Thursday, October 20, 2016

#1889 Tabloid Fodder


Tabloid Fodder

(Christian church aflame in Mosul)

"Sweet Dream" by Eurythmics

     I travel the world
     And the seven seas,
     Everybody's looking for something.
     Some of them want to use you
     Some of them want to get used by you
     Some of them want to abuse you
     Some of them want to be abused.

Who can predict the future on this Earth, much less understand it.  I get so tired of hearing people say, "Just move on."  When faced with any problem-terrible calamity, we are not interested in finding a solution, just moving away from the problem.  Most of us just move in circles.  It is the experience of this "seasoned" citizen that the greatest characteristic of human behavior, one's fight to keep his identity.  We are all more than one dimensional, capable of accomplishments beyond our comprehension.  BUT, I have found that there is a change in mental attitude about every twenty years:  At age 20, we are engorged with optimism.  By age 40, our entire "raison de'etre" (reason for being) is personal ambition.  At age 60, buffed and buffeted by the "stones and arrows of this world" we have become cynical.  By age 80, we approach our "sunset" with resignation. 

When the god's were handing out genes, there was much inequity.  Left in the cornfield, after harvest of the ears of grain, dead stalks and leaves, which we call, fodder...many of us feel like fodder...we were not blessed with the genes of ancestral DNA, good looks, sharp minds, the gravitas of charisma. 

Thoughts become a training ground; all babies were cuddly and beautiful...great expectations for their lives.  All do not turn out that way, measured, more or less, as fodder.  With all the opportunities afforded by America, we have more men in prison than any other country, and there are many female convicts.  Noone plans for imperfections...we all think we are going to get there.  The fashion magazines, show every woman as trim-vivacious, a real knockout.  It took Lane Bryant's store and catalogs to inform us that there are still some fat girls. 

This world traveler has witnessed the corruption and low standards of many nations, the way their people suffer because of evil, self-centered leaders.  But, in those nations where they can vote and in America where we should vote, we still have our ideals of integrity in government.  We have reached a place that we really don't expect it anymore, it's like having your life wrapped up in a pet, knowing the short lifespan of a pet. 

Most parents I know have dreams for their children and are willing to make the sacrifices.  If you want to see real sacrifice-dreams-devotion, look at those parents who have children who are disabled-retarded-etc.  These children need love too, perhaps more love than any others.  Most of the time these children, who many will consider fodder; will not bring you the fulfillment you desire (college degrees-grandchildren-independence).  This world traveler is thinking much these days about Mosul in Iraq the ancient city of Nineveh where Jonah preached.  It is the scene of the oldest Christian inhabitance on Earth.  Now, with the onslaught of ISIS, old Christians in nursing homes are being killed (beheaded) because they cannot run from the enemy like young Christians, they are real victims. 

The greatest legacy of "Bombing Obama" is total chaos in the Middle East.  In spite of Muslim tyranny, Saddam Hussein kept a lid on all radical zeal...even one of his ministers, a Christian, Tariq Aziz.  The bludgeoning eye doctor, Bashar al-Assad, President of Syria, kept a lid on the Christian "holy lands" of Syria.  Most people do not know that Damascus, the oldest Christian city, is just 150 miles from Jerusalem.  Muslim religious zealots, the three factions, Shi'a, Sunni, and the Kurds, so little love for one another, as was the case with the Iraq/Iran war of 1989.  Just kill one another like useless fodder. 

Who are Americans to judge?  I was at that concert in Birmingham, Alabama, when Klu Kluxers tried to attack that marvelous black singer, Nat King Cole.  Famous Democrat, Police Chief, Bull O'Connor, said, speaking of Birmingham, "I will keep this city segregated or die trying."  This 86 year old writer still remembers the excitement when some saw a black female driving a car for the first time, "Who does she think she is?" 

Oh the insanity of not caring, the elitist regarding their underlings as fodder.  Do you know that there is more money spent on baldness research than finding the cure for malaria?  I have spent my life preaching about the folly of hospitals...patients sick enough to be in a hospital and hospitals allowing visitors who bring in germs...even worse, hospitals with draperies-overstuffed chairs-carpets every bacteria known to man harboring-arming ready to attack a helpless person. 

If you were chosen for life by God, you're one of a kind.  Of the billions who have lived on this Earth (about 7 billion today) no other person has your fingerprints-the iridial flecks of your eyes-your voice like snowflakes or sands on the seashore you are one of a kind...beautiful in your own identity.  

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