly dried up, but a grand-child "let the cat out the bag." A fireman told me that in the welfare ghettos of New York City, almost every closet contains a dead "old cadaver", covered in lime. What is the answer, the longest distance in the world, that fourteen inches from the human brain to the human heart, "Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life" (John 6:68)


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