Friday, October 7, 2016

#1882 Abstractions and Addictions


Abstractions and Addictions

"When the solution is simple, God is answering."  - Albert Einstein

If, riches were fishes then no one would go hungry.  If, every human being in the world were the same, biologically-physically-spiritually, then there would be no judging of one another.  If, Satan does not exist, and for two hundred years schools-colleges-media have persuaded people that he does not exist, then there are no absolutes about anything.  If, we prefer to live in a virtual world rather than a real world and we know that many students graduate from high school without being able to read, why put instructions on a drug store prescription?  Why put up a sign "Beware of Dog"?  Is this the reason the uneducated listen to music lyrics that just have a beat?  If, "face value"-first appearance is all important...the car you drive, the clothes your wear, your membership-appearance in certain clubs-groups that make you look good...why would you put dependence in physicians-pastors-politicians?  Even atheists, matters in our universe that even scientists and the most intelligent among us have trouble explaining: therefore God. 

With your abstractions and addictions, find time for solitude and the exercising of your mind.  Only two matters determine your health: the nutrition you put in your body, the toxins you remove from your body, the same applies to your mind.  Early in life, we should learn to enrich our mind, as well as detoxify the mind.  The mind of man is the most intricate creation of God (Einstein) AND, if the intestine-digestive system of man determines health then, can you understand the importance of what you put into your body for digestion in your intestine...just as important, what enters your mind.  We have all seen the results of "Stinking Thinking".  Omnipotent God, creating somethingness from nothingness rested after creating the world and everything in it.  God did not need rest but as in everything else, gave us the example.  All my life, I have pitied hardworking people who could not rest and sleep on a decent mattress.  I witnessed very sick patients suffering on "mats".  In Africa, so called hospitals, patients laying on the floor...their families "camping" outside the hospital so they could care for the patient...cook for the patient...I will never forget all that smoke from cooking campfires. 

Too many of us were just voyeurs of the world.  I am convinced that God wanted me to witness it but I have certainly found that comfortable Americans do not want to hear the stark reality of what I witnessed..."out of sight, out of mind".  Adding to their addictions and abstractions, Americans, and I am ashamed to say my family and friends, those with whom I come in contact, feel that there is an eventual technology that will solve every problem.  Do we really think that the smart phone, the talking box (TV), the computer, horrid chemicals in plastics (the cause of much cancer, chemicals leaching from plastic) have made the world better?

The world's problems are your fault.  The physician-pastor-politician wants you to think that their purpose is to advise you that you are the abuser, the cause of your illness, the cause of your spiritual decline, the cause of your country's defeat.  Most of us are just working as hard as we can tap dancing to the tune that the media and the powerbrokers dictate.  The world is full of magic bullets, voting a certain way, fulfilling obligations to church and community, spending for treatments not cures.  They fed us on the magic bullet of antibiotics and now we discover that these antibiotics just helped create super germs: that 80% of antibiotics used in livestock feed (and livestock use the ground for their bathroom) now pollute our water systems.  Imagine this; some bacteria NOW can live on antibiotics as their only food.  Most illnesses are caused by viruses; antibiotics have no affect on a virus. 

Chemicals in the human body are alive, why would you put dead food-synthetic materials in your body?  It makes more sense to take nothing, for nutrition or for medication, then to take something that is old or rancid.  We have no idea how long many food stuffs have been stored.  In mainland China, food was being grown right up to the cement on highways, there were never any of these acres of grass, that which must be mowed at taxpayers' expense around great highway intersections.  All this land in China is used for the production of live food.  In the USA, sixty one thousand square miles of arable land is covered by parking lots.  Each year, thousands of acres of farm land become cement for great highway intersections.  Even, recent years, a love affair with corn products to make ethanol, to burn in cars, when so much of the world's population is hungry and, with that as with many other sins, we think that God has turned a blind eye.  THE ROAD TO HEALTH IS PAVED WITH GOOD INTESTINES.  Everyday, in my prayers, I ask God to let the millions of hungry children and refugees, barred from their homes by warfare, know that someone is concerned about them.  

I remember so well, the old-fashioned Christmas tree lights, light bulbs in series, if one bulb was defective, all the lights would go out.  One doctor's appointment kills a day, how much better such time could be spent by your reading-studying the aspects of healthy living.  The cancer epidemic came on with the invention of plastic, this old, blind, veteran remembers the first plastic.  The leaching of these chemicals, from plastic (plastic is made of exotic chemical compounds) hot drink cups, plastic wrapped meats, bottles of water have caused the epidemic of cancer-diabetes-senile dementia.  When was the last time your doctor asked you about your food, what you eat, regularity at the bathroom, how much rest you get?  Drugs bring in the money.  The American public wants everything faster and food, large buns-steaks-pizzas-drinks.  Digestion and mastication determines the health of your intestines, learn to relax, eat slowly.  The life you save may be your own.

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