Tuesday, April 7, 2015


"If the world were made of gold, gold would, be the only thing that we could not know, since there would be nothing for us to oppose it to; nothing to which to compare it, no notion of it, and yet gold would be the only thing that we would truly know, for only gold would be in truth, the truth of all beings, being itself."
- Plato: Timaeus

Skeptics, Atheists, Unbelievers, often must recalibrate their thinking in order to determine who or what to trust. Holocaust survivor Victor Frankl said that in order to end the horrors of the Holocaust, all a survivor had to do was to start running towards the fence.

The goal of Christianity is not behavior modification, if this were it, we would not need Jesus. The goal of Christianity is not a checklist: actions you can do, and actions you cannot do. 

Most of us have no idea about the holiness of God, the depth of his righteousness. According to Aristotle, a fish that had never been out of water does not know what it is like to be wet. There are generations of American's, particularly those in California experiencing the worst drought in that states history, who have never known water from a well. 

The enemy of the Gospel is moralism and legalism, and most people think this is what Christianity is all about. Christianity is not complicated, just tough. Most Christians I have known have never realized the depths of grace, mercy and the forgiveness of God. The Christian too must recalibrate their thinking. Do you really think that when God looks at you, through his spectacles of righteousness, he sees Jesus?

The average church member does not realize the shallowness of his own mind, his own Christian belief. We mere mortals, mere Christians, just stumble along thinking we know something about the bible, God's word, God's answer book, God's manufacturers handbook. Most of my family members, associates, neighbors could not quote more than a few verses of scripture from the bible. The ancient Hebrews could quote all of the old testament. They would stand at attention when the Jewish law was quoted to them. The 21st century Jewish cinogauges attempt to read the entire old testament each year, however, they always leave out one chapter. They always leave out the 53rd chapter of Isiah, the most precious words from God to Jew or gentile. We are all attracted to an attractive religion, a cookbook type behavior. We want salvation on our terms. Don't expect me to act, dress or speak different from my unsaved friends and associates. They might call me a religious zealot, fanatic, radical; but we know what happens to those people even in foreign lands where we think we need to bomb the hell out of them to set them free. 

In this writers science studies, in the field of chemistry, I liked analytical chemistry best because it was a cookbook type science, it did not take much thinking. Like a cookbook, you follow certain procedures. To find a chemical unknown you look for a certain color (have you ever noticed the beautiful colors when you burn a log in the fireplace - chemicals in the wood giving off their color?).

In CS Lewis's book: Screw Tape Letters, Old Uncle Devil writes letters to his nephews, Young Devils. He tells them not to worry about being discovered: that most of these believers are trying to trap you, they do not believe that devil even exist.

In the 21st century world, when 72% of our young people, even those raised in church going homes say they do not believe in God, a time when 47% of our young people do not believe in the future of America, when will churches start believing. We have the hoax - tyrant - pretender in the white house now, because Baptists and Catholics voted for him. Baptists and Catholics have the numbers to elect any one president; you see what they did the last two elections? 

I heard a famous Violinist interviewed; he was asked about his greatness in music.
 I will never forget his answer: "I first feel the music in my soul, then it comes out in the instrument." Pretentious Christianity is so easy. It is so easy to say "I am praying for you." This old blind man often hears the words "please let me know if there is anything I can do for you." I wish these people would pray for me. I wonder if there has been any prayers for rain in the state of California? 

When I was a child in times of drought, in times when the crops were parched in the fields; Christian people would gather at the church and pray for rain. The rains always came in God's good time, often just before you thought everything was gone. It was amazing to see revitalized crops. When you have agriculture departments, you have what agriculture agents can do. When you have university educated chemists, you have what universities can do. When you have planes flying around attempting to make rain, you have what planes can do. All this man made knowledge usually amounts to nothing. But, when you have prayer, you have what God can do. Rain-water is God's greatest blessing to this earth. There has never been any evidence that life can form spontaneously. There is no evidence that plants or animals can live without water. There is no evidence that numelism effects God. Even at the church house I have become so disgusted, these times of hugging and hand shaking during the service. Children's sermons, drums and drama, anthems and choruses, anything to lighten the heaviness of God's sacred word: "New world theology."

Soon, they will bury Dr.Robert Shooler, of the famed Crystal Cathedral and his Prosperity Gospel. The internet will show you pictures of the homes of Joel Osteen or Kenneth Copeland. The greatest witchcraft on earth is Hollywood, their mansions. Why should men and women who are supposed to represent the purity of Christ, entangle with the temptation of "mansion living." God must have a hard time understanding the mere mortals on this earth who say that they believe in him. 

When I was a child just down the road from us lived a family with a totally disabled child. I still do not know or understand the situation. I do know, that the child never developed. When you passed the home the child would be tied into a chair, in the sun, on the porch. The mother of this child attended our church. Her husband, Mr.John would take her to the church and be there at the end of service to pick her up. He never went inside the church house. One of his "normal" sons, told me that his father never went inside the Church, was not a believer, because he could not comprehend the situation, his deformed child, a wife who supported the church and people in the church, "church members" who never visited the family or tried to help them out in any way. The son told me that the pastor of the church, had never been to their home. Surely you would agree, that there should have been a re-calibration in that community.

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