Thursday, October 13, 2016

#1884 Jezebel Clinton


Jezebel Clinton


"Look the average Democrat voter is just plain stupid.  They are easy to manipulate.  That's the easy part."  - Hillary Clinton as told to Dick Morris in "Rewriting History" 2005

This writer, unlike many of his family members, friends, associates has never been ashamed of talking about his humble beginnings...raised like a peasant in the poverty of an Eastern North Carolina tobacco farm, dirt road, no power, phone, or water lines.  Yet, my ancestry were landowners, can one even imagine the destitution of the tenant farmers and racial minorities of that time in our history?  But, we are not stuck where we start.

As peasants, cash crops, cotton and tobacco, my parents would carefully prepare the tobacco leaves for market...taking the tobacco to a warehouse where it was auctioned.

I well remember, on our trek to the tobacco auction market, we would pass the large country club with its great green golf courses.  The men would be walking around in strange outfits.  My father would say, "They are different than us, very rich men in town."  He never told us that the brother (well known lawyer) of his own grandfather (a well known preacher) founded the country club.  My parents were intent on making sure that their children knew the work and solace of hands.  In this writer's "claims" to intelligence, nothing has amazed me more...even in studying intricate hands in Gray's Anatomy the musculature neurology of the hands.  Can one even attempt to describe the intricacies involved-hand eye coordination when using the hands with musical instruments (playing the piano), surgery, giving comfort to anyone?  Do you still remember the touch of your mother's hands on your forehead when she was determining your fever?

Shakespeare talked about the hands in his play Macbeth , (2.2.61) Lady Macbeth who had participated in the murder of a king.  She continued to wash her hands day after day she said, "Will all the water in the ocean wash this blood from my hands?"

In 1938, the great movie Jezebel starring Bette Davis and Henry Fonda, is it not amazing that most great movies result from epics in the Bible?  Is it not amazing that the creator of the world and everything in it wrote a book?  Is it not amazing that recorded in that book, a scene showing the despicable-evil, political wife of King Ahab, Jezebel, on the orders of the prophet Elijah being thrown from a balcony and killed?  The scripture tells us that the dogs ate all of her body except her hands.  (2 Kings 9:30-37).  In the movie, Jezebel states that she has evil hands.

This writer has traveled every continent of the world, shaking and touching the hands of many people, I can tell so much by a person just by their handshake.  To a working man, I always say, "I love to shake the hands of a man who works."  When I look a woman's hands, some manicured, some rough from a life of work, some with polished nails, some with clawing nails, it is easy to determine women who have spent their time at the card table or at the cooking-work table...some hands spent moving lappers-looms...hands of men that fitted a shovel or hammer more than a golf club.  In all the beauty of the world, there is nothing more beautiful than the hands of a small child, no matter what sex, color, or social advantage.  I have written about this before, one of the most horrific images in my brain, my experience in an Army hospital operating room, witnessing an abortion, those little hands being taken from the body of the mother. 

Your writer, since childhood, was a voyeur of America's political system.  I well remember all of our presidents, since FDR.  As poor as we were, my father always subscribed to the newspaper and this small child, read every page.  I read Eleanor Roosevelt's column, "My Day".  I so remember Harry Truman, when he told his audience that Thomas E. Dewey spoke from both sides of his mouth.  There have been some awful "clods" elected as president; no worse example of a man's "decadence" than Lyndon Johnson, no more ill prepared for such an office as the peanut farmer, Jimmy Carter, or the womanizer, Bill Clinton.  This nation will never recover from the indecencies of its first mulatto president, Barack Obama.  I was sitting across a luncheon table from the president of a Christian college, much to my shock; he told me that he voted for Obama...that he thought such a young, intelligent man would be a good change.  I did not think this man would be elected the first time, much less the second time.  I could not believe that black people could support such obvious ineptness and lack of concern not only for his own race but for the welfare of the world.  It is beyond comprehension that anyone with normal intelligence cannot see the self serving addiction of this man and his wife.  He has doubled the national debt, made the world a hodgepodge of terrorism.  He has made life even worse for his own race.  Only one word aptly describes this man, the personification of hypocrisy or a destroyer.

Now, and I truly believe this is a matter of his own public display, I believe his personal feelings are very different (I think he actually despises the Clintons), he pushes the presidential candidacy of another evil woman, Hillary Clinton.

I was in Argentina during the reign of the Perons, I still remember the huge building where evil reigned, making life for those people miserable.  My guide told me that the Perons were sending most of the wealth of Argentina into storage for themselves.  Argentina has never recovered from the rule of Juan and Eva Peron.  

Books have been written about the character of Hillary Clinton...her struggle for power, her foul mouth, and her willingness to indulge and endure anything from a worthless-impeached-womanizing-pervert husband William Clinton.  It is obvious that she will do anything, say anything to obtain a pinnacle of power.  The tragedy, that 50% of the American population is willing and ready to support such tragic treason.  In the book, American Evita by Christopher Anderson, “Fu!c$ off!  It’s enough I have to see you shit-kickers every day!  I’m not going to talk to you, too!  Just do your G#@$amn job and keep your mouth shut.”  (Hillary to her State Trooper bodyguards after one of them greeted her with “Good Morning.”)  Books have been filled with the way this one woman has degraded the people of this nation and, now, she wants to rule us.  When will the American people regain their common sense? 

The Republican Party, which I once supported, has become a spineless blob of jello.  At least, "ruling" Republicans had enough sense to want to keep her from getting into power.  Seventeen ran for the office of president, one man with all his flaws, Donald Trump, succeeded in gaining more Republican primary votes than any other Republican candidate in history.  YOU DO NOT ASK MUCH ABOUT THE RELIGIOUS-EMPIRCAL STATUS OF A PLUMBER WHEN HE COMES TO UNPLUG YOUR TOILET.  "Poor Donald, with all his expertise-money-vibrato must run not just against Hillary and her Godless Democrats but against a Democrat controlled news media AND,  even worse, the fakery and fraud of a pretending republican party.  Most rhino Republicans can get very religious, when it comes to saving their own skins-keeping their own bank funds-prestige but can get very wispy-sissy when it comes to the foxholes necessary for warriors to save their country.  This writer learned to despise the Democrat Party, many years ago, witnessing a 140 year rule of the state of North Carolina.  Their "gospel" led by Josephus Daniels and his paper, their Bible, the Raleigh News and Observer, Democrat control.  This meant, you did not get a job where any tax money was involved unless you were a Democrat...schoolteacher, roadwork, state hospital, or college work.  You could not drive a school bus unless a Democrat.  Just imagine what it was like for a Republican-black-disabled person to get anything from a Democrat official.  Why o' why would black people flock in lockstep to vote for a Democrat?

Jezebel had nothing on Hillary or Eva, these woman were married to weak, gutless men.  There is nothing wrong with a woman in secular power...Golda Meir of Israel, Thatcher of England, the several queens of Holland.  The world needs a woman of integrity, America does not need Hillary.

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